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Tomek Kuprowski edited this page Jan 15, 2016 · 28 revisions

1.6 (soon)

  • frontend api upgrade (now use Qooxdoo 4.0)
  • maven profiles added to handle different cassandra versions (2 vs 3)
  • removed Browse page (now you have to use CQL)
  • many other improvements and bugs fixes


  • cluster authentication support
  • database engine upgrade (from H2 to HSQL)


  • upgraded Qx version (2.1.2)
  • results pagination
  • consistency level support
  • posibility to set own default host (when localhost is not running)
  • default limit added to cql query
  • user roles to disable schema modification for specific users
  • row clock shows in as human readable


  • upgraded Qx version (2.1)
  • upgraded Dialog contribution to newest version
  • removed Dialog contrib from source directory
  • updated documentation
  • added custom build tasks (frontend part)
  • implemented authentication to open new functionalities in future
  • changed default consistency level from ONE to QUORUM !
  • support for CQL queries
  • implemented authentication layer (with user permissions) - very basic
  • downloads section moved to SourceForge
  • fixed reported issues (new produced ;))


  • new theme Simple
  • copying values from results tree cells
  • version label at bottom of welcome page
  • browsing with predicate and key range
  • removed browsing by single column
  • additional data (clock,ttl) visible on browse pages
  • fixed bug with browsing super column familes
  • added support for Resin
  • copying values from any table widgets


  • Configuration stored in H2 local db. Since now you can ommit file. It's ignored.
  • Implemented connecting 'on demand' to preconfigured Cassandra host
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