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S3 backup script in a single binary

Provides a standard way of backing up an archive to a S3 bucket, and restoring the backed up archive from its S3 bucket. No more custom backup scripts please ...

You can download the latest release from here.

Upload process

  1. Encrypt the file to be backed up (optional but highly recommended). s3backup uses AES-256 encryption via a password of your choice, a Base64-encoded secret key, or a PEM-encoded RSA public key. If a public key is provided, s3backup will generate a random 256-bit symmetric key which will be encrypted using the public key and stored with the encrypted file. To make key creation easier, you can use the keygen commands as outlined below.

  2. Calculate SHA-256 checksum for the file to be uploaded. For encrypted uploads the checksum is calculated on the encrypted file.

  3. Upload to AWS S3 using concurrent uploads to handle large files and store the checksum with the uploaded file.

Download process

  1. Download file from AWS S3 using concurrent downloads to handle large files and retrieve the stored checksum of the uploaded file.

  2. Verify that the stored checksum matches the downloaded file.

  3. Optionally decrypt the downloaded file using either the same password or symmetric key that was used to encrypt it, or the RSA private key matching the RSA public key that was used for encryption.


   s3backup - S3 backup script in a single binary

   s3backup [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   version    Print version and exit
   put        Upload file to S3 bucket using local credentials
   get        Download file from S3 bucket using local credentials
   vault-put  Upload file to S3 bucket using credentials from vault
   vault-get  Download file from S3 bucket using credentials from vault
   keygen     Generate RSA and AES backup keys
   encrypt    Encrypt a local file
   decrypt    Decrypt a local file
   help, h    Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)

AWS S3 Credentials

AWS S3 integration in s3backup can be configured from the command line, and using AWS environment variables and config files. Click here for details on using default AWS credentials.

s3backup put

   s3backup put - Upload file to S3 bucket using local credentials

   s3backup put [command options] local_file_path s3://bucket/objectkey

   --symKey value     Password to use for symmetric AES encryption (optional)
   --pemKey FILE      Path to PEM-encoded public key FILE (optional)
   --accessKey value  AWS Access Key ID (if not using default AWS credentials)
   --secretKey value  AWS Secret Key (required when accessKey is provided)
   --token value      AWS Token (effective only when accessKey is provided, depends on your AWS setup)
   --region value     AWS Region (we use AWS defaults if not provided)
   --endpoint URL     Custom AWS Endpoint URL (optional)
   --nocheck          Do not create backup checksums (default: false)

s3backup get

   s3backup get - Download file from S3 bucket using local credentials

   s3backup get [command options] s3://bucket/objectkey local_file_path

   --symKey value     Password to use for symmetric AES decryption (optional)
   --pemKey FILE      Path to PEM-encoded private key FILE (optional)
   --accessKey value  AWS Access Key ID (if not using default AWS credentials)
   --secretKey value  AWS Secret Key (required when accessKey is provided)
   --token value      AWS Token (effective only when accessKey is provided, depends on your AWS setup)
   --region value     AWS Region (we use AWS defaults if not provided)
   --endpoint URL     Custom AWS Endpoint URL (optional)
   --nocheck          Do not verify backup checksums (default: false)

HashiCorp Vault

s3backup provides vault-put and vault-get commands that allow it to be configured using secrets held by a vault instance so that you can store encryption keys and AWS credentials in a secure manner. The secrets that you need to hold in vault for s3backup are described here.

Vault integration in s3backup can be configured from the command line, and using vault's own environment variables.

s3backup vault-put

   s3backup vault-put - Upload file to S3 bucket using credentials from vault

   s3backup vault-put [command options] local_file_path s3://bucket/objectkey

   --role value    Vault role_id to retrieve backup credentials (either role & secret, or token)
   --secret value  Vault secret_id to retrieve backup credentials (either role & secret, or token)
   --token value   Vault token to retrieve backup credentials (either role & secret, or token)
   --path value    Vault secret path containing backup credentials (required)
   --caCert FILE   Vault root certificate FILE (optional)
   --vault URL     Vault service URL (required)
   --nocheck       Do not create backup checksums (default: false)

s3backup vault-get

   s3backup vault-get - Download file from S3 bucket using credentials from vault

   s3backup vault-get [command options] s3://bucket/objectkey local_file_path

   --role value    Vault role_id to retrieve backup credentials (either role & secret, or token)
   --secret value  Vault secret_id to retrieve backup credentials (either role & secret, or token)
   --token value   Vault token to retrieve backup credentials (either role & secret, or token)
   --path value    Vault secret path containing backup credentials (required)
   --caCert FILE   Vault root certificate FILE (optional)
   --vault URL     Vault service URL (required)
   --nocheck       Do not verify backup checksums (default: false)

Backup key generation

To make things easier, s3backup also provides keygen commands to create 256-bit symmetric keys and 4096-bit RSA private/public key pairs suitable for use by s3backup.

   s3backup keygen - Generate RSA and AES backup keys

   s3backup keygen command [command options] [arguments...]

   aes      Generate and print AES key
   rsa      Generate RSA key pair files
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)


  1. Install Go 1.22 from
  2. Build the binaries: make build