Welcome to the main page of our institute. Here, you will find several repositories that present the methods derived in the research projects of our institute. The following section groups the repos into their respective topics.
Repository | Description |
Perception | |
semantic_spray_dataset | Semantic labels for a subset of the Road Spray dataset, containing vehicles on wet surfaces |
clutter-ds | Label Generation for a Radar Clutter Data Set. |
yolov5 | YOLOv5 🚀 trained on BDD100k |
RT-K-Net | Revisiting K-Net for Real-Time Panoptic Segmentation. |
MGNet | Monocular Geometric Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving. |
mmood3d | Out-of-Distribution Detection for LiDAR-based Object Detection. |
aduulm_ttb | Model-based Multi-Object Multi-Object Tracking |
Calibration | |
excalibur | Python library for extrinsic sensor calibration. |
deepclr | Deep End-to-End Point Cloud Registration |
motion3d | Handling, converting, and storing 3D motions and poses. |
Planning | |
guided-extended-hybrid-astar | Hybrid-A* path planning with efficient early stopping and extended motion capabilities |
tpl | Optimisation based trajectory planning |
Communication | |
v2x_etsi_asn1 | Transmitting UPER ASN.1 encoded ETSI messages over AMQP connections |
amqp_topic_transceiver | Transmitting binary ROS2 messages over AMQP connections |
image_transport_plugins | Plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics in representations other than raw pixel data. |
multi_tun | Multi-connectivity tunnel: connect two peers via multiple network paths in parallel to lower latency and increase reliability. |
uulm_mcm_etsi | Maneuver Coordination Message definition. |
Utils | |
aduulm_launch | Launch your ROS nodes using Python launch files, but without weird substitutions and code bloat. |
aduulm_logger | Logging macros for C/C++ projects. It also provides a Python library for logging in Python. |
aduulm_cmake_tools | Cmake macros simplifying the creation of ROS2 packages and library-only packages |
git_hooks | Git hook that can format and check your source files before you commit them to your repository. |
imviz | Pythonic bindings of imgui/implot for visualization |
imdash | Dynamic real-time dashboards with imviz |
ros2_def | Deterministic Execution Framework for ROS 2 |
aduulm_dataset_tools | Tools to process data from the ADUULM dataset. |
Some members of our institute have also published impressive open-source software prior to their employment at our institute, which we proudly present here
Repository | Description |
dynamic-occupancy-grid-map | Implementation of "A Random Finite Set Approach for Dynamic Occupancy Grid Maps with Real-Time Application" |