Don't start until you get to work. Making plans and having a rough idea of what is to be done or aspired to in the upcoming work period can be useful. However, you are interfering with your proficiency.
Surely you want to have several points crossed off after your work phase. Some of them can be completed quickly, some will not be finished until some time later.
First Order Volation (thinking fast)
- Get to your work station (laptop, paper, book etc.).
- Start at the smallest step, task etc.
- Do not hesitate to jump between tasks.
Second Order Volation (thinking slower)
- Gradually increase the duration and intensity you spend on one task.
- Finish the first smaller tasks.
- Take regular breaks.
- Sort yourself during the process.
- Start focusing on the main task(s)
- Continuously improve your way of working.
Floating (staying in the flow)
- Repeat step 1 to 3
(coming soon)
(coming soon)
These are not fixed rules with which you always come to success. However, you may be able to end the working phase with a more satisfied result. The biggest disturbing factor is to be found presumably always outside of you. However, you also let yourself be distracted. This does not necessarily lead to a disadvantage of your productivity. Prioritize just the type of secondary activities. If you start to clean up, organize yourself, restructure your way of working or simply evaluate new technical solutions for your work, then this can also increase your productivity in the medium-term.