Anansi is the WM knowledge data ingestion pipelines. It provides a suite of tools for dealing with and transforming INDRA statement and DART CDRs.
In all steps we assume the geolocation reference dataset is in place and ready to be used as it doesn't change very often and doesn't need to be updated every data load.
To install the geolocation data please see src/
There are three separate scenarios where we would need to ingest knowledge
- Adhoc ingestion, for internal testing or one-off requests
- An initial data ingestion when the corpus is first released to the wild
- Any subsequent incremental changes that are caused by addition of new documents
Despite these different cases, all knowledge ingestion will more or less follow the same sequence of steps:
- Collect new documents
- Transform documents and load onto ElasticSerch
- Collect new statements
- For each statement, transfrom inject document context and geolocation context
- Index into ElasticSearch
: This is an adhoc pipeline used for dev purposessrc/
: This is a Prefect-based pipeline for incremental-assembly
This section describes the steps to load INDRA dataset. Assumes geo index is ready and populated.
- Ensure you have the right environement and dependencies, e.g. virutualenv
- Download the DART document archive. This will create a
JSON-L file. Note you will need DART user/pass credentials, they are the same as the ones found here:
- Download the correct INDRA dataset, each dataset should have two files: a statements file anda metadatafile. Note you will need the correct AWS credentials in ~/.aws/credentials, ask your team lead.
python scripts/
- Run the following command upated with the paths from above.
SOURCE_USERNAME="<username>" \
SOURCE_PASSWORD="<password"> \
TARGET_USERNAME="<username>" \
TARGET_PASSWORD="<password"> \
DART_DATA="<PATH_TO_dart_cdr.json>" \
python src/
file is decorated and structured to be runnable through our Prefect server.
There is a Prefect agent running on that machine, labelled with non-dask
. Flows with the same tag will be run by this agent instead of a Dask agent that will attempt to run some tasks in parallel.
Code changes currently need to be manually copied over, including local dependencies like dart
, elastic
, etc. GitLab is run on 10.64.x.x
network and therefore we can't git clone
from it on 10.65.x.x
TODO: Set up a script to copy the files over and fetch any dependencies or look into automating this from GitLab directly when code is merged in.
After SSHing into
# 1. Connext to tmux session
tmux a -t seq-agent
# 2. Cancel sesssion CTRL+C
# 3. Refresh environment
source flows/
# 4. Restart agent
PREFECT__ENGINE__EXECUTOR__DEFAULT_CLASS="prefect.executors.LocalExecutor" PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/home/centos/flows" prefect agent local start --api "" --label "non-dask"
# 5. Detach tmux session (CTRL+B D)
# 1. Set the "shouldRegister" flag in the python file
# 2. Activate sequential/anansi environment
conda activate prefect-seq
# 3. Register flow
conda create -n prefect-seq -c conda-forge "python>=3.8.0" prefect "elasticsearch==7.11.0" "boto3==1.17.18" "smart_open==5.0.0" python-dateutil requests
Anansi can be run as a stand-alone, dockerized web-serice. This provides the following end-points
- /kb, as an analog to knowledge pipeline, this returns a task id
- /byod, as an analog for incremental assembly, this retrns a task id
- /status, to check the status of a given task
environment variable is defined, anansi will periodically check the linked/mounted folder for new INDRA datasets and start the DART CDR + INDRA ingestion automatically.
To create and run the docker image
# Build
docker build . -t anansi-webservice
# Run
docker run \
-p 6000:6000 \
-e SOURCE_ES="<elastic search url>" \
-e TARGET_ES="<elastic search url>" \
-e INDRA_HOST="<indral url>" \
-e DART_CDF_URL="<dart cdr url>" \
-e DART_USERNAME="<dart username>" \
-e DART_PASSWORD="<dart userpassword>" \
-e WATCH_FOLDER=/indra_data \
-v <full path to directory>:/indra_data \
# Manually requesting knowledge ingestion
curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:6000/kb -d'
"indra": "",
"dart": ""
# Requesting incremntal assembly (byod)
curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" localhost:6000/byod -d'{"id": "0d1da882-2b73-4f0d-8007-2894a47c1620"}'
# Check status
curl localhost:6000/status/ac6fe39c-50fe-4352-9982-f91696873691