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Releases: tmewett/BrogueCE


31 Aug 17:54
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  • Fixed an issue with the RapidBrogue seed catalog which prevented altars from being listed.
  • Fixed the build for the curses/terminal version.

NOTE for Windows users: Try the version labelled +avfix1. Some anti-virus software is falsely detecting Brogue as a virus, and hopefully this version won't trigger them. (The program is completely safe, and if your anti-virus complains, you should be able to add it as an exception. If you don't want to add an exception, you can always play 1.12 in the meantime.)


04 Aug 18:22
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A fairly big update, featuring new feats, many combat and resurrection tweaks, and more!

Thanks to contributors Kissyboots, Matti Armston, Nathan Fenner, Nathan Stoddard, and co-maintainers flend and zenzombie.

NOTE: Some anti-virus software falsely detects this version as a virus. The program is completely safe, and you should be able to add it as an exception. We are working to resolve this. If you don't want to add an exception, you can always play 1.12 in the meantime.


Gameplay changes

  • A discordant ally will no longer swap places with the player and can be attacked. Attacks require player confirmation and will not make the ally an enemy.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented allies (e.g. kraken) from learning abilities from monsters that die in certain terrain (e.g. deep water).
  • Allies can now spear attack over the player.
  • Monsters with a spear or whip attack can no longer attack around corners.
  • Jellies now die without splitting when hit with a slaying or quietus weapon.
  • Resurrection altars now function differently for phoenixes and liches. The phoenix egg or phylactery will be revived instead, and the ability to turn into a phoenix or lich restored. Similarly, a vampire's ability to spawn vampire bats will be restored.
  • If the player is seized by a submerged monster they can see (i.e. player is also submerged), it will now immediately surface so it can be targeted with staffs/wands.
  • Overhauled feats:
    • Removed nearly impossible feats 'Pacifist', 'Archivist', 'Indomitable', and 'Ascetic'.
    • Added a new "Feats" menu option that shows a screen with all the feats and whether the player has achieved or failed them.
    • The 'Paladin' feat is no longer lost when the player is unaware of the monster, the player is seized, the monster is generated immobile (totems, turrets, etc.), or the monster is immune to physical attacks.
    • The 'Companion' feat now requires exploring only (approximately) 13 floors with an ally instead of 20. Exploration is measured by the number of newly discovered traversable squares while an ally is within one floor of the player.
    • The 'Pure Mage' feat now allows the player to attack with their fists. Good luck with that.
  • Drinking a strength potion now causes weakness to be removed from a character immediately, so that receiving another weakening attack on the same turn does not completely negate the potion.
  • Fixed a bug which treated obsidian as shallow water, allowing a kraken to both traverse it and sieze monsters or the player standing in it.
  • Monsters that are summoned by allies (furies, phantoms, vampire bats) are no longer eligible for resurrection. Only the summoner will be resurrected.
  • Discordant allies that cast negation will no longer target other discordant allies for the sole purpose of negating the discordant status. They will still target discordant allies if negation will also have a harmful effect, such as removing haste.
  • Destroying a phoenix egg or phylactery now counts toward weapon auto-ID.
  • When arriving on a level with items "obstructing" the stairs, the player now appears by the stairs like normal, on top of the item, instead of being placed on a nearby free cell. A message is displayed describing the item.
  • Fixed a bug where items in deep water could drift through walls. Items can now only drift to an available adjacent cell.
  • Fixed a bug where shattering failed to destroy sentinels at the edge of the dungeon.

