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Covid Alberta

This is a small package that I have developed to look at some of the alberta specific covid data.

This file will become your README and also the index of your documentation.


pip install covid_alberta

Web Scraper

The albertaC19 is a class that scrapes the updated stats off of the alberta Covid-19 website.

example of using the webscraper

abC19scaper = covid_alberta.albertaC19(outputfolder="")
# I don't plan on writing out the data in this example thus the keywords
ab_totals, ab_regions, ab_testing = abC19scaper.scrape_all(fltypes=None, return_dataframes=True)

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-3-cea1377c44fe> in <module>
      1 abC19scaper = covid_alberta.albertaC19(outputfolder="")
      2 # I don't plan on writing out the data in this example thus the keywords
----> 3 ab_totals, ab_regions, ab_testing = abC19scaper.scrape_all(fltypes=None, return_dataframes=True)

c:\Repositories_C\covid_alberta\covid_alberta\ in scrape_all(self, totalfl, regionsfl, testfl, fltypes, combine_dataframes, return_dataframes)
    336         '''
--> 337         totals = self.scrape_albertaTotals(output_filename=totalfl, fltypes=fltypes, return_dataframe=return_dataframes)
    338         regions = self.scrape_albertaRegions(output_filename=regionsfl, fltypes=fltypes, return_dataframe=return_dataframes)
    339         testing = self.scrape_albertaTesting(output_filename=testfl, fltypes=fltypes, return_dataframe=return_dataframes)

c:\Repositories_C\covid_alberta\covid_alberta\ in scrape_albertaTotals(self, output_filename, fltypes, update_figure_order, return_dataframe)
    177         # Scrape the data
    178         ab_cumulative = json.loads(totals_results[fig_order['cum_cases']].string)
--> 179         ab_daily_cases = json.loads(totals_results[fig_order['daily_cases']].string)
    180         ab_case_status = json.loads(totals_results[fig_order['case_status']].string)

IndexError: list index out of range

Now we can show the dataframes

<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
cum_cases Confirmed_count Probable_count Daily_count Active_cum Died_cum Recovered_cum
2020-04-04 1250 38 19 57 618 23 322
2020-04-05 1308 35 23 58 676 24 382
2020-04-06 1344 20 16 36 712 27 449
2020-04-07 1409 39 26 65 776 27 518
2020-04-08 1423 9 5 14 876 29 518
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Calgary_cumulative Central_cumulative Edmont_cumulative North_cumulative South_cumulative Unknown_cumulative
2020-04-04 778 61 315 75 19 2
2020-04-05 801 65 340 79 21 2
2020-04-06 821 65 348 86 22 2
2020-04-07 854 72 364 94 23 2
2020-04-08 860 72 368 95 26 2
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
2020-04-04 1737
2020-04-05 1112
2020-04-06 1129
2020-04-07 1319
2020-04-08 459

These are all pandas DataFrames. For more info on using pandas check out the pandas cookbook.


these are functions that I have started working on for some quick analyses of the data. The main one being doubling rates

Doubling times

the calculate_doublingtimes function returns 2 columns.

dtime is how many days our count has been doubling from the first reported case to get to todays case count

dtime_rw is a rolling window calcualtion. So if you window is 6 days it looks at what our doubling rate, starting from the case count 6 days ago, would have to be to get to todays case count.

I started off looking at the rolling window calculation. However the more I look into it the more I'm not happy with using the rolling window. Our information about Covid-19 cases are changing so rapidly, that the rolling window calculation tends to be too noisy and too optimistic to be useful. We can calculate both below and see what they look like

