This repository contains Python code and data of the paper of Lepore, Palumbo and Sposito Neural network based control charting for multiple stream processes with an application to HVAC systems in passenger railway vehicles. Note that this work has been done in the framework of the R&D project of the multiregional investment programme REINForce:REsearch to INspire the Future (CDS000609) with Hitachi Rail STS (, supported by the Italian Ministry for Economic Development (MISE) through the Invitalia agency.
This repository contains the following files:
- NN4MSP/data contains the HVAC data set
- NN4MSP/ allows the user to access the HVAC data set from the
package - NN4MSP/ is the source code of the Python package
- NN4MSP_tutorial.ipynb is the Jupyter Notebook performing all the analysis shown in the Section "A real-case study" of the paper
Moreover, in the following Section we provide a tutorial to show how to implement in Python the proposed methodology used in the paper to the real-case study.
Neural network based control charting for multiple stream processes with an application to HVAC systems in passenger railway vehicles
This tutorial shows how to implement in Python the proposed methodology to the
real-case study to monitor the HVAC systems installed on board of passenger railway vehicles.
The operational data were acquired and made available by the rail transport company Hitachi
Rail STS based in Italy.
HVAC data set contains the data analyzed in the paper and can be loaded by using the function load_HVAC_data()
Alternatively, one can use another data set and apply this methodology to any multiple stream process.
You can install the development version of the Python package NN4MSP
from GitHub with
pip install git+
You can install the Python package NN4MSP
using pip
pip install NN4MSP
# Import libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn import preprocessing
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from itertools import combinations
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, AutoMinorLocator
from keras import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from NN4MSP.functions import *
import NN4MSP.dataset
Set the simulation parameters to properly generate the data set to train the Neaural Network (NN).
# Simulation parameters
s = 6 # number of streams
k = 5 # subgroup size
num_neg_samples = 55800 # number of negative samples of k observations
num_pos_samples = 300 # number of positive samples of k observations for each OC scenario
loc_res = 0 # Mean of the distribution of the residuals
scale_res = 1 # Standard deviation of the distribution of the residuals
Then, call the function dataset_generator
from the MSPforNN
package to generate the data set, simulated according to the procedure
described in the simulation section of the paper, and the corresponding vector of classes 0 (negative sample) and 1 (positive sample)
X, y = dataset_generator(s = s, k = k, num_neg_samples = num_neg_samples, num_pos_samples = num_pos_samples, loc_res = loc_res,
scale_res = scale_res, set_seed = 0)
Split the simulated data set into 70% training set and 30% validation set.
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, stratify = y ,random_state=27)
Standardize the features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance.
scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler().fit(X_train)
X_train = scaler.transform(X_train)
X_val = scaler.transform(X_val)
Set the NN hyperparameters and train the NN with the function NN_model
from the MSPforNN
# NN hyperparameters
num_hidden_layer = 1 # Number of hidden layers
hidden_activation_function = ['relu'] # activation function in the hidden layer
number_hidden_neuron = [5] # number of neurons in the hidden layer
epochs = 10 # Number of epochs to train the model. An epoch is an iteration over the entire data set provided
batch_size = 256 # Number of samples per gradient update
# NN Training
classifier = NN_model(hidden_activation_function = hidden_activation_function,
num_hidden_layer = num_hidden_layer, num_hidden_neuron = number_hidden_neuron)
# Compiling the neural network
classifier.compile(optimizer ='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy']) # Configures the model for training
# Fitting
history =, y_train, batch_size = batch_size, epochs = epochs, validation_data=(X_val, y_val)) # Trains the model
# History of training and validation accuracy
plt.title('Model accuracy')
plt.legend(['train', 'val'], loc='lower right')
Plot the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and compute the Area Under the Curve (AUC)
as performance measure to manually tune the typical NN hyperparameters.
Use the function ROC_AUC_plot
from the MSPforNN
fig_size = (5, 5)
f = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size)
f = ROC_AUC_plot(classifier, X_val, y_val, f, xlabel = 'False Positive Rate', ylabel = 'True Positive Rate')
To allow fair comparison with the traditional statistical control charting procedures, the cut-off value (CV) of the neuron in the output layer
must be set and can be regarded as the key threshold to set the Type-I and Type-II errors.
A table of the CVs of the proposed NN corresponding to typical false alarm rate values is provided in the paper. Additionally, using the function set_cv_alpha
from the MSPforNN
package, you can compute the Type-I error corresponding to any CV.
set_seed = 0
cv = 0.940 # cut-off value
n = 100000 # number of samples of 5 observations
alpha = set_cv_alpha(n = n, s = s, k = k, loc_res = loc_res, scale_res = scale_res , scaler = scaler, classifier = classifier, cv = cv, set_seed = set_seed)
0.0027 \ which is the default value for a Shewhart control chart in the 6-sigma quality approach.