UI changes

  • Players can now view summary statistics of games played by selecting the "Game Stats" option from the "View" menu. Statistics are collected only for games played since the menu option became available.
  • The auto-targeting system now understands much more about whether the used item will have an effect, and skips target where it won't. This includes taking into account reflection, fire immunity, health (for domination and healing), negatable abilities, proximity (for beckoning), and weapon immunity.
  • When using a known staff of tunneling, turrets and sentinels will now be auto-targeted.
  • Fixed issues where auto-targeting leaked information about an unknown staff or wand.
  • The monster details window now includes information about the effect of negation if the player has a known means to negate the monster.
  • The monster details window now includes information about the effect of tunneling or shattering if the player has such a staff.
  • When an inanimate monster (e.g. turret or totem) is negated, a combat message is now displayed and the sidebar will show the negated status.
  • Fixed a bug where a closed door affected by descent would no longer be visible but would still block visibility. They now remain visible.
  • Staves and wands that affect allies are now displayed correctly on the discovered items screen.
  • If the player occupies a location with an item, the item is now shown in the sidebar. Additionally, the item is included in the description when inspecting the player's location.
  • When inspecting a location, item descriptions now include details if space permits.
  • A weapon of slaying now includes a note that the weapon doesn't degrade when attacking an acidic monster in the slaying class.
  • Changed the ability description for some monsters to differentiate those that can sometimes reflect magic spells from those that always reflect spells back at the caster.
  • Animations such as autoexplore and using a staff now run at a consistent speed.
  • Change the color of the message when you try to pick up an item when your inventory is full, so it stands out more.


05 Oct 16:24
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Thanks to great work by flend and zenzombie, we now have support for multiple game variants in CE, and have added Rapid Brogue! Select it in Play > Change Variant in the main menu.

Thanks to other contributors andkem, brturn, nathanf, nstoddard, and omar-polo.

NOTE: Some anti-virus software currently falsely detects this version as a virus. The program is completely safe, and you should be able to add it as an exception. We are working to resolve this. If you don't want to add an exception, you can always play 1.12 in the meantime.

  • Rapid Brogue is now part of Brogue CE!
  • Re-designed the main menu.
  • Lumenstones are worth 500 gold on death, instead of 0.
  • The rapier lunge attack works against invisible enemies when you are telepathic.
  • Levers are now indestructible via shattering and tunneling, which would leave some vaults impossible to open.
  • Autoexplore no longer walks through dangerous gases when wearing unidentified respiration armor.
  • Items falling from the previous level will now trigger any traps they land on.
  • Items and monsters falling from the previous level will no longer fall into reward rooms.
  • Fixed an issue where unidentified rings could have higher bonuses than they would have once identified.
  • Fixed an issue where unidentified positive rings would be 1 enchant lower than they should.
  • Update rapier description to use 'triple damage' instead of 'treble damage'.
  • Added a -vn command-line option to play a replay headlessly.
  • Fix the default enchantment value being ignored in wizard mode.
  • Fixed the dungeon version number in the seed catalog.


02 Feb 21:03
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A small non-gameplay update. Enjoy!

Thanks to contributors flend, glob, nstoddard, and zenzombie.

  • Added a wizard mode menu action for creating an item or monster.
  • Monster death messages are now printed in the correct order. For instance, "The dart killed the bloat" is now printed before the message about the bloat bursting.
  • Fixed an issue with beckoning bolt paths. This could cause mirrored totems to instakill the player and made it difficult to target enemies behind obstacles.
  • Autoexplore now avoids items on candle-lit altars outside of vaults.
  • Changed the graphic and description of statues that can be broken with shattering, to clearly distinguish them from regular statues.
  • "Quit without saving" is now "Quit and abandon game"; "Suspend game and quit" is now "Save and exit".
  • You are now prompted when stepping onto a chasm tile with Mangrove Dryad vines on it, since you fall through them.
  • Removed the commands for opening saved games and recordings from within a game, as they could be used for save scumming. (Both can still be done from the main menu.)
  • The --print-seed-catalog option no longer creates unnecessary .broguesave files.


24 May 22:20
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  • Fixed replay out-of-sync error from throwing an item.
  • Fixed wand of plenty description still referring to halving HP.


22 May 11:07
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A new gameplay version featuring some ally buffs, a new auto-ID system, and UI improvements. Replays and saves are not compatible with 1.10.x.

Thanks to contributors Alex Kahn, Antony Boucher, L-french, nathanf, nstoddard, RojjaCebolla, Vivit-R, ash-nolan, bleakley, kiedtl, withinwheels, and zenzombie.

