dokuwiki documentation project for coreBOS
- fork this documentation project
- clone your fork documentation project into a clean directory
- create a conf/users.auth.php file by copying conf/users.auth.php.dist and adding this line:
coreboshelp:$1$bRPHiXlZ$1AprT6IIP.ybGd2zDIT/r/:coreboshelp:[email protected]:admin,user
- make sure the permissions are correct (web user can write freely in install)
- you should now be able to login as admin user with user and password: coreboshelp
From now on you can follow the normal Pull Request system:
- create a branch for your documentation effort
- create and edit the documentation using dokuwiki until you are satisfied with the result
- don't forget to add your name and details in the contributions page
- send us a pull request
Thank you very much for your help and contribution.
coreBOS Team