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Cekmutasi X Laravel Framework

Development & Integration Toolkit for Laravel Framework (5.0+). For other web framework/language/plugin, please go to



  • PHP 5.4+
  • Laravel Framework v5.0+
  • cURL extension enabled


For Laravel 5.5+ SKIP step 2 & 3 because we already use Package Discovery feature so Laravel will automatically register the Service Provider and Alias at the time of installation

  1. Run command
composer require trijayadigital/cekmutasi-laravel:dev-master
  1. Open your config/app.php and add this code to the providers array, it will looks like:
'providers' => [

      // other providers


  1. Add this code to your class aliases array
'aliases' => [

      // other aliases

      'Cekmutasi' => Tridi\Cekmutasi\Facade::class,

  1. Run command
composer dump-autoload
  1. Then
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tridi\Cekmutasi\ServiceProvider"
  1. Edit config/cekmutasi.php and add your API Key & Signature, or you can add this code to your .env file
CEKMUTASI_API_KEY="place your api key here"
CEKMUTASI_API_SIGNATURE="place your api signature here"

How To Use?

You can use cekmutasi library by importing cekmutasi class. Here is the example of using cekmutasi class in Controller


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Cekmutasi;

class AnotherController extends Controller
	public function index()
	    $mutation = Cekmutasi::bank()->mutation([
					'date'		=> [
						'from'	=> date('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00',
						'to'	=> date('Y-m-d') . ' 23:59:59'



For further example, you can check out in example/CekmutasiController.php included in this package

Available Methods

  • balance()

    Get cekmutasi account balance

  • checkIP()

    Check your detected IP address. This IP should be added to Whitelist IP in your integration if you want to use HTTP Request method or some plugins

  • catchIPN()

    Handle callback/ipn data. This method is highly recommended for use because it has pre-build callback/ipn security verification

  • bank()

    Load Bank service. Below are the available methods from bank service

    • list()

      Get bank account list

    • detail()

      Get bank account detail

    • balance()

      Get total balance of registered bank accounts

    • mutation()

      Get bank mutation (max 1000)

  • paypal()

    Load PayPal service. Below are the available methods from paypal service

    • list()

      Get paypal account list

    • detail()

      Get paypal account detail

    • balance()

      Get total balance of registered paypal accounts

    • mutation()

      Get paypal mutation (max 1000)

  • gopay()

    Load GoPay service. Below are the available methods from gopay service

    • list()

      Get gopay account list

    • detail()

      Get gopay account detail

    • balance()

      Get total balance of registered gopay accounts

    • mutation()

      Get gopay mutation (max 1000)

  • ovo()

    Load OVO service. Below are the available methods from ovo service

    • list()

      Get ovo account list

    • detail()

      Get ovo account detail

    • balance()

      Get total balance of registered ovo accounts

    • mutation()

      Get ovo mutation (max 1000)

    • transferBankList()

      Get the available destination banks

    • transferBankInquiry()

      Make transfer bank inquiry

    • transferBank()

      Proccess transfer from OVO to bank

    • transferBankDetail()

      Get transaction detail of bank transfer

    • transferOVOInquiry()

      Make transfer OVO inquiry

    • transferOVO()

      Proccess transfer from OVO to OVO

Security Advice

For the best way to handle Callback/IPN, we strongly recommend you to use the catchIPN() method with pre-build security validation to handle and verifiying incoming callback/ipn data.


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