  • Wand of plenty no longer halves the max HP of cloned monsters.
  • Resurrection altars now prioritise allies by number of times empowered, instead of by most recent death. In the case of a tie, they choose the monster type which is found deepest in the dungeon.
  • The game now automatically identifies items where it is possible to deduce them from the discovered items screen.
  • Potions of hallucination are identified when thrown if all benevolent potions are either identified or magic-detected.
  • Increased absorption runic's minimum absorbed damage from 0 to 1.
  • When the player is telepathic, correct monsters are shown when also hallucinating.
  • When "display stealth range" is on, lit and dark areas are shown more clearly.
  • Items which were taken from a vault now have a note indicating this in their item description.
  • Identified +0 armor is prefixed with a +0, just like weapons.
  • Autopilot is stopped when an item is stolen or a health alert is displayed.
  • The automatic throw/cast path-adjusting tries to avoid unknown cells.
  • Fixed that commands that use the control key (such as Ctrl+S for long search) not working in the terminal version.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented a discorded ally from returning to normal after losing a stolen item in deep water.
  • Fixed a crash that can happen when an explosive monster dies from poison or burning damage.
  • Fix a bug which prevented sacrifice monsters from spawning on depth 21.
  • Fixed over-cautious pathing through deeper dungeon levels when revealed by magic mapping.
  • Fixed the sidebar to correctly show that negated status is removed on polymorph.
  • Speeding up recording playback now also speeds up animations.
  • During extra-slow recording playback, mouse and keyboard now respond instantly.


07 Aug 12:04
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  • Fixed an out-of-sync error when loading a game with a 64-bit seed.
  • (For distributors) Added an experimental --data-dir option for specifying
    the location of game resources.


22 Jun 19:11
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A new gameplay version is here! Features some new mechanics, rebalancing, UI
improvements, and bug fixes. Replays and saves are not compatible with 1.9.x.

Thanks to many contributors: Andy Bayer, Antony Boucher, zenzombie, bleakley,
Byron Altice, Jon Knapp, Konstantin Mikhailov, Nathan Fenner, RojjaCebolla,
SanatMishra, anaseto, austen0, flend, pender, and withinwheels.


Notable changes

  • It is now possible to fall through chasms into deep water, without damage.
    Falling into shallow water or bog deals half the damage as hitting hard floor.
    Items falling through chasms may now land into deep water, another chasm, or
  • Rebalance Staff of Obstruction builds by (1) preventing crystals from
    persisting on cells occupied by creatures, and (2) allowing hunting monsters
    to remain hunting as long as they are close enough and can see the player,
    even if impassable transparent terrain is between them.
  • Cautious monsters now enter corridors if they have been attacked recently and
    are below 50% health.
  • Allies will no longer attack or cast spells at sacrifice targets.
  • Aiming at a target now automatically aims for or avoids enemies/allies/walls,
    depending on the projectile type. This removes most of the need to aim for a
    cell beyond your intended target to get the best result. It also applies to
    spells cast by enemies!
  • Increased average damage for flails by 0.5, and flails now have a 2.5% (up
    from 0%) chance to be runic.
  • Added a sanctuary tile in front of spark turret vaults to prevent allies from
    destroying the turrets.
  • Scrolls of sanctuary can now be used on brimstone and obsidian.
  • Added a hybrid graphical mode that uses text for creatures and items but
    graphical tiles for everything else.
  • The sidebar and monster details now prominently display that a monster has
    been affected by negation.
  • The message archive is now larger, and can be navigated with the up and down
    arrow keys. Holding shift scrolls one line at a time, holding control jumps to
    the end.
  • Pressing "w" will hot-swap between recently equipped gear, enabling
    weapon/armor/ring juggling.
  • "Untempted" feat has been added, for picking up no gold.
  • "Mystic" feat has been renamed to "Ascetic".

