The GOV.UK Pay Admin Users Module in Java (Dropwizard)
The port number to listen for Dropwizard admin requests on. Defaults to 8081 . |
This is the publicly visible URL for the pay admin users root. Defaults to http://localhost:8080 . |
The hostname of the database server. |
The name of the database on DB_HOST . Defaults to adminusers . |
The password for the DB_USER user. |
The port number it use when connecting to the database server. Defaults to 5432 . |
To turn TLS on this value must be set as ssl=true . Otherwise must be empty. |
The username to log into the database as. |
The number of minutes password reset tokens are valid for. Defaults to 90 . |
The location of the JRE. Set to /opt/java/openjdk in the Dockerfile . |
Commandline arguments to pass to the java runtime. Optional. |
The logging level to set for JPA. Defaults to WARNING . |
The logging level to set for JPA SQL logging. Defaults to WARNING . |
The number of consecutive failed logins a user can have before their account is disabled. Defaults to 10 . |
The hostname to send graphite metrics to. Defaults to localhost . |
The port number to send graphite metrics to. Defaults to 8092 . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use for sending OTP codes via SMS for signing in. Defaults to pay-notify-sign-in-otp-sms-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use for sending OTP codes via SMS for changing the sign-in method to text messages. Defaults to pay-notify-switch-sign-in-2fa-to-sms-otp-sms-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use for sending OTP codes via SMS for self-initiated user and service creation. Defaults to pay-notify-self-initiated-create-user-and-service-otp-sms-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use for sending OTP codes via SMS for creating a user in response to an invitation to join a service. Defaults to pay-notify-create-user-in-response-to-invitation-to-service-otp-sms-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify API key to use when sending card payment messages. Defaults to api_key-pay-notify-service-id-pay-notify-secret-needs-to-be-32-chars-fsghdngfhmhfkrgsfs . |
The URL of GOV.UK Notify's API. Defaults to https://stubs.pymnt.localdomain/notify . |
The GOV.UK Notify API key to use when sending Direct Debit emails. Defaults to api_key-pay-notify-service-id-pay-notify-secret-needs-to-be-32-chars-fsghdngfhmhfkrgsfs . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending a password reset email to a user of the admin tool. Defaults to pay-notify-forgotten-password-email-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending a confirmation email to a user registering for an admin tool account. Defaults to pay-notify-invite-service-email-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending an email to a user who is trying to register for an admin tool account but already has a disabled one. Defaults to pay-notify-invite-service-user-disabled-email-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending an email to a user who is trying to register for an admin tool account but already has one. Defaults to pay-notify-invite-service-user-exists-email-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending an invitation to collaborate on a service to a user who does not yet have an admin tool account. Defaults to pay-notify-invite-user-email-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending an invitation to collaborate on service to a user who already has an admin tool account. Defaults to pay-notify-invite-user-existing-email-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending an email to an admin tool user who has requested to go live using our procured payment provider. Defaults to pay-notify-live-account-created-email-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending an email to a paying user to inform them their Direct Debit mandate has been cancelled. Defaults to pay-mandate-cancelled-email-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending an email to a paying user to inform them their request to set up an on-demand Direct Debit mandate failed. Defaults to pay-mandate-failed-email-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending an email to a paying user to inform them their request to set up a one-off Direct Debit payment was successful. Defaults to pay-one-off-mandate-and-payment-created-email-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending an email to a paying user to inform them their request to set up an on-demand Direct Debit mandate was successful. Defaults to pay-on-demand-mandate-created-email-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending an email to a paying user to inform them that an on-demand Direct Debit payment will be taken. Defaults to pay-on-demand-payment-confirmed-email-template-id . |
The GOV.UK Notify template ID to use when sending an email to a paying user to inform them that a Direct Debit payment failed to be taken. Defaults to pay-payment-failed-email-template-id . |
The port number to listen for requests on. Defaults to 8080 . |
Set to true to run the application. Defaults to true . |
Set to true to run a database migration. Defaults to false . |
The URL to the admin portal. Defaults to https://selfservice.pymnt.localdomain . |
The URL users can visit to get support. Defaults to https://frontend.pymnt.localdomain/contact/ . |
The API Specification provides more detail on the paths and operations including examples.
Path | Supported Methods | Description |
/v1/api/users |
POST | Creates a new user |
/v1/api/users/{externalId} |
GET | Gets a user with the associated external id |
/v1/api/users/?ids={externalId1},{externalId2}... |
GET | Gets users with the associated external ids |
/v1/api/users/{externalId} |
PATCH | amend a specific user attribute |
/v1/api/users/{externalId}/services/{serviceId} |
PUT | update user's role for a service |
/v1/api/users/{externalId}/services |
POST | assign a new service along with role to a user |
/v1/api/users/{externalId}/second-factor |
POST | Send OTP via SMS for an existing user |
/v1/api/users/{externalId}/second-factor/provision |
POST | Create a new provisional OTP key for a user |
/v1/api/users/{externalId}/second-factor/activate |
POST | Activate a new OTP key and method for a user |
/v1/api/users/authenticate |
POST | Authenticate a given username/password |
/v1/api/forgotten-passwords |
POST | Create a new forgotten password request |
/v1/api/forgotten-passwords/{code} |
GET | GETs a forgotten password record by code |
/v1/api/services |
POST | Creates a new service |
/v1/api/invites/service |
POST | Creates a invitation for a new service |
/v1/api/invites/user |
POST | Creates a user invitation |
/v1/api/services/{externalId} |
GET | returns the service with the given external id |
/v1/api/services/{externalId}/users |
GET | returns the users for a service with the given external id |
/v1/api/services/{externalId} |
PATCH | Updates the value of a service attribute |
/v1/api/services?gatewayAccountId={gateway_account_id} |
GET | Find the service with the given gateway account id associated with |
/v1/api/services/{externalId}/stripe-agreement |
POST | Record acceptance of Stripe terms |
/v1/api/services/{externalId}/stripe-agreement |
GET | Get details about the acceptance of Stripe terms |
/v1/api/services/{externalId}/govuk-pay-agreement |
POST | Record acceptance of GOV.UK Pay terms |
/v1/api/services/{externalId}/govuk-pay-agreement |
GET | Get details about the acceptance of GOV.UK Pay terms |
/v1/api/services/{externalId}/send-live-email |
POST | Sends an email to the user who signed the service agreement to inform them that their service is live |
/v1/api/invites/{code}/complete |
POST | Completes an invitation by creating user/service |
/v1/api/invites/{code}/otp/generate |
POST | Generates and sends otp verification code to the phone number registered in the invite |
By default, maven will run all the tests excluding contract tests
mvn clean install
By specifying this profile, maven will run only the contract tests
mvn clean install -DrunContractTests -DPACT_BROKER_USERNAME=username -DPACT_BROKER_PASSWORD=password -DPACT_CONSUMER_TAG=tag
GOV.UK Pay aims to stay secure for everyone. If you are a security researcher and have discovered a security vulnerability in this code, we appreciate your help in disclosing it to us in a responsible manner. We will give appropriate credit to those reporting confirmed issues. Please e-mail [email protected] with details of any issue you find, we aim to reply quickly.