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Open In Colab
  • Example 1: US Labor Statistics
    Description: Webscraping historical oil prices, utilizing US Labor Statistics API and creating stylized visualizations with Plotly Package
    Programming language: Python
    Packages used: Pandas, Math, Numpy, JSON, Requests, Re, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly


Open In Colab
  • SQLite3 Dummy Dataset - Events Data
    Description: Use cases for utilizing SQL queries such as aggregatations (count/sum) and flattening of SQL tables with e.g. 1 row per user utilizing Python package SQLite3
    Programming language: Python
    Packages used: Pandas, SQLite3


Open In Colab
  • Bar Chart Race

  • Bar Chart Example GIF
    Description: Example of animated bar charts of select countries yearly population changes between 1960-2021
    Programming language: Python
    Packages used: Pandas, WBGAPI, Bar_Chart_Race, RegEx

  • Polar Plot
    Description: Example of a Polar Plot of Countries Government Debt as % of GDP
    Programming language: Python
    Packages used: Pandas, Numpy, Math, MatPlotLib, Seaborn, PIL


Streamlit App

  1. Dashboard - GasPriceWatcher
    Description: Dashboard to compare U.S. gasoline prices vs. electric vehicle electricity costs 🚗⚡
    Programming language: Python
    Packages used: Streamlit, Pandas, Plotly, Json, Base64, Numpy, Requests, PIL
    Source Code: Link

  2. Dashboard - Youtube Metrics
    Description: Example of Dashboard with Youtube Metrics created with Streamlit Package
    Special thanks to Ken Jee for the tutorial, for tutorial click link
    Programming language: Python
    Packages used: Streamlit, Pandas, Plotly
    Source Code: Link


  • Fiscal Calendar
    Description: The fiscal calendar package is a 4-5-4 calendar used commonly to ensures sales comparability between years by dividing the year into months based on a 4 weeks – 5 weeks – 4 weeks format.

    • Sales Comparability: The layout of the calendar strategically aligns holidays and guarantees an equal number of Saturdays and Sundays in comparable months. This approach ensures a fair comparison of like days for accurate sales reporting.
    • Date Features: This package encompasses a comprehensive set of 44 features tailored to fiscal dates, providing versatility in managing and analyzing fiscal timeframes.
    • PDF Export: Seamlessly generate and save your fiscal calendar in PDF format with the package's user-friendly functionality.
    • Pandas Integration: Easily output Fiscal Calendar data to a Pandas Dataframe for efficient analysis and integration with other data processing workflows.
  • Streamlit Connection to Public Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
    Description: The streamlit-bls-connection Python package allows you to easily interact with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) API and retrieve data as pandas dataframes and display them in Streamlit !


  • Pong Game
    Description: The "Pong Game" project is a classic arcade-style game implemented in Python.
    Use Case: This project is a practical illustration of OOP in action. It demonstrates how classes, objects, and inheritance can be used to create modular and maintainable code. It's not just a game; it's a codebase that reflects good programming practices.
    Programming language: Python
    Packages used: Turtle, Time

Author: Tony Hollaar
Subject: Data Analytics/Science Projects Repository
Note: Projects to be added soon and existing to be updated...


data analytics projects repository tony hollaar







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