totals_dt = covid_alberta.calculate_doublingtimes(ab_totals, col_suffix="cum_cases", combine_df=False)
regions_dt = covid_alberta.calculate_doublingtimes(ab_regions, col_suffix="cumulative", combine_df=False)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
dtime dtime_rw
2020-04-04 2.818897 7.119992
2020-04-05 2.897670 7.353586
2020-04-06 2.982973 9.613334
2020-04-07 3.059140 11.617191
2020-04-08 3.150442 17.176893
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Calgary_dtime Calgary_dtime_rw Central_dtime Central_dtime_rw Edmont_dtime Edmont_dtime_rw North_dtime North_dtime_rw South_dtime South_dtime_rw Unknown_dtime Unknown_dtime_rw
2020-04-04 3.019693 7.296903 4.046714 14.735665 3.872364 5.864623 3.692514 8.141493 4.472769 7.609425 0 0
2020-04-05 3.110208 7.587349 4.151191 12.826571 3.956375 6.261873 3.807239 8.008629 4.553405 6.431655 0 0
2020-04-06 3.202070 9.970858 4.317239 18.637702 4.082834 8.636192 3.890285 7.959255 4.709120 6.000000 0 0
2020-04-07 3.286065 12.181763 4.376066 15.441420 4.189037 11.309771 3.966687 8.029614 4.863424 7.289318 0 0
2020-04-08 3.385243 19.656061 4.538143 20.885405 4.323639 15.835158 4.109679 9.387934 4.893159 8.566048 0 0


Here is some of the plots I've used for looking at the data. For this example I'm using matplotlib. Plotly creates nice plots but is a little harder to include in this documentation since it's hosted on github pages. If you head over to my website I'll post the plotly code and example of the interactive plots there.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Set defaults and settings
days_to_trim = 1
date_fmt = "%B %d"

# Grab the data we want for the plots and trim the last day off
plt_totals = ab_totals[:-days_to_trim]
plt_total_dt = totals_dt[:-days_to_trim]
plt_regions = ab_regions[:-days_to_trim]
plt_regions_dt = regions_dt[:-days_to_trim]

# use a format dictionary so I only have to set them in one location

fmt = {'alb': {'x_data': plt_totals['cum_cases'],
               'y_data': plt_total_dt['dtime'],
               'last_date': plt_totals.index.strftime(date_fmt)[-1],
               'annot_x': plt_totals['cum_cases'][-1],
               'annot_y': plt_total_dt['dtime'][-1],
               'color': 'green',
               'label': 'Alberta'},
       'cal': {'x_data': plt_regions['Calgary_cumulative'],
               'y_data': plt_regions_dt['Calgary_dtime'],
               'last_date': plt_regions.index.strftime(date_fmt)[-1],
               'annot_x': plt_regions['Calgary_cumulative'][-1],
               'annot_y': plt_regions_dt['Calgary_dtime'][-1],
               'color': 'orange',
               'label': 'Calgary'},
       'edm': {'x_data': plt_regions['Edmont_cumulative'],
               'y_data': plt_regions_dt['Edmont_dtime'],
               'last_date': plt_regions.index.strftime(date_fmt)[-1],
               'annot_x': plt_regions['Edmont_cumulative'][-1],
               'annot_y': plt_regions_dt['Edmont_dtime'][-1],
               'color': 'blue', 
               'label': 'Edmonton'},

# Setup the plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6))

# Create the scatter plots using a loop and the dictionary above
for rgn in ['alb', 'cal', 'edm']:
    ax.plot(fmt[rgn]['x_data'], fmt[rgn]['y_data'], 
            c=fmt[rgn]['color'], label=fmt[rgn]['label'])

# add an annotation to the last point
for rgn in ['alb', 'cal', 'edm']:
    ax.plot(fmt[rgn]['annot_x'], fmt[rgn]['annot_y'], 'o', c=fmt[rgn]['color'])
    ax.text(fmt[rgn]['annot_x'] - 60, fmt[rgn]['annot_y'] + 0.08, fmt[rgn]['last_date'], 
            fontdict={'color': fmt[rgn]['color'], 'size': 8, 'weight': 'bold'})
# fancy up the plot
ax.grid(which='both', linestyle=(0, (5, 3)), lw=0.5)
ax.legend(frameon=True, fancybox=True, shadow=True)
ax.set_ylabel('Doubling Time (Days)', fontdict={'size': 9, 'family': 'sans-serif', 'style':'italic'})
ax.set_xlabel('Cumulative Case Count', fontdict={'size': 9, 'family': 'sans-serif', 'style':'italic'})
title = ax.set_title("Alberta: Doubling Time by Cumulative Cases",
                     fontdict={'fontsize': 10, 'family': 'sans-serif', 'fontweight': 'bold'})



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