Complete details to build a Rasa Weather-Telecasting Chatbot on Macos(Can be done in every os with little bit change in installations)
all files uploaded are the files which i wrote the code. is the python script to integrate our chatbot with api. is python script to communicate is file which has intents #domain.yml is the file which has chatbots output is the file which has basic conversations for training #endpoints.yml is to connect to the server #config.yml is the configurations of the rasa.
.IN VISUAL STUDIO CODE create a virtual environment(can watch youtube video-simple process) in a separate directory .Create an another Directory to install Rasa in it .Get into VScode terminal Command-"pip install rasa" with activating environment by "(virtual environment name)/bin/activate" .Another Command "pip install rasa-x --extra -i" .Run "rasa init" in the terminal and proceed with Yes and Yes .There u get many files Downloaded namely domain.yml,,, and several other files
Now look at my all codes and Analyze them. Now open 2nd terminal in vscode and run "rasa run actions" Now in the 1st terminal run "rasa train" and proceed with yes Now run "rasa shell" THERE YOU GO YOUR BOT IS COMPLETED........XD