Import the HVAC datavset. Data have already been cleaned to remove unsteady working conditions and sensor measurement errors and validated by domain expert.
HVAC_data = NN4MSP.dataset.load_HVAC_data()
Filter Vehicle
by Train_1 and consider 10 days of operational data from "07-27" to "08-08" for mean and variance estimations.
train_1_data = HVAC_data[HVAC_data["Vehicle"] == "Train_1"]
train_1_data = train_1_data.loc[(train_1_data['Timestamp'] >= '07-27')
& (train_1_data['Timestamp'] < '08-08')]
Select only the DeltaTemp variables and compute the mean every 5 rows.
train_1_data = train_1_data.iloc[:,-6:]
train_1_data = train_1_data.to_numpy() # Convert pandas dataframe to NumPy array
train_1_data_mean = train_1_data.transpose().reshape(-1,k).mean(1).reshape(s,-1).transpose()
Plot the average value of the DeltaTemp signals of all of the coaches of train 1 over 50 subgroup (10 minutes worth of data).
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
x = np.arange(1,51,1)
plt.plot(x,train_1_data_mean[210:260,0], label = 'Coach 1', color='black', ls='-', marker='*')
plt.plot(x,train_1_data_mean[210:260,1], label = 'Coach 2', color='blue', ls='-', marker='.')
plt.plot(x,train_1_data_mean[210:260,2], label = 'Coach 3', color='red', ls='-.', marker= 's')
plt.plot(x,train_1_data_mean[210:260,3], label = 'Coach 4', color='green', ls='-', marker='D')
plt.plot(x,train_1_data_mean[210:260,4], label = 'Coach 5', color='orange', ls='-', marker='+')
plt.plot(x,train_1_data_mean[210:260,5], label = 'Coach 6', color='violet', ls='-', marker='P')
plt.xlabel('Subgroup', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('$ \Delta$T', fontsize=12)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', size = 7, width = 1 , direction = 'out', labelsize = 10)
Compute the residuals from each train coach and then calculate the mean and the variance.
train_1_residual = train_1_data_mean - np.mean(train_1_data_mean, axis = 1, keepdims= True)
mean_res = np.mean(train_1_residual)
std_res = np.std(train_1_residual)
The following figure shows a MSP data in which we clearly see that the process is out of control and that an assignable cause affects the output from one stream
train_2_data = HVAC_data[HVAC_data["Vehicle"] == "Train_2"] # Filter Vehicle by Train 2
train_2_data = train_2_data.iloc[0:-4,-6:] # Select the DeltaTemp variables
train_2_data = train_2_data.to_numpy()
train_2_data_mean = train_2_data.transpose().reshape(-1,k).mean(1).reshape(s,-1).transpose() # Average every 5 rows
# Plot the ΔT signals from the six train coaches
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
x = np.arange(1,31,1)
plt.plot(x,train_2_data_mean[235:265,0], label = 'Coach 1', color='black', ls='-', marker='*')
plt.plot(x,train_2_data_mean[235:265,1], label = 'Coach 2', color='blue', ls='-', marker='.')
plt.plot(x,train_2_data_mean[235:265,2], label = 'Coach 3', color='red', ls='-.', marker= 's')
plt.plot(x,train_2_data_mean[235:265,3], label = 'Coach 4', color='green', ls='-', marker='D')
plt.plot(x,train_2_data_mean[235:265,4], label = 'Coach 5', color='orange', ls='-', marker='+')
plt.plot(x,train_2_data_mean[235:265,5], label = 'Coach 6', color='violet', ls='-', marker='P')
plt.xlabel('Subgroup', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('$ \Delta$T', fontsize=12)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', size = 7, width = 1 , direction = 'out', labelsize = 10)
After computing and standardizing the residuals from each coach, the range of the subgroup means of the residuals and the overall mean at each sample time are calculated.
# Definton of the input vector
train_2_residual = train_2_data_mean - np.mean(train_2_data_mean, axis = 1, keepdims= True)
train_2_mean_std = (train_2_residual - mean_res)/std_res
overall_mean = train_2_mean_std.mean(axis=1)
sample_range = train_2_mean_std.max(axis=1) - train_2_mean_std.min(axis=1)
train_2_mean_std = np.c_[train_2_mean_std,overall_mean,sample_range]
Then the input vector is given as input to the NN.
train_2_mean_std = scaler.transform(train_2_mean_std)
train_2_mean_std_pred = classifier.predict(train_2_mean_std)
Finally, you can plot the control chart based on the NN predicted probability by calling the function
from the MSPforNN
fig_size = (12, 6)
fig_control_chart = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size)
fig_control_chart = control_chart(NN_pred = train_2_mean_std_pred[235:265], fig_control_chart = fig_control_chart,
CV = cv, xlabel = "Subgroup", ylabel = "Probability")
The time-series plot of the residuals for each coach is displayed to help the practioner to identify how many and which stream(s) have shifted.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
x = np.arange(1,31,1)
plt.plot(x,train_2_mean_std[235:265,0], label = 'Coach 1', color='black', ls='-', marker='*')
plt.plot(x,train_2_mean_std[235:265,1], label = 'Coach 2', color='blue', ls='-', marker='.')
