Distil-DIRE is a lightweight version of DIRE, which can be used for real-time applications. Instead of calculating DIRE image directly, Distl-DIRE aims to reconstruct the features of corresponding DIRE image forwared by a image-net pretrained classifier with one-step noise of DDIM inversion.
Dataset | Model | Link |
CelebA-HQ | 224x224 | link |
ImageNet | 224x224 | link |
We use image-net pretrained unconditional ADM diffusion model for feature reconstruction. You can download the pretrained model from the following link: https://openaipublic.blob.core.windows.net/diffusion/jul-2021/256x256_diffusion_uncond.pt
or you can use the following script to download the model:
wget https://openaipublic.blob.core.windows.net/diffusion/jul-2021/256x256_diffusion_uncond.pt -O models/256x256-adm.pt
Before training the model on your own dataset, you need to prepare the dataset in the following format:
└── images
├── fakes
│ └──img1.png...
├── reals
After preparing the dataset, you can calculate the epsilons and dire images for the dataset using the following script:
bash compute_dire_eps.sh
After running the script, you will have the following directory structure:
└── images
├── fakes
│ └──img1.png...
├── reals
└── eps
├── fakes
│ └──img1.pt...
├── reals
└── dire
├── fakes
│ └──img1.png...
├── reals
For eps and dire calculation we set the DDIM steps to 20. This should be same when inference.
For training Distil-DIRE, be sure to have datasets
directory in the root of the project and your dataset inside the datasets
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node 8 -m train --batch 128 --exp_name truemedia-distil-dire-mydataset --datasets mydataset --datasets_test mytestset --epoch 100 --lr 1e-4
You can also fine-tune the model on your own dataset. For fine-tuning, you need to provide the path to the pretrained model.
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node 8 -m train --batch 128 --exp_name truemedia-distil-dire-mydataset --datasets mydataset --datasets_test mytestset --epoch 100 --lr 1e-4 --pretrained_weights YOUR_PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH
For testing the model, you can use the following script:
python3 -m test --test True --datasets mydataset --pretrained_weights YOUR_PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH
export DOCKER_REGISTRY="YOUR_NAME" # Put your Docker Hub username here
export DATE=`date +%Y%m%d` # Get the current date
# Build the Docker image for development
docker build -t "$DOCKER_REGISTRY/distil-dire:dev-$DATE" -f Dockerfile .
# Push your docker image to docker hub
docker login
docker push "$DOCKER_REGISTRY/distil-dire:dev-$DATE"
export WORKDIR="YOUR_WORKDIR" # Put your working directory here
docker run --gpus=all --name=truemedia_gpu_all_distildire -v "$WORKDIR:/workspace/" -ti -e "$DOCKER_REGISTRY/distil-dire:dev-$DATE"
# work inside the container (/workspace)
- This repo runs on ADM diffusion model (256x256, unconditional) trained on ImageNet 1k dataset and ResNet-50 classifier trained on ImageNet 1k dataset.
- Minimum requirements: 1 GPU, 10GB VRAM
Our code is developed based on DIRE, guided-diffusion and CNNDetection. Thanks for their sharing codes and models.
If you find this work useful for your research, please cite our paper:
title={DistilDIRE: A Small, Fast, Cheap and Lightweight Diffusion Synthesized Deepfake Detection},
author={Yewon Lim and Changyeon Lee and Aerin Kim and Oren Etzioni},