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Frontend for LITE - the Department for International Trade (DIT)




$ git clone
$ cd lite-frontend
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ pipenv install --dev

Git pre-commit setup

  • Install pre-commit (see instructions here:
  • Run pre-commit install to activate pre-commit locally
  • Run following to scan all files for issues
    • pre-commit run --all-files
  • After this initial setup, pre-commit should run automatically whenever you run git commit locally.
  • All developers must use the pre-commit hooks for the project. This is to make routine tasks easier (e.g. linting, style checking) and to help ensure secrets and personally identifiable information (PII) are not leaked.
  • You should be able to use the project python environment to run pre-commit, but if the project python does not work for you, you should find a workaround for your dev environment (e.g. running a different higher python version just for pre-commit) or raise it with other developers. Ignoring pre-commit errors is not an option.
  • This Repo is private and not avilable for public viewing due to sensitive material.


Secrets such as API keys and environment specific configurations are placed in caseworker.env and exporter.env - a file that is not added to version control. To create a template secrets file with dummy values run:

make secrets


To run the webserver for caseworker and exporter use these commands:

make run_caseworker
make run_exporter

Running with Docker

  • Download the repository:

    • git clone
    • cd lite-frontend

First time setup

  • Set up your local config file:
    • make secrets
    • populate the newly created caseworker.env and exporter.env with values from Vault.
    • As it states in the env file add the following to your to your /etc/hosts file:   caseworker   exporter
    • Further information at
  • Ensure docker is running
  • Build and start docker images:
    • If you haven't already done this for lite-api, set up a shared docker network:
    • docker network create lite - shared network to allow API and frontend to communicate
    • docker-compose build - build the container image
  • Installation requirements
    • install libmagic with the brew install libmagic command.

Starting the service

Running unit tests

To run unit tests:

make run_unit_tests_caseworker
make run_unit_tests_exporter
make run_unit_tests_core
make run_all_unit_tests

Helpful links

Related projects:

Mock SSO

Currently we have Mock SSO enabled by default. You should be able to use Mock SSO in your own env files without changing any of the defaults provided in example.caseworker.env or example.exporter.env.

Previously you had to set the Mock SSO email in an env variable MOCK_SSO_USER_EMAIL in caseworker.env for this to work. Now this is optional as there is an input box which allows you to type in an email you want to use for Mock SSO. This change was made because having the input box is useful for running tests using CI.

If you need to disable Mock SSO find MOCK_SSO_ACTIVATE_ENDPOINTS in your caseworker.env or exporter.env file and set it to False:


UI tests

We use pytest + Selenium for end-to-end tests.

Run all tests

PIPENV_DOTENV_LOCATION=exporter.env ENVIRONMENT=local pipenv run pytest ui_tests/
make run_ui_tests

Run all Unit and UI tests

make run_all_tests

You can use the flags --step-through (in conjunction with -s) and --step-verbose to stop on each step. Helpful for exploration and debugging.

The UI tests (a.k.a. end-to-end tests, e2e tests, browser tests or functional tests) require some local configuration changes before they can run. As mentioned above, you need to run make run_caseworker and make run_exporter. These copy the example.caseworker.env and example.exporter.env files to caseworker.env and exporter.env respectively. In each file, the following variables need to have different values (see development team members for what those values should be or just try looking in Vault):

  • AUTHBROKER_URL - should be for caseworker but for the exporter
  • TEST_SSO_NAME (for the caseworker)
  • ENVIRONMENT - set to "local" if the tests are targeting the local caseworker and exporter. If not set the UI tests will try talking to devdata
  • DIRECTORY_SSO_API_CLIENT_BASE_URL - Needed by the UI tests but not the caseworker or exporter, available in Vault
  • DIRECTORY_SSO_API_CLIENT_API_KEY - Needed by the UI tests but not the caseworker or exporter, available in Vault

Exporter UI Tests also requires the following :

  • GOVUK_BASIC_AUTH_USER_NAME - In vault used for GOV.UK basic authentication in test envs
  • GOVUK_BASIC_AUTH_USER_PASSWORD - In vault used for GOV.UK basic authentication in test envs
  • EXPORTER_TEST_SSO_EMAIL - In vault this is a default account setup for testing
  • EXPORTER_TEST_SSO_PASSWORD - In vault this is a default account setup for testing

Before running the UI tests, make sure you have the following services running with corresponding ports:

  • lite-api (port=8100)
  • casework (port=8200)
  • exporter (port=8300)

An example for how to run the above service:

cd lite-api
PIPENV_DOTENV_LOCATION=.env pipenv run python ./ runserver 8100
cd ../lite-frontend
PIPENV_DOTENV_LOCATION=caseworker.env pipenv run python ./ runserver 8200
PIPENV_DOTENV_LOCATION=exporter.env pipenv run python ./ runserver 8300

You will also need to seed the lite-api database with the TEST_SSO_EMAIL (as well as running seedall command - see If the email was [email protected] the command would be (run against the lite-api virtual environment):

INTERNAL_USERS='[{"email"=>"[email protected]"}]' ./ seedinternalusers

Finally, to run a UI test on the command line (will run an exporter and caseworker test tagged with @run_this_test):

PIPENV_DOTENV_LOCATION=exporter.env ENVIRONMENT=local pipenv run pytest -m "run_this_test" ui_tests/exporter
PIPENV_DOTENV_LOCATION=caseworker.env ENVIRONMENT=local pipenv run pytest -m "run_this_test" ui_tests/caseworker/

Ui Tests with Docker

All env variables above apply

Assuming you already have an instance of the api and frontend running using docker-compose you can either:

Run the tests from the frontend directory:

make run_docker_ui_tests

to do this manually:

docker-compose exec caseworker bash -c "pytest -vv --gherkin-terminal-reporter ./ui_tests/caseworker ${ADDITIONAL_PYTEST_UI_TEST_ARGS}"
docker-compose exec exporter bash -c "pytest -vv --gherkin-terminal-reporter ./ui_tests/exporter ${ADDITIONAL_PYTEST_UI_TEST_ARGS}"

Connect to the box and run the tests: caseworker

docker-compose exec caseworker bash
pytest -vv --gherkin-terminal-reporter ./ui_tests/caseworker ${ADDITIONAL_PYTEST_UI_TEST_ARGS}


docker-compose exec exporter bash
pytest -vv --gherkin-terminal-reporter ./ui_tests/exporter ${ADDITIONAL_PYTEST_UI_TEST_ARGS}

${ADDITIONAL_PYTEST_UI_TEST_ARGS} is always set to --headless in the docker-compose so if you'd like to run without headless simply run:

pytest -vv --gherkin-terminal-reporter ./ui_tests/caseworker
pytest -vv --gherkin-terminal-reporter ./ui_tests/exporter


docker-compose exec caseworker bash -c "pytest -vv --gherkin-terminal-reporter ./ui_tests/caseworker"
docker-compose exec exporter bash -c "pytest -vv --gherkin-terminal-reporter ./ui_tests/exporter"

Running e2e tests in Docker with visible Chrome locally

Install Java and turn off selenium server which is running; the docker one

brew install java

Check version if its not showing then you need to symlink it

java -version

then check for path:

brew info openjdk

sudo ln -sfn /usr/local/opt/openjdk/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk.jdk

Download Selenium Grid Server from the Website then run the server:

java -jar /Users/lngo_dit/Downloads/selenium-server-4.19.1.jar standalone --selenium-manager true

change in the code to you local server for example:



The Javascript/SCSS is automatically watched via the node docker service.

The production assets are built on deployment as part of the cloudfoundry build. We specify the node buildpack in the cloudfoundry manifest file which cloudfoundry automatically picks up. This then runs the command specified heroku-postbuild specified in the package.json.

to run the tests run: docker exec -it lite-frontend_frontend_assets_watcher_1 npm run test

Without docker

Node version required can be found in the package.json under engines. All javascripts and scss files are stored under caseworker/assets and exporter/assets

  npm i

Hot reload for local development.

  npm run watch