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Christopher Hsieh edited this page Jun 9, 2020 · 2 revisions

Togglz architecture

This document describes some of the core aspects of the Togglz architecture.


The core class of Togglz is the FeatureManager. There must be exactly one instance for an application. There is an SPI called FeatureManagerProvider which is responsible for looking up the "current instance" to use for the application. So whenever you use FeatureContext.getFeatureManager(), this SPI will be used to locate the FeatureManager.

There are two ways of managing the life cycle of the feature manager.

  • Togglz managed FeatureManager
  • Application managed FeatureManager

Togglz managed FeatureManager

In this mode Togglz will create an instance of the FeatureManager and manage its life cycle. In the early versions of Togglz this mode was the only mode supported.

Please note that this mode is only supported if you include togglz-servlet module in your project.

To tell Togglz how to configure the FeatureManager, users have to either implement TogglzConfig or TogglzBootstrap. The latter one was added latter and provides more control when creating the manager.

Togglz will try to locate implementations of TogglzConfig or TogglzBootstrap using the BeanFinder SPI. This SPI basically allows Togglz to look up beans managed by some application container (like Spring, CDI, Guice) by their type.

Application managed FeatureManager

This mode has been added in a later version of Togglz. The basic idea is to let the application manage the life cycle of the FeatureManager itself. So, if your application uses Spring for example, you could configure the FeatureManager in your beans.xml and the FeatureManager would end up being a standard Spring bean. If you use Togglz this way, Togglz will effectively use BeanFinderFeatureManagerProvider to lookup the BeanManager. This means that

Bootstrapping process

The bootstrapping process of Togglz is triggered by TogglzFilter.

First, the filter tries to auto-detect which of the two modes, of managing the FeatureManager, the application wants to use. It does so by testing if any of the FeatureManagerProvider implementations provides a FeatureManager. If so, the bootstrapping process is stopped, because FeatureContext will be able to resolve the manager correctly.

If no existing FeatureManager can be found, Togglz will use FeatureManagerBootstrapper to create a FeatureManager itself. This class will use the BeanFinder SPI to find the configuration classes (TogglzConfig or TogglzBootstrap) and use it configure the manager. The manager will then be registered with the ContextClassLoaderFeatureManagerProvider which means that after this bootstrapping process this particular FeatureManagerProvider will be able to resolve the manager.

This auto-detection should work find in practice. However, you can set the Servlet context attribute org.togglz.FEATURE_MANAGER_PROVIDED to bypass the auto-detection. If this attribute is set to true, Togglz will assume that the application manages the FeatureManager.