A simple GUI of Ethereum tools and utilities for debugging
- ABI viewer
- show methods
- show method signatures
- show event params
- show event topic signatures
- ABI method caller
- sign and broadcast
- static call
- ABI event logs
- get event logs
- Tx input data decoder
- decode constructor callata
- decode tx calldata
- Method and Event Topic signature generator
- 4byte dictionary lookup
- Unit converter
- Eth sender
- Custom tx tools
- sign and broadcast
- call static
- populate tx
- sign tx
- estimate gas
- Send raw tx
- Gas cost calculator
- Get fee data
- Get tx
- Get tx receipt
- Get block info
- Get block number from date
- Get address code
- Get nonce
- Ens resolver
- Ens reverse resolver
- Ens avatar resolver
- Hex coder
- Base58 coder
- IPFS hash coder
- Contenthash coder
- Address checksum
- Private key to address
- Private key to public key
- Public key to address
- Hash message
- Sign message
- Verify signature
- Encrypt message with public key
- Decrypt message with private key
- Batch Eth balance checker
- Batch Erc20 balance checker
- Batch EkSync balance checker
- Batch Ens reverse resolver checker
- Keystore encrypt and decrypt
- HD wallet key generator
npm install
npm run start
Released under the MIT license.