Is a program for a specific (but can be adjusted to be multi-purpose) thats it's linked to this repo as it has a relation to the final goal.
Is to use this software to create realistic screenshots of a class or a meeting (needed for logs) along a very big period of time, from a starting date till the end of a class. The software tries to re-create a zoom meeting or a teams meeting, by just changing the content of the presented-teacher screen and the time on right bottom of Windows 10.
It uses a "Segoe UI Semilight" font (that is the exact variation of Win10 to generate dd-mm-yyyy and hh-mm to print them on the png screenshot. All other stuff is generally modifiable.
- This will be a static image that will NOT irritate among /per day loops.
- This folder will contain the source of base images (as per presenter window share screen view) and will go as 1-1 by per hour as along with dates. So for example a date from 10-01-2024 to 11-01-2024 from 10:00 to 12:00 with 3 screenshots/ day it will go like:
The First alphabetically order png inside source (2) folder will go to
10-01-2024 10:00 Image1.png
10-01-2024 11:00 Image2.png
10-01-2024 12:00 Image3.png
11-01-2024 12:00 Image6.png
- Starting Date and Ending date is obvious
- /PER DAY details
- Irritations /per day, careful! For this example above this number must be 3! and the software itself will calculate that it needs to generate 3 screens at correct hours among /per day for each date. GO!
- Ability that can also add mutliple image sets to be irritated among dates
- The ending date must have a check to not be before start date (so the fields has to be linked)
- Better UI maybe/ windows snapping on resing 🤓
- BUG fixing
- an app icon
Don't mess a lot , it has no checks for logical errors, eg. dont click GO, or other buttons than corresponding order (that's gonna be fixed in v1.0)
- If the range of source image (2) base images is more than irritations it will CRASH (also it will be fixed in v1.0)