Install yarn if you don't already have it.
Go to project folder and install dependencies:
yarn install
- Launch development server, and open
in your browser:
yarn start
dist/ web app production build
docs/ project docs and coding guides
e2e/ end-to-end tests
src/ project source code
|- app/ app components
| |- core/ core module (singleton services and single-use components)
| |- shared/ shared module (common components, directives and pipes)
| |- app.component.* app root component (shell)
| |- app.module.ts app root module definition
| |- app-routing.module.ts app routes
| +- ... additional modules and components
|- assets/ app assets (images, fonts, sounds...)
|- environments/ values for various build environments
|- theme/ app global scss variables and theme
|- translations/ translations files
|- index.html html entry point
|- main.scss global style entry point
|- main.ts app entry point
|- polyfills.ts polyfills needed by Angular
+- test.ts unit tests entry point
reports/ test and coverage reports
proxy.conf.js backend proxy configuration
Task automation is based on NPM scripts.
Task | Description |
yarn start |
Run development server on http://localhost:4200/ |
yarn run build [--env=prod] |
Lint code and build web app for production (with AOT) in dist/ folder |
yarn test |
Run unit tests via Karma in watch mode |
yarn run test:ci |
Lint code and run unit tests once for continuous integration |
yarn run e2e |
Run e2e tests using Protractor |
yarn run lint |
Lint code |
yarn run translations:extract |
Extract strings from code and templates to src/app/translations/template.json |
yarn run docs |
Display project documentation |
When building the application, you can specify the target environment using the additional flag --env <name>
The default build environment is prod
Run yarn start
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change
any of the source files.
You should not use ng serve
directly, as it does not use the backend proxy configuration by default.
Run yarn run generate component <name>
to generate a new component. You can also use
yarn run generate directive|pipe|service|class|module
If you have installed angular-cli globally with yarn global install @angular/cli
you can also use the command ng generate
Tasks are mostly based on the angular-cli
tool. Use ng help
to get more help or go check out the
This project was generated with ngX-Rocket version 3.1.1
The app template is based on HTML5, TypeScript and Sass. The translation files use the common JSON format.
Development, build and quality processes are based on angular-cli and NPM scripts, which includes:
- Optimized build and bundling process with Webpack
- Development server with backend proxy and live reload
- Cross-browser CSS with autoprefixer and browserslist
- Asset revisioning for better cache management
- Unit tests using Jasmine and Karma
- End-to-end tests using Protractor
- Static code analysis: TSLint, Codelyzer, Stylelint and HTMLHint
- Local knowledgebase server using Hads