The best projects are showcased on my portfolio website. My other favorite projects have an asterisk (*).
Portfolio Projects
- Day 100: Predicting Earnings
- Day 99: Fatal Force Analysis (Data Viz)*
- Day 98: Space Mission Analysis (Data Viz)*
- Day 97: Personalized Conference Email Blast*
- Day 96: Hero Prop Online Shop* (initial code) (new project code) (website)
- Day 95: Trending Topics Website*
- Day 94: Space Invaders Game*
- Day 93: T. Rex Run Game Player
- Day 92: Craft Beer Web Scraper*
- Day 91: Photo Color Extraction Website*
- Day 90: PDF to Audiobook Converter*
- Day 89: Disappearing Writing App*
- Day 88: To-Do List Website
- Day 87: Café Website with REST API & SQLite Database*
- Day 86: Breakout Game*
- Day 85: Typing Speed Desktop App*
- Day 84: Desktop App that Adds Image Watermarks*
- Day 83: Tic-Tac-Toe Game*
- Day 82: Portfolio Website (code) (website)*
- Day 81: String to Morse Code Converter
Advanced Projects
- Day 80: Predicting House Prices (Multivariate Regression)*
- Day 79: Maternal Death Data (Histograms and T-tests)
- Day 78: Nobel Prize Data (Even More Data Visualization! with Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly)*
- Day 77: Movie Theater Data (Linear Regression with Sklearn and Seaborn)*
- Day 76: Image Manipulation (Linear Algebra with Numpy)
- Day 75: Android App Store (Data Visualization with Plotly)*
- Day 74: Google Trends (More Data Visualization!)*
- Day 73: Exploring LEGO Data (Merging and More Visualization)
- Day 72: Programming Language Popularity Over Time (Data Visualization with Matplotlib)
- Day 71: Salaries by Major (Data Exploration with Pandas)
- Day 69-70: HTML Blog with Jinja, Flask and SQLite (Pt IV)* (initial code) (new project code) (website)
- Day 68: User Authentication with Flask
- Day 67: HTML Blog with Jinja, Flask and SQLite (Pt III)
- Day 66: Build REST API (code) (documentation)
- Day 65: Website Design
- Day 64: Top 10 Movie Site
- Day 63: Book Review Site with SQLite and SQLAlchemy
- Day 62: Coffee and Wifi Website
- Day 61: Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms
- Day 60: Responsive HTML Forms
- Day 59: HTML Blog with Jinja and Flask (Pt II)
Web Foundation / Intermediate+ Projects
- Day 58: Mock "Tindog" Website with Bootstrap (code) (website)
- Day 57: HTML Blog with Jinja and Flask (Pt I)
- Day 56: HTML Name Card (code) (website)
- Day 55: High Low Game using HTML & URL parsing in Flask
- Day 54: Intro to Web Development with Flask
- Day 53: Zillow Data Entry Job Automation*
- Day 52: Instagram Follower Bot
- Day 51: Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot*
- Day 50: Auto Tinder Swiper
- Day 49: Auto LinkedIn Job Applier
- Day 48: Auto Game Player*
- Day 47: Amazon Price Tracker
- Day 46: Musical Time Machine*
- Day 45: Top 250 Movies Web Scraper
- Day 44: Stylized Personal Website
- Day 41-43: HTML Personal Website (code) (website)
- Day 39-40: Cheap Flight Finder*
- Day 38: Workout Activity Tracker
- Day 37: Pixela Habit Tracker
- Day 36: Stock Activity Monitor*
- Day 35: SMS Weather Alert
- Day 34: True/False Quiz (Pt II)*
- Day 33: ISS Overhead Notifier
- Day 32: Automated Birthday Wisher
Intermediate Projects
- Day 31: Flash Card App*
- Day 29-30: Password Manager*
- Day 28: Pomodoro Time Tracker*
- Day 27: GUI Miles to Kilometers Converter
- Day 26: NATO Phonetic Alphabet Converter
- Day 25: U.S. States Game*
- Day 24: Mail Merge
- Day 23: Turtle Crossing*
- Day 22: Pong Game*
- Day 20-21: Snake Game*
- Day 19: Etch-A-Sketch & Turtle Race
- Day 18: Hirst & Pollock Art*
- Day 17: True/False Quiz (Pt I)
- Day 16: Coffee Machine Program (Pt II)
- Day 15: Coffee Machine Program (Pt I)
Beginner Projects
- Day 14: Higher Lower Game
- Day 13: Debugging Exercises
- Day 12: Guess the Movie Year*
- Day 11: Blackjack*
- Day 10: Nine-Function Calculator
- Day 9: First Price, Sealed Bid Auction
- Day 8: Caesar Cipher
- Day 7: Hangman*
- Day 6: Maze Solver
- Day 5: Password Generator
- Day 4: Rock, Paper, Scissors*
- Day 3: Choose Your Own Adventure
- Day 2: Tip Calculator
- Day 1: Band Name Generator
Libraries used in the above projects
- art
- ast
- boto3
- botocore
- bs4
- collections
- colorgram
- contextlib
- cpi
- csv
- datetime
- dateutil
- email_validator
- flask
- flask_bootstrap
- flask_ckeditor
- flask_gravatar
- flask_login
- flask_sqlalchemy
- flask_wtf
- functools
- html
- iso3166
- json
- math
- matplotlib
- mutagen
- numpy
- os
- pandas
- playwright
- polli
- prettytable
- pyautogui
- pyPDF2
- pyperclip
- pytrends
- random
- re
- requests
- seaborn
- scipy
- selenium
- sklearn
- smtplib
- spotipy
- sqlalchemy
- sqlite3
- statsmodels
- subprocess
- sys
- tempfile
- textract
- time
- tkinter
- turtle
- Tweeps
- twilio
- webbrowser
- werkzeug
- wtforms