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Releases: untergeek/es_stats

1.2.0 (18 June 2018)

18 Jun 23:12
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  • Add nodeid as a keyword arg to the stats method of each child
    class. This allows the stats of any arbitrary nodeid to be pulled.
  • Put the classes in to allow them to be more easily reached.

1.1.2 (20 April 2018)

20 Apr 22:06
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  • Renamed cache_frequency to cache_timeout as frequency didn't
    make as much sense.
  • Renamed to for project consistency's sake.

1.1.1 (17 April 2018)

17 Apr 22:42
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Bug Fixes

  • Refactor how the instance attributes nodeid and nodename are
    initialized, and treated when/if a node name is passed to a child class.

1.1.0 (17 April 2018)

17 Apr 21:58
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  • Update to only get the _local node information at initialization time and
    set the instance attributes nodeid and nodename from the _local
    node. The previous behavior was to just take the first in the list.
  • Allow any elasticsearch-py version >= 5.5.2

1.0.1 (6 April 2018)

06 Apr 13:43
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix incorrect version in for PyPI release

1.0.0 (4 April 2018)

06 Apr 03:28
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  • Redundant code removed by making classes children of a parent class,
  • Caching of stats calls. Configurable with cache_frequency kwarg in
    class initialization. This should make repeated calls to crowded APIs
    like NodeStats much faster, without hammering the cluster. Default value
    is 60 seconds.
  • Improved linting helped clean things up. Removed many unnecessary import
  • Added which should test against a local, unencrypted node.


  • Cluster health used to be mapped in this module from green/yellow/red to
    0/1/2, respectively. This is no longer done here. It will respond with
    green, yellow, and red as the API does. For those of you who
    are Zabbix users, the es_stats_zabbix module will handle the change, as
    it should be mapped on that end.

0.2.1 (22 June 2016)

23 Jun 00:39
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  • Switch to exception-based termination instead of sys.exit(#)

Bug Fixes

  • The key "get" cannot appear normally in a DotMap without it being translated
    as function "get." This fix corrects this by way of a regex to use dict
    notation for "get" only. Fixes #1 (untergeek)
  • Not only can the key "key" not appear in a DotMap, dashes in a key are also
    bad. The fix_key() method corrects this by translating all dotted
    notation keys into dict notation.


  • Pruned incorrect docs from the as yet unfinished docs.

0.1.0 (7 October 2015)

07 Oct 18:30
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  • Change NodeStats and NodeInfo to do by_name lookup in get method.
    Additionally, all get methods now have name=None.
    This helps simplify es_stats_zabbix use.

0.0.4 (6 October 2015)

07 Oct 00:21
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  • Have ClusterState master_node calls return the node name, rather than the nodeid

Bug Fixes

  • Found out why Elasticsearch-py 1.7.0 was buggy. It doesn't affect this module at all.
    Fixed dependencies to allow 1.7.0 to be used.

es_stats 0.0.3

06 Oct 19:14
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This is the first publishable release, I think