Bug fixes and other changes

  • The save game feature is now out of beta!
  • Fixed a bug causing the game to crash when polymorphing a lich or phoenix.
  • Seeds are now 64-bits, going up to 18446744073709551615! There are now 2
    billion times more dungeons to explore!
  • Wands of negation auto-ID if the bolt has an effect. A combat message is shown
    for any monster affected by negation.
  • When wearing known respiration armor, don't warn when stepping on immune gas
  • Staff descriptions now report the number of turns since their last use.
  • Fixed a bug where summoned minions could spawn with a carried item which was
    then deleted, making it unavailable for future monster drops and leading to
    differences in available items for players playing the same seed.
  • When throwing a potion, auto-targeting is now enabled only for potions known
    to be malevolent. When throwing a melee weapon, auto-targeting is now
  • Fixed a bug with machine rooms where events (such as guardian movement) could
    trigger twice.
  • Dungeon generation on ARM processors is now the same as with x86.
  • Fixed doors sometimes being generated adjacent to one another.
  • Fixed a bug that caused negated weapons and armor to remain illuminated when
    out of line of sight.
  • Fixed a bug which slightly delayed the reset of stuck status after blinking or
    teleporting in or out of a web/net. Adjacent monsters at the destination were
    afforded a free hit while the player was "dangling helplessly" in error.
  • Repeated messages now sometimes collapse together with a count.
  • Use 24-bit colors when the terminal supports it (curses build).
  • Brogue now starts with a reasonable window size on ultra-wide monitors.


02 Feb 18:11
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Major graphical improvements on all platforms, some long-awaited bug fixes, and
the usual general QoL.

Thanks to contributors Andy, Anthony, bleakley, SanatMishra, withinwheels, and

  • High DPI displays are now supported on all platforms (no more blurriness!)
  • The window is now freely resizable, to perfectly fit any monitor up to 4K
    size; tiles and fonts auto-scale but stay sharp
  • Added 6 new tile graphics: vine, net, lichen, glass pipes, and 2 more types of
  • Fixed a bug that could cause monkeys with keys to jump into lava
  • Discordant wandering monsters no longer target the player with bolts/spells
    from beyond stealth range
  • Closing the window no longer hangs in some cases, and the game is properly
  • Fixed a bug that could cause crashes when entranced monsters move
  • Explosive monsters no longer explode over chasms when they would die by
  • Fixed issues with off-level monster pathing that could cause monsters to go
    into a corrupted state that cannot be attacked
  • Fast/slow monsters now move the correct distance and to the correct spot when
    reloading a level
  • Added seed and level into default save and recording file names
  • Expected damage info in monster info boxes now accounts for the strength bonus
    from unidentified weapons
  • When a mutated monster is negated, the mutation label is removed from the
    sidebar. Excludes agile and juggernaut mutations, since they cannot be negated
  • Wands of invisibility auto-ID if they turn an monster invisible while the
    player has a telepathic bond
  • Fixed crashes from pit bloat and gas interactions
  • Added "go to previous level" key (<) to replay viewer
  • Added new command line options to change settings on launch: --full-screen,
    --stealth, and --no-effects


17 Nov 23:11
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A small bug fix release, with a few UI improvements!

Thanks to contributors Andy, Antony, and zenzombie.

Change log

Bug fixes

  • Re-rendered the fonts again to fix blur and boldness issues
  • Fixed a bug from 1.9.1 where dampening armor and slowing weapons had
    "abomination" in their name
  • Fixed salamanders and other ranged-melee creatures with the grappling mutation
    attempting to seize their target from a distance. Now ranged attacks do damage
    as normal, while adjacent attacks seize
  • Fixed walls discovered with the scroll of magic mapping not being smoothed out
    in tiles mode
  • Fixed bolts from unidentified staffs or wands from being referred to by name
    when reflected
  • Fixed the player's health bar showing a negative percentage when landing a hit
    with a transference ring equipped
  • Fixed psychic emanations sometimes being described as the wrong size
  • Wizard-mode replays and saves now work past the first immortal "death"

Other changes

  • Added monster mutations to the seed catalog
  • Recording playback can now be paused with the mouse or the Escape key
  • Added brogue-cmd.bat file for Windows. brogue.exe does not print output when
    run from a command prompt window, so use this script instead if you want to
    see it, e.g. when printing a seed catalog
  • A dialog is now shown when trying to play back a wizard game in regular mode
    or vice versa