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Airbnb Market Data

## This README is generated from README.Rmd

This is a simple visualization inspired by InsideAirbnb. Written in R, built on Shiny framework.

Demo can be found at -



This project aims to demonstrate

  • reactivity of Shiny framework
  • converting Rscript to a command line utility
  • shipping Shiny data product with Docker

Any constructive feedback is greatly appreciated.

Download Data

This project ships with 2 cities data (Berlin and Vienna). You may use the command line tool, download_csv.R to import more data.

# Make sure it is executable
chmod +x download_csv.R
# Download data for Rome
./download_csv.R Rome

Of course, you can also download the data manually from InsideAirbnb. Navigate to your desire city section and download file named “listings.csv” (the summary version). Put your download into the Data/ folder.

Usage of Command Line Tool

Execute ./download_csv.R {city} to download desire {city} market data.

# Cause Vienna waits for you - Billy Joel
./download_csv.R vienna

[1] "Downloading data..."
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/csv' length 1389561 bytes (1.3 MB)
downloaded 1.3 MB

Use list instead of a city name to view all available cities.

# View all available cities
./download_csv.R list

 [1] amsterdam         antwerp           asheville         athens           
 [5] austin            barcelona         berlin            boston           
 [9] brussels          chicago           copenhagen        denver           

The utility automatically fetches the latest data available. If you prefer a particular snapshot, you may use -s {city} to list date indexes and specify particular -i <index> to download.

# First, see what's available for Vienna
./download_csv.R list -s vienna

|City   |Dates      |Index |
|vienna |2017-09-15 |1     |
|vienna |2017-08-11 |2     |
|vienna |2017-07-10 |3     |
|vienna |2017-06-07 |4     |
|vienna |2017-05-09 |5     |
|vienna |2017-04-09 |6     |
|vienna |2017-03-08 |7     |

# Then, you may specify index to download
# i.e if you desire snapshot on 2017-03-08, choose 7
./download_csv.R vienna -i 7

[1] "Downloading data..."
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/csv' length 1140895 bytes (1.1 MB)
downloaded 1.1 MB


This Shiny app is shipped with Docker, built on rocker/tidyverse image.

# from this repo
git clone [email protected]:tmasjc/airbnb-market-data.git

# move inside directory
cd airbnb-market-data

# name your image
# it may take a while to build
docker build -t airbnb_market_data .

# start container
docker run -dp 3838:3838 airbnb_market_data

## You are set. Go to localhost:3838/airbnb_market_data to view application. 

Or you can simply deploy it to Shiny server as per usual.


Murray Cox for the amazing work at and his generosity in sharing these data.