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What the price

Tool for Cardano to get Dex SWAP operation, store it to the Database and broadcast it through the WebSocket.


We have implemented 3 Dexes

  • WingRiders
  • MinSwap
  • SundaeSwap

Dex can have more versions and more addresses per version.


  • /health - Health check endpoint
  • /assets - List of assets present in the database. This is a place, where pair asset_id with name and policy
  • /exchange_rates - Calculate exchange rate. There is no information about decimal numbers
  • /mean_history/TOKEN1_ID/TOKEN2_ID?count=<number> - Return mean swap price for tokens. Mean is not AVG, but ration on the pool address
  • /asset_swap/TOKEN1_ID/TOKEN2_ID?count=<number> - Return last swap price for tokens.
  • /socket/ - WebSocket endpoint for Live information about the swap.

Setting up

Run a Postgres instance and create an empty database for this project:

export DATABASE_URL='postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/wtp'
psql -U postgres -c 'CREATE DATABASE wtp;'
cargo migrate up
cargo run -- -s '' -d $DATABASE_URL


Add pre-commit hook:

ln -s ../../ .git/hooks/pre-commit

How to modify the database schema

cargo install sea-orm-cli
sea-orm-cli migrate generate "your_migration_name"
# now edit the new migration file in ./migrations/src
cargo migrate up
sea-orm-cli generate entity -o src/entity


# Ideal run parametres for WR
cargo run -- --socket localhost:3001 --database $DATABASE_URL --persistent  --start 57270168:17a26b5607a6f61fe89bf73a7a242ff4fa6dd6c667f3b2d6fc56bbcad644e90b