#Quick Start
Front end react-redux application to display listings.
Global state resides in redux store -- local state for copy/paste components not wired for redux. Microservice architecture designed for REST
Full explanation can be found here: Guide
Source Systems | Data Store (PostgreSQL) | REST API (Express) | metes.io | mongodb |
Listings | Source Data (Enriched) | /api/foreclosures | Redux store | appdata |
Can be found here: JIRA
- Chrome
- React DevTools (React)
- Redux DevTools (Redux)
- npm
- Postman (API Testing)
Open shell/command prompt
- git clone https://[email protected]/smada/metes.git (be sure to replace username with your bitbucket username)
- cd metes
- npm install
- npm start (npm run start)
- navigate to http://localhost:3000 in Chrome
npm run start
Starts the development server running on http://localhost:3000
npm run generate
Allows you to auto-generate boilerplate code for common parts of your
application, specifically component
s, and container
s. You can
also run npm run generate <part>
to skip the first selection. (e.g. npm run generate container
npm start
Starts the development server and makes your application accessible at
. Tunnels that server with ngrok
, which means the website
accessible anywhere! Changes in the application code will be hot-reloaded.
npm run start:production
- Runs tests (see
npm test
) - Builds your app (see
npm run build
) - Starts the production server (see
npm run start:prod
The app is built for optimal performance: assets are minified and served gzipped.
To change the host and/or port the app is accessible at, pass the --host
and/or --port
option to the command
with --
. E.g. to make the app visible at my-local-hostname:5000
, run the following:
npm start -- --host my-local-hostname --port 5000
npm run build
Preps your app for deployment (does not run tests). Optimizes and minifies all files, piping them to the build
Upload the contents of build
to your web server to
see your work live!
See the testing documentation for detailed information about our testing setup!
npm test
Tests your application with the unit tests specified in the **/tests/*.js
throughout the application.
All the test
commands allow an optional -- [string]
argument to filter
the tests run by Jest. Useful if you need to run a specific test only.
# Run only the Button component tests
npm test -- Button
npm run test:watch
Watches changes to your application and re-runs tests whenever a file changes.
npm run start:tunnel
Starts the development server and tunnels it with ngrok
, making the website
available on the entire world. Useful for testing on different devices in different locations!
npm run analyze
This command will generate a stats.json
file from your production build, which
you can upload to the webpack analyzer or Webpack Visualizer. This
analyzer will visualize your dependencies and chunks with detailed statistics
about the bundle size.
npm run lint
Lints your JavaScript.
API v1: https://serouslabs.com:8000/api
Returns last 10,000 preforeclosures
"doc_id": "14576313",
"defendant": "WHITNEY BANK ",
"plaintiff": "18TH STREET LLC",
"record_date": "2016-11-30T06:00:00.000Z",
"orbook": "17792",
"comments": "LOTS 1 AND 2 B11 LINDSLEYS SD PT OF PT L3 SEC 1 2 26",
"orpage": "641",
"doclink": "http://oncore.duvalclerk.com/showdetails.aspx?id=14576313&rn=0&pi=0&ref=search",
"clerkfilenumber": "0",
"transactionnumber": "0",
"releasedate": null,
"casenumber": "3150652",
"imagecount": null,
"imagelinks": null,
"imagelink1": null,
"lp_id": 37617,
"state": "Florida",
"county": "Duval"
Returns last 10,000 preforeclosures filtered by county
Example: /preforeclosures/county/Duval
"doc_id": "14576313",
"defendant": "WHITNEY BANK ",
"plaintiff": "18TH STREET LLC",
"record_date": "2016-11-30T06:00:00.000Z",
"orbook": "17792",
"comments": "LOTS 1 AND 2 B11 LINDSLEYS SD PT OF PT L3 SEC 1 2 26",
"orpage": "641",
"doclink": "http://oncore.duvalclerk.com/showdetails.aspx?id=14576313&rn=0&pi=0&ref=search",
"clerkfilenumber": "0",
"transactionnumber": "0",
"releasedate": null,
"casenumber": "3150652",
"imagecount": null,
"imagelinks": null,
"imagelink1": null,
"lp_id": 37617,
"state": "Florida",
"county": "Duval"
Returns a single result. Lookup based on fcl_id in data store.
Example: /preforeclosures/id/37615
"doc_id": "14576447",
"defendant": "STONE ADAM ",
"plaintiff": "JAX METRO CREDIT UNION",
"record_date": "2016-11-30T06:00:00.000Z",
"orbook": "17792",
"comments": "PT L15 B88 SPRINGFIELD",
"orpage": "878",
"doclink": "http://oncore.duvalclerk.com/showdetails.aspx?id=14576447&rn=0&pi=0&ref=search",
"clerkfilenumber": "0",
"transactionnumber": "0",
"releasedate": null,
"casenumber": "3150705",
"imagecount": null,
"imagelinks": null,
"imagelink1": null,
"lp_id": 37615,
"state": "Florida",
"county": "Duval"
Returns last 10,000 foreclosures where the saledate is in the future.
"fcl_id": 2477079,
"casestatus": "Accepting Proxy",
"state": "Florida",
"county": "Duval",
"saledate": "01/02/2018",
"propertyzip": "32216",
"propertyuse": "0400 Residential Condo",
"propertyaddress": "1530 EL PRADO RD 6",
"finaljudgement": "155216.06",
"assessedvalue": "26000",
"maxbid": "155216.06",
"parcelid": "1371535012"
Returns last 10,000 foreclosures where the saledate is in the past.
