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ATLAS FTAG Python Tools

This is a collection of Python tools for working with files produced with the FTAG ntuple dumper. The code is intended to be used a library for other projects. Please see the example notebook for usage.



If you want to use this package without modification, you can install from pypi using pip.

pip install atlas-ftag-tools

To additionally install the development dependencies (for formatting and linting) use

pip install atlas-ftag-tools[dev]


If you plan on making changes to teh code, instead clone the repository and install the package from source in editable mode with

python -m pip install -e .

Include development dependencies with

python -m pip install -e ".[dev]"

You can set up and run pre-commit hooks with

pre-commit install
pre-commmit run --all-files

To run the tests you can use the pytest or coverage command, for example

coverage run --source ftag -m pytest --show-capture=stdout

Running coverage report will display the test coverage.


Please see the example notebook for full usage. Additional functionality is also documented below.

Calculate WPs

This package contains a script to calculate tagger working points (WPs). The script is and can be run after installing this package with

wps \
    --ttbar "path/to/ttbar/*.h5" \
    --tagger GN2v01 \
    --fc 0.1

Both the --tagger and --fc options accept a list if you want to get the WPs for multiple taggers. If you are doing c-tagging or xbb-tagging, dedicated fx arguments are available ()you can find them all with -h.

If you want to use the ttbar WPs get the efficiencies and rejections for the zprime sample, you can add --zprime "path/to/zprime/*.h5" to the command. Note that a default selection of $p_T > 250 ~GeV$ to jets in the zprime sample.

If instead of defining the working points for a series of signal efficiencies, you wish to calculate a WP corresponding to a specific background rejection, the --rejection option can be given along with the desired background.

By default the working points are printed to the terminal, but you can save the results to a YAML file with the --outfile option.

See wps --help for more options and information.

Calculate efficiency at discriminant cut

The same script can be used to calculate the efficiency and rejection values at a given discriminant cut value. The script can be run after intalling this package as follows

wps \
    --ttbar "path/to/ttbar/*.h5" \
    --tagger GN2v01 \
    --fx 0.1
    --disc_cuts 1.0 1.5

The --tagger, --fx, and --outfile follow the same procedure as in the 'Calculate WPs' script as described above.

H5 Utils

Create virtual file

This package contains a script to easily merge a set of H5 files. A virtual file is a fast and lightweight way to wrap a set of files. See the h5py documentation for more information on virtual datasets.

The script is and can be run after installing this package with

vds <pattern> <output path>

The <pattern> argument should be a quotes enclosed glob pattern, for example "dsid/path/*.h5"

See vds --help for more options and information.

A script to move/rename datasets inside an h5file. Useful for correcting discrepancies between group names. See for more info.

A script to split a large h5 file into several smaller files. Useful if output files are too large for EOS/grid storage. See for more info.