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A simple, compiled language inspierd by HolyC


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The Ibu programming language


  • No strict type checker
  • No C-like pointer arithmetic
  • No function-like macros
  • No break, continue stmt. Use goto
  • Allows 13 <= age < 20 instead of 13 <= age && age < 20
  • Variable length args func(...) can be accessed with built-in variables argc i64 and argv *i64
  • Default function args. Default args don't have to be on the end. (WIP)
#include "std.ibu"

func main() i32 {
    let age i32 = 19;

    if 13 <= age < 20 {

    printf("Hello, world!\n");
    return 0;

Build compiler

Note Supports Linux x86-64 only.

$ git clone [email protected]:v420v/ibu.git
$ cd ibu

$ docker build ./ -t ibulang
# Linux or MacOS:
$ docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/root/env ibulang

# Windows (CMD):
$ docker run --rm -it -v "%cd%":/root/env ibulang

# Windows (PowerShell):
$ docker run --rm -it -v "${pwd}:/root/env" ibulang

# To leave the environment, enter `exit`.

Since the language is selfhosted you need to bootstrap the compiler first.

To build the compiler, run the following command below or just run make

$ make
$ make self

How to build, compile programs written in Ibu

$ ./ibuc <filename>.ibu | as - -o <filename>.o
$ as -o lib/syscall-amd64.o lib/syscall-amd64.s
$ ld -o <filename> <filename>.o lib/syscall-amd64.o

Ibu Documentation

Hello, world!

#include "std.ibu"

func main() i32 {
    printf("Hello, world!\n");
    return 0;


#include "std.ibu"

func main() i32 {
    let name *u8 = "Ibuki";
    let age i8 = 19;

    printf("name: %s, age: %d\n", name, age);

    return 0;


i8, i16, i32, i64, u0, u8, u16, u32, u64


#include "std.ibu"

// Allows "13 <= age < 20" instead of "13 <= age && age < 20"

func main() i32 {
    let age i32 = 19;

    if 13 <= age < 20 {

    return 0;
1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5; //  1 < 2 && 2 < 3 && 3 < 4 && 4 < 5;

1 < 2 >= 3 < 4 > 5; //  1 < 2 && 2 >= 3 && 3 < 4 && 4 > 5;

1 && 8 || 7 || 6 < 2 < 3; //  1 && 8 || 7 || 6 < 2 && 2 < 3;

6 == 1 == 1 && 8 || 7 || 6 < 2 < 3; //  6 == 1 && 1 == 1 && 8 || 7 || 6 < 2 && 2 < 3;

1 == 1 == 1 == 2; //  1 == 1 && 1 == 1 && 1 == 2;

2 != 2 != 3 != 4 < 3 <= 5 <= 6; //  2 != 2 && 2 != 3 && 3 != 4 && 4 < 3 && 3 <= 5 && 5 <= 6;

4 || 2 || 8 || 9 && 4 < 2 < 3; //  4 || 2 || 8 || 9 && 4 < 2 && 2 < 3;

2 != 2 != 3 != 4 < !3 <= 5 <= 6; //  2 != 2 && 2 != 3 && 3 != 4 && 4 < !(3) && !(3) <= 5 && 5 <= 6;

Variable length args

#include "std.ibu"

// Variable-length arguments can be accessed using the built-in variable argv, argc

func add_nums(...) i32 {
    let n i32 = 0;
    let idx i32 = 0;

    while idx < argc {
        n = n + argv[idx];

    return n;

func main() i32 {
    let d i32 = add_nums(1, 2, 3);
    printf("%d\n", d);

    return 0;


#include "std.ibu"

func main() i32 {
    // Like go's for loop, the condition is true if it is empty.
    while {

    let i i32 = 0;
    while i < 100 {
        printf("%d\n", i);

    return 0;


#include "std.ibu"

func main() i32 {
    let arr [4]i32 = {1, 2, 3, 4};

    let arr2 [2][3][2][4]i32 = {
                {1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 4}
                {1, 2, 9, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 4}
                {1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 2, 3, 4}
                {11, 22, 3, 4}, {14, 24, 3, 4}
                {11, 22, 3, 4}, {11, 27, 3, 4}
                {11, 22, 3, 4}, {11, 2, 3, 4}

    let buffer [10]u8 = {};

    let test3 [2][2][2]i32 = {
            {}, {}
            {}, {}

    printf("arr[3] -> %d\n", arr[3]);
    printf("arr2[1][1][1][1] -> %d\n", arr2[1][1][1][1]);

    return 0;


#include "std.ibu"

struct Person {
    name *u8,
    age i8,

func main() i32 {
    let p Person = {

    printf("name: %s age: %d\n",, p.age);

    return 0;
#include "std.ibu"

struct Person {
    name *u8,
    age i8,

func main() i32 {
    let p *Person = alloc(typesize(Person)); = "Ibuki";
    p.age = 19;

    printf("name: %s age: %d\n",, p.age);

    return 0;

Syntax highlighter

Visual Studio Code


make self will compile src/main.ibu using the ./ibuc executable

$ make self