"fcl_id": 2477079,
"casestatus": "Accepting Proxy",
"state": "Florida",
"county": "Duval",
"saledate": "01/02/2018",
"propertyzip": "32216",
"propertyuse": "0400 Residential Condo",
"propertyaddress": "1530 EL PRADO RD 6",
"finaljudgement": "155216.06",
"assessedvalue": "26000",
"maxbid": "155216.06",
"parcelid": "1371535012"
Returns last 10,000 foreclosures where the saledate is in the future and filtered by county.
Example /foreclosures/county/Duval
"fcl_id": 2477079,
"casestatus": "Accepting Proxy",
"state": "Florida",
"county": "Duval",
"saledate": "01/02/2018",
"propertyzip": "32216",
"propertyuse": "0400 Residential Condo",
"propertyaddress": "1530 EL PRADO RD 6",
"finaljudgement": "155216.06",
"assessedvalue": "26000",
"maxbid": "155216.06",
"parcelid": "1371535012"
Returns a single foreclosure result. Lookup based on fcl_id.
Example /foreclosures/id/2477079
"fcl_id": 2477079,
"timestamp": "2017-12-18T22:36:03.010Z",
"saledate": "01/02/2018",
"parcelid": "1371535012",
"state": "Florida",
"county": "Duval",
"casenumber": "16-2014-CA-007886-XXXX-MA",
"listingtype": null,
"propertyaddress": "1530 EL PRADO RD 6",
"propertyaddress1": null,
"propertycity": "JACKSONVILLE",
"propertyowner2": null,
"propertyzip": "32216",
"assessedvalue": "26000",
"justmarketvalue": null,
"numstructures": null,
"legaldescription": "52-2S-27E, SOUTHBROOK CONDOMINIUM, UNIT 1530-6, O/R 7066-437",
"landvalue": "0.00",
"structurevalue": null,
"propertyuse": "0400 Residential Condo",
"zoning": "",
"totalarea": "0.0",
"structurearea": "725",
"exteriorwall": "0",
"exteriorwall2": "0",
"interiorwall": "",
"interiorwall2": "0",
"interiorfloor": "0",
"interiorfloor2": "0",
"roofstructure": "",
"roofcover": "",
"heatingfuel": "0",
"heatingtype": "0",
"airconditioning": "0",
"extra": "",
"bedrooms": "1",
"bathrooms": "1.0",
"maxbid": "155216.06",
"stories": "0",
"grossarea": "0",
"gislink": "http://maps.coj.net/WEBSITE/DuvalMapsSQL/viewer.htm?Layers=0110110000110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000110&Tools=Yes&ActiveLayer=2&Query=RE%20%3D%20%27137153%205012%27&Queryzoom=Yes",
"googlemapslink": "http://maps.google.com/maps?q=1530+EL+PRADO+RD,+Jacksonville+FL+32216",
"appraiserlink": "http://apps.coj.net/pao_propertySearch/Basic/Detail.aspx?RE=1371535012",
"subdivision": "03680 SOUTHBROOK CONDOMINIUM",
"rooms": "0",
"caselink": null,
"plaintiff2": null,
"defendant2": null,
"finaljudgement": "155216.06",
"openingbid": null,
"frontage": "0",
"depth": "0",
"uid": null,
"lastsaledate": "1/16/2013",
"lastsaleprice": "100.00",
"acres": null,
"yearbuilt": "1967",
"index": "127",
"casestatus": "Accepting Proxy",
"marketlink": "Zillow link",
"localimgpath": "2477079.jpeg"
Parameter :route Valid inputs: foreclosure model column
Returns distinct group counts of route parameter where saledate is in the future. Input is column name from foreclosure model.
Example: saledate column
"route": "01/08/2018",
"count": "62"
"route": "01/25/2018",
"count": "43"
"route": "01/09/2018",
"count": "40"
"route": "01/10/2018",
"count": "34"
"route": "01/22/2018",
"count": "34"
"route": "01/11/2018",
"count": "30"
"route": "01/23/2018",
"count": "29"
"route": "01/29/2018",
"count": "28"
"route": "02/08/2018",
"count": "23"
"route": "02/01/2018",
"count": "22"
"route": "01/31/2018",
"count": "21"
"route": "01/03/2018",
"count": "20"
"route": "01/17/2018",
"count": "18"
"route": "01/24/2018",
"count": "17"
"route": "01/16/2018",
"count": "16"
"route": "02/15/2018",
"count": "15"
"route": "02/22/2018",
"count": "15"
"route": "01/30/2018",
"count": "12"
"route": "02/07/2018",
"count": "12"
"route": "01/18/2018",
"count": "10"
"route": "02/21/2018",
"count": "10"
"route": "01/04/2018",
"count": "9"
"route": "02/13/2018",
"count": "8"
"route": "02/27/2018",
"count": "8"
"route": "02/05/2018",
"count": "7"
Returns the following:
- Average number of upcoming sales per day.
- Average new listings per day.
- Average final judgement per listing.
- Total number of future sales scheduled.
- Total number of sales tomorrow.
- Total number of sales this week.
"avg_sales_per_sale_day": "28",
"avg_new_listings_per_day": "50",
"avg_fj": 194350.736094294,
"num_future_sales": "607",
"num_past_sales": "10883",
"sales_tomorrow": "7",
"sales_this_week": "11"