Interface to the NY Times Districts API.
This module's only necessary external dependency is the requests module.
pip install requests pip install -e git+
An additional list of dependencies for building the documentation and running tests can be found in REQUIREMENTS_FULL.TXT:
Request an API key from the New York Times
>>> from district_api.api import DistrictApi
>>> # Instantiate client
>>> client = DistrictApi('my_api_key_here')
>>> # Get the districts for a location in NYC
>>> lat_lng = (40.606041, -74.082786,)
>>> districts = client.get_districts(lat_lng)
>>> # Use the returned data
>>> districts['State Senate'].district
>>> districts['State Senate'].kml_url
Refer to NY Times Documentation for details on specific data that may be returned
districts_api is licensed under the LGPL.
In plain English, that means that you are free to use it in original or modified form in your projects regardless of how your own projects are licensed. Using districts_api WILL NOT affect the license of your project as a whole.
But if you alter the districts_api code to use in your project, then when you release your project, you have to also contribute your districts_api changes back to the community. Which you should do anyway because it's the Right Thing To Do (TM).
The full language of the license is in LICENSE.TXT.
Refer to docs directory for further info.