An advanced python script for scrapping greek telephone pages.
Whenever you walk out of a street, and you know the address but not who or which phone number is there (if you want to contact with this person for a reason) you can scan the Green phone catalog, in the specific area, and reverse find the address you want, and then lookup if the phone is registered.
Ote main provider here in Greece has an open catalog with all (accepted by them to be public) phone numbers. With a minimum of 3 letters you can fetch a list for a single area, returnig a JSON file with all infos. Then it just request all possible combinations, (should just remove duplicates sometime), and exporting in a CSV file.
Just brute-force all letters in an area, and then search for the address. If you want more specific search you can limit the search letters range, by making a wordlist using in this repo.
Maybe remove duplicates at the end, and in the future to add a GUI, or/and a search feauture afterwards. (maybe) a kill-switch when it find the address i'm looking for to stop fetching more data.