plt.plot(x,train_2_mean_std[235:265,2], label = 'Coach 3', color='red', ls='-.', marker= 's')
plt.plot(x,train_2_mean_std[235:265,3], label = 'Coach 4', color='green', ls='-', marker='D')
plt.plot(x,train_2_mean_std[235:265,4], label = 'Coach 5', color='orange', ls='-', marker='+')
plt.plot(x,train_2_mean_std[235:265,5], label = 'Coach 6', color='violet', ls='-', marker='P')
plt.xlabel('Subgroup', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('$ X_{tj} $', fontsize=12)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', size = 7, width = 1 , direction = 'out', labelsize = 10)
We can see that the coach 5 residuals are significantly higher than the other residuals, thus the HVAC system installed on-board coach 5 perform badly and is not able to meet the required European regulations and ensure passenger thermal comfort.
The following figure shows a MSP data in which we clearly see that the process is out of control and that an assignable cause affects the output from four streams
train_3_data = HVAC_data[HVAC_data["Vehicle"] == "Train_3"]
train_3_data = train_3_data.loc[(train_3_data['Timestamp'] >= '07-25')
& (train_3_data['Timestamp'] < '07-26')]
train_3_data = train_3_data.iloc[0:-3,-6:]
train_3_data = train_3_data.to_numpy()
train_3_data_mean = train_3_data.transpose().reshape(-1,k).mean(1).reshape(s,-1).transpose()
# Plot the ΔT signals from the six train coaches
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
x = np.arange(1,41,1)
plt.plot(x,train_3_data_mean[15:55,0], label = 'Coach 1', color='black', ls='-', marker='*')
plt.plot(x,train_3_data_mean[15:55,1], label = 'Coach 2', color='blue', ls='-', marker='.')
plt.plot(x,train_3_data_mean[15:55,2], label = 'Coach 3', color='red', ls='-.', marker= 's')
plt.plot(x,train_3_data_mean[15:55,3], label = 'Coach 4', color='green', ls='-', marker='D')
plt.plot(x,train_3_data_mean[15:55,4], label = 'Coach 5', color='orange', ls='-', marker='+')
plt.plot(x,train_3_data_mean[15:55,5], label = 'Coach 6', color='violet', ls='-', marker='P')
plt.xlabel('Subgroup', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('$ \Delta$T', fontsize=12)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', size = 7, width = 1 , direction = 'out', labelsize = 10)
After computing and standardizing the residuals from each coach, the range of the subgroup means of the residuals and the overall mean at each sample time are calculated.
train_3_data_mean = train_3_data_mean - np.mean(train_3_data_mean, axis = 1, keepdims= True)
train_3_mean_std = (train_3_data_mean - mean_res)/std_res
overall_mean = train_3_mean_std.mean(axis=1)
sample_range = train_3_mean_std.max(axis=1) - train_3_mean_std.min(axis=1)
train_3_mean_std = np.c_[train_3_mean_std,overall_mean,sample_range]
Then the range, the overall mean and the six residuals for each coach are given as input to the NN.
train_3_mean_std = scaler.transform(train_3_mean_std)
train_3_mean_std_pred = classifier.predict(train_3_mean_std)
Finally, you can plot the control chart by calling the function control_chart
from the MSPforNN
fig_size = (12, 6)
fig_control_chart = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size)
fig_control_chart = control_chart(NN_pred = train_3_mean_std_pred[15:55], fig_control_chart = fig_control_chart,
CV = cv, xlabel = "Subgroup", ylabel = "Probability")
We can plot the residuals from each coach of the train 3.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
x = np.arange(1,41,1)
plt.plot(x,train_3_mean_std[15:55,0], label = 'Coach 1', color='black', ls='-', marker='*')
plt.plot(x,train_3_mean_std[15:55,1], label = 'Coach 2', color='blue', ls='-', marker='.')
plt.plot(x,train_3_mean_std[15:55,2], label = 'Coach 3', color='red', ls='-.', marker= 's')
plt.plot(x,train_3_mean_std[15:55,3], label = 'Coach 4', color='green', ls='-', marker='D')
plt.plot(x,train_3_mean_std[15:55,4], label = 'Coach 5', color='orange', ls='-', marker='+')
plt.plot(x,train_3_mean_std[15:55,5], label = 'Coach 6', color='violet', ls='-', marker='P')
plt.xlabel('Subgroup', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('$ X_{tj} $', fontsize=12)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', size = 7, width = 1 , direction = 'out', labelsize = 10)
The above plot shows that coaches 1,2,4,5 of the train 3 perform differently from the other two coaches and helps the practitioner to obtain a correct interpretation of the OC situation.