This project aims to build a robust recommendation system that offers various suggestions methods, based on the movies themselves as well as the audience's preferences, using the datasets from MovieLens and The Movies Dataset from Kaggle.
Main methodologies
- Text Processing with TF-IDF
- Machine Learning models: KNeighborsRegressor
- Statistical Methods: Jaccard similarity, Cosine similarity
Learning users' behaviors through their interactions with the products can be applied to promote relevant items strategically, thus leading to improvement in user satisfaction. Some of the state-of-art recommending systems have been widely utilized by big companies like Netflix, Amazon, etc.
This project is a collaborative effort of Winnie Nguyen and Fabio Turazzi, aiming to build a robust movie suggestion engine that takes advantage of a variety of available features. We use methods based on movie popularity, content filtering, collaborative filtering, and hybrid alternatives to maximize the relevancy to the recommendation output.
Simple Recommendation System: generally analyzing most popular and highest rated movies across genres.
Content-Based Recommendataion: using contents as the basis to suggest similar movies.
- Genre similarity: recommendations based on the similarities between movie genres.
- Description similarity: based on text similarities in movie descriptions.
Collaborative Filtering: using ratings as the basis to suggest similar movies.
- Item-based filtering: provides recommendations given a movie title by analyzing other items similarly rated by users.
- User-based filtering: focuses on a target user to provide suggestions, by analyzing favorite movies by other similar users. Includes a model for rating prediction for a given user and movie.
We use 4 datasets obtained from the 2 sources mentioned above.
- links.csv: containing movieId, imdbId, tmdbId (from MovieLens)
- movies.csv: containing movieId, title, genres (from MovieLens)
- ratings.csv: containing userId, movieId, rating, timestamp (from MovieLens)
- movies_metadata.csv: containing imdb_id, overview (from Kaggle with selected columns only)
Variable name | Description | Data Type |
movieId | unique Id given to a movie on MovieLens | int |
imdbId | ununique Id given to a movie on | int |
tmdbId | ununique Id given to a movie on | float |
Variable name | Description | Data Type |
movieId | unique Id given to a movie | int64 |
title | movie title | object |
genres | movie's genres | object |
Variable name | Description | Data Type |
userId | unique ID for each user | int |
movieId | unique ID for each movie on MovieLens | int |
rating | rating given to the movie by user | float |
timestamp | timestamp of given rating | int |
Variable name | Description | Data Type |
imdbId | ununique Id given to a movie on | object |
overview | movie's overview | object |
| - recommendation_system
| -- data Includes all datasets used for the project
| --- links.csv
| --- movies.csv
| --- ratings.csv Not uploaded due to file size constraints
| --- movies_metadata.csv Not uploaded due to file size constraints
| --- Describes the path for two datasets that couldn't be uploaded to GitHub
| -- LICENSE MIT License
| -- Movie_recommendation_sys.ipynb Google Colab Notebook with source code
| -- Project Overview
In this project, we were able to provide different perspectives to movie recommendation that can be used in a professional setting to generate a robust engine. Even though we were successfull in identifying item similarity, more methods can be explored to improve recommendations even further.