A helper library for creating beanstalkd consumer processes.
go get -u github.com/tomponline/beanstalkworker
Please see Go Docs for usage and examples:
- To provide a generic way for consuming beanstalkd jobs without all of the boiler plate code
- To provide an easy way to spin up concurrent worker Go routines
- To use Go's interfaces to make unit testing your workers easy
The library is broken down into the following components:
- JobManager interface - represents a way to handle a job's lifecycle.
- RawJob - an implementation of JobManager for managing a Raw job's life cycle.
- Worker - an implementation of a beanstalkd client process that consumes raw jobs from one or more tubes. It will automatically reconnect to beanstalkd server if it loses the connection.
This library is a wrapper around the low-level Beanstalkd client written in Go:
This client talks to Beanstalkd queue server: