Mapbox is a well-known service which provide mapping and navigation services across platforms from iOS/Android and Web. Their SDK for iOS was migrated to Swift entirely and no longer fully compatible with Objective-C, if not say very little.
This library is to provide Objective-C compabatible APIs to work with Mapbox fully in Objective-C and other cross platform frameworks like Xamarin. This repo is built as an input for the libaray Xamarin.iOS for Mapbox.iOS.
CLLocationCoordinate2D centerLocation = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(55.665957, 12.550343);
TMBCameraOptions* cameraOptions = [[TMBCameraOptions alloc] initWithCenter:centerLocation padding:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0) anchor:CGPointMake(0, 0) zoom:8 bearing:0 pitch:0];
MapInitOptions* options= [MapInitOptionsFactory createWithMapOptions:nil cameraOptions:cameraOptions styleURI:nil styleJSON:nil antialiasingSampleCount:1];
self.mapView = [MapViewFactory createWithFrame:self.view.bounds
self.mapView.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth |
[self.view addSubview:self.mapView];
pod 'MapboxMapObjC', '11.0.0'
This project is maintained by tuyen-vuduc in his spare time and/or when requested.
If you find this project is helpful, please give it a star, become a sponsor of the project and/or buy him a coffee.
This library is release under The BSD 3-Clause License. You are freely to use and make changes. However, this license doesn't override the license from Mapbox.