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@amock amock released this 12 Nov 17:07
· 74 commits to main since this release

This is a new version of rmagine, which migrated some Mesh ICP computations from RMCL. Several tests have been added, I also took the opportunity to clean up the interface for single hypothesis correction aka pose tracking. All other external software should still work, so I just increased the patch version.


  • CrossStatistics math type, which contains two means a covariance and the number of measurements. Also the reduction function from the MICP-L paper is integrated
  • PointCloudView. Contains views to existing memory buffer. We use it for cleaner, and more readable interfaces, while not losing any runtime.
  • Functions for registration. Correspondence search, Umeyama-based optimization


  • integrated support for multi-block computation in the non-batch version of "sum"


  • statistics for CPU (core)
  • statistics for GPU (cuda)
  • Embree correction: finding RCC using embree, optimizing using CPU-Umeyama
  • OptiX correction: finding RCC using optix, optimizing using GPU-Umeyama