⚠️ WARNING: This code is published as-is for reference and educational purposes in the field of deepfake detection. It represents a historical implementation by TrueMedia.org and is not actively maintained. The repository does not accept pull requests, issues, modifications, or support requests. The original TrueMedia.org organization has ceased operations.
Deressa Wodajo, Solomon Atnafu, Zahid Akhtar
This repository contains the implementation code for Deepfake Video Detection Using Generative Convolutional Vision Transformer (GenConViT) paper. Find the full paper on arXiv here.
The Proposed GenConViT Deepfake Detection Framework
Deepfakes have raised significant concerns due to their potential to spread false information and compromise digital media integrity. In this work, we propose a Generative Convolutional Vision Transformer (GenConViT) for deepfake video detection. Our model combines ConvNeXt and Swin Transformer models for feature extraction, and it utilizes Autoencoder and Variational Autoencoder to learn from the latent data distribution. By learning from the visual artifacts and latent data distribution, GenConViT achieves improved performance in detecting a wide range of deepfake videos. The model is trained and evaluated on DFDC, FF++, DeepfakeTIMIT, and Celeb-DF v2 datasets, achieving high classification accuracy, F1 scores, and AUC values. The proposed GenConViT model demonstrates robust performance in deepfake video detection, with an average accuracy of 95.8% and an AUC value of 99.3% across the tested datasets. Our proposed model addresses the challenge of generalizability in deepfake detection by leveraging visual and latent features and providing an effective solution for identifying a wide range of fake videos while preserving media integrity.
The GenConViT model consists of two independent networks and incorporates the following modules:
Autoencoder (ed), Variational Autoencoder (vae), and ConvNeXt-Swin Hybrid layer
The code in this repository enables training and testing of the GenConViT model for deepfake detection.
* Python 3.x * PyTorch * numpy * torch * torchvision * tqdm * decord * dlib * opencv * face_recognition * timm
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/erprogs/GenConViT
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To train the GenConViT model, follow these steps:
- Prepare the training data, or use the sample training data provided:
_ Ensure that the training data is located in the specified directory path.
_ The training data should be organized in the required format. The
directory contains images that are fake, while thereal
directory contains images that are real.
train: - fake - real valid: - fake - real test: - fake - real
- Run the training script:
python train.py
-d <training-data-path>
-m <model-variant>
-e <num-epochs>
-p <pretrained-model-file>
-b <batch-size>
: Path to the training data.
: Specify the model variant (ed
for Autoencoder or vae
for Variational Autoencoder).
: Number of epochs for training.
(optional): Specify the filename of a pretrained model to continue training.
(optional): Batch size for training. Default is 32.
(optional): Run the test on the test dataset after training.
The model weights and metrics are saved in the weight
Example usage:
python train.py --d sample_train_data --m vae -e 5 -t y
python train.py --d sample_train_data --m ed --e 5 -t y
Deepfake Detection using GenConViT
To make prediction using the trained GenConViT model, follow these steps:
- Download the pretrained model from Huggingface and save it in the
Network A (ed)
wget https://huggingface.co/Deressa/GenConViT/resolve/main/genconvit_ed_inference.pth
Network B (vae)
wget https://huggingface.co/Deressa/GenConViT/resolve/main/genconvit_vae_inference.pth
- Run the prediction script:
To run the code, use the following command:
python prediction.py \
--p <path-to-video-data> \
--f <number-of-frames> \
--d <dataset> \
--n <model-variant>
--fp16 <half-precision>
: Path to the video data or [ dfdc, faceforensics, timit, celeb ]
: Specify the number of frames to be extracted for the video prediction. The default is 15 frames.
: Specify the model variant (ed
or vae
or both:genconvit).
: the dataset type. [ dfdc, faceforensics, timit, celeb ]
or yours.
: Enable half-precision (float16).
Example usage:
python prediction.py --p DeepfakeTIMIT --d timit --f 10
To use ed, or vae variant:
python prediction.py --p sample_prediction_data --n vae --f 10
python prediction.py --p sample_prediction_data --n ed --f 10
python prediction.py --p DeepfakeTIMIT --n vae --d timit --f 10
python -u -m server
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/healthcheck
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/predict \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"file_path":"https://www.evalai.org/ocasio.mp4"}'
# to test the NO_FACE feature
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/predict \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"file_path":"https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/041/394/978/mp4/beautiful-white-swans-couple-with-fluffy-wings-floating-on-the-lake-with-turtles-in-the-park-on-a-sunny-day-animals-birds-and-wildlife-travel-and-vacation-concept-slow-motion-video.mp4"}'
For stress test, run python stress_test.py
export DOCKER_REGISTRY="linqiu0128" # Put your Docker Hub username here
docker build --no-cache -t "$DOCKER_REGISTRY/genconvit-finetuned" -f Dockerfile .
Push your docker image to docker hub
docker login
docker tag "$DOCKER_REGISTRY/genconvit-finetuned:latest" "$DOCKER_REGISTRY/genconvit-finetuned:v1.5"
docker push $DOCKER_REGISTRY/genconvit-finetuned:v1.5 #remember to update the tag
To pull the docker image,
docker pull $DOCKER_REGISTRY/genconvit-finetuned:v1.5 #remember to update the tag
Run this Docker image locally on a GPU to test that it can run inferences as expected:
docker run --gpus=all -d -p 80:8000 --env SERVER_PORT=8000 --name "genconvit-finetuned" "$DOCKER_REGISTRY/genconvit-finetuned:v1.5"
Remember to update the 80 to other host port that it will be used. GCP and EC2 use 80, but Octo uses 8000.
To stop it, run
docker stop genconvit-finetuned;docker rm genconvit-finetuned
..and in a separate terminal run the following command one or more times
curl -X GET http://localhost:80/healthcheck
until you see {"healthy":true ......} with model versions
Test the fake one,
curl -X POST http://localhost:80/predict \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"file_path":"https://www.evalai.org/ocasio.mp4"}'
Test the unknown one,
curl -X POST http://localhost:80/predict \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"file_path":"https://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/041/394/978/mp4/beautiful-white-swans-couple-with-fluffy-wings-floating-on-the-lake-with-turtles-in-the-park-on-a-sunny-day-animals-birds-and-wildlife-travel-and-vacation-concept-slow-motion-video.mp4"}'
To debug and view logs, docker logs genconvit-finetuned
sudo usermod -a -G docker ubuntu
allowing ubuntu user to execute Docker commands without needing superuser privileges.
To test to server deployment,
curl -X POST http://<Add your server address here, like> :80/predict -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"file_path":"https://www.evalai.org/ocasio.mp4"}'
predict.py becomes custommodel.py wrapper.
python predict.py --p examples/oren.mp4 --n vae --f 10
python custommodel.py -p https://www.evalai.org/ocasio.mp4 -f 10 -n vae
please keep the precision as 32.
title={Deepfake Video Detection Using Generative Convolutional Vision Transformer},
author={Deressa Wodajo and Solomon Atnafu and Zahid Akhtar},
This research was funded by Addis Ababa University Research Grant for the Adaptive Problem-Solving Research. Reference number RD/PY-183/2021. Grant number AR/048/2021.
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0 license.