Browserify plugin to prepend license header to your bundle
is a Browserify plugin to prepend license header to your bundle as follows.
* Modules in this bundle
* @license
* licensify:
* license: MIT (
* author: Takuto Wada <[email protected]>
* contributors: Okuno Kentaro, Ayumu Sato, Denis Sokolov, yudppp, Daijiro Wachi
* homepage:
* version: 3.1.0
* convert-source-map:
* license: MIT (
* author: Thorsten Lorenz <[email protected]>
* maintainers: thlorenz <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 1.2.0
* core-util-is:
* license: MIT (
* author: Isaac Z. Schlueter <[email protected]>
* maintainers: isaacs <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 1.0.2
* inherits:
* license: ISC (
* maintainers: isaacs <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 2.0.1
* isarray:
* license: MIT (
* author: Julian Gruber <[email protected]>
* maintainers: juliangruber <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 1.0.0
* offset-sourcemap-lines:
* license: MIT (
* author: Takuto Wada <[email protected]>
* maintainers: twada <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 0.1.0
* osi-licenses:
* license: MIT (
* author: Meryn Stol <[email protected]>
* maintainers: meryn <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 0.1.1
* oss-license-name-to-url:
* license: MIT (
* author: Zeke Sikelianos <[email protected]>
* maintainers: zeke <[email protected]>, isaacs <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 1.2.1
* process-nextick-args:
* license: MIT (
* maintainers: cwmma <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 1.0.6
* readable-stream:
* license: MIT (
* maintainers: isaacs <[email protected]>, tootallnate <[email protected]>, rvagg <[email protected]>, cwmma <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 2.0.6
* source-map:
* license: BSD-3-Clause (
* author: Nick Fitzgerald <[email protected]>
* maintainers: mozilla-devtools <[email protected]>, mozilla <[email protected]>, nickfitzgerald <[email protected]>
* contributors: Simon Lydell <[email protected]>, Tobias Koppers <[email protected]>, Stephen Crane <[email protected]>, Ryan Seddon <[email protected]>, Miles Elam <[email protected]>, Mihai Bazon <[email protected]>, Michael Ficarra <[email protected]>, Todd Wolfson <[email protected]>, Alexander Solovyov <[email protected]>, Felix Gnass <[email protected]>, Conrad Irwin <[email protected]>, usrbincc <[email protected]>, David Glasser <[email protected]>, Chase Douglas <[email protected]>, Evan Wallace <[email protected]>, Heather Arthur <[email protected]>, Hugh Kennedy <[email protected]>, David Glasser <[email protected]>, Duncan Beevers <[email protected]>, Jmeas Smith <[email protected]>, Michael Z Goddard <[email protected]>, azu <[email protected]>, John Gozde <[email protected]>, Adam Kirkton <[email protected]>, Chris Montgomery <[email protected]>, J. Ryan Stinnett <[email protected]>, Jack Herrington <[email protected]>, Chris Truter <[email protected]>, Daniel Espeset <[email protected]>, Jamie Wong <[email protected]>, Eddy Bruël <[email protected]>, Hawken Rives <[email protected]>, Gilad Peleg <[email protected]>, djchie <[email protected]>, Gary Ye <[email protected]>, Nicolas Lalevée <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 0.5.3
* string_decoder:
* license: MIT (
* maintainers: substack <[email protected]>, rvagg <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 0.10.31
* through2:
* license: MIT (
* author: Rod Vagg <[email protected]>
* maintainers: rvagg <[email protected]>, bryce <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 2.0.1
* type-name:
* license: MIT (
* author: Takuto Wada <[email protected]>
* maintainers: twada <[email protected]>
* contributors: azu, Yosuke Furukawa
* homepage:
* version: 2.0.0
* util-deprecate:
* license: MIT (
* author: Nathan Rajlich <[email protected]>
* maintainers: tootallnate <[email protected]>
* homepage:
* version: 1.0.2
* xtend:
* license: MIT (
* author: Raynos <[email protected]>
* maintainers: raynos <[email protected]>
* contributors: Jake Verbaten, Matt Esch
* homepage:
* version: 4.0.1
* This header is generated by licensify (
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
...(your bundle continues ...)
by command-line
$ browserify main.js -p licensify > build/bundle.js
or programmatically
var browserify = require('browserify');
var licensify = require('licensify');
var fs = require('fs');
var dest = fs.createWriteStream('/path/to/bundle.js');
var b = browserify();
Since 2.0.0, licensify scans and traverses browser
field if exists.
Since 3.0.0, licensify ignores packages which are marked as private in package.json by default.
if includePrivate
option is truthy, licensify includes private packages too.
by command-line
$ $(npm bin)/browserify path/to/your/file.js -p [ licensify --includePrivate ] > build/bundle.js
or programmatically
var browserify = require('browserify');
var licensify = require('licensify');
var b = browserify();
b.plugin(licensify, { includePrivate: true });
$ npm install --save-dev licensify
Node under maintenance is supported.
NOTE: If licensify works in any of the unsupported environments, it is purely coincidental and has no bearing on future compatibility. Use at your own risk.
Licensed under the MIT license.