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#StandWithBelarus Voices From Belarus Stand With Ukraine

Setup basic EKS cluster with necessary controllers. Examples for further configuring the EKS cluster can be found in eks blueprints, tEKS and eks demo repos.

Depend on

This module contain local-exec block with kubectl patch for applying tolerations and nodeSelector deployments in kube-system namespace, that will work only in unix shell, so it will fail on Windows. This patch is necessary as some of eks addons currently doesn't support tolerations and nodeSelector in their configurations, but only necessary if you will use host nodes with taints to separate management processes from other. You can disable it by set apply_kubectl_patch variable to false.


cd example
terraform init
terraform apply -target=module.vpc
terraform apply
terraform output all

to destroy everything run (you may need to run it twice one by one)

terraform destroy -auto-approve

force destroy in case of problems

helm ls -a --all-namespaces | awk 'NR > 1 { print  "-n "$2, $1}' | xargs -L1 helm delete
kubectl delete all --all --all-namespaces
terraform destroy -auto-approve

After terraform destroy check ec2 volumes for unused disks as aws-ebs-csi-driver doesn't delete it by default after deleting helm releases.


victoria-metrics-k8s-stack deployed without internal password protection. Multiple charts such as apisix, qryn and uptrace contain explicit passwords in the values and do not use k8s secrets.

Upgrading process

Helm upgrade reset_values flag set to true for everything except databases like postgresql and clickhouse, see this explain



Name Description
region The AWS region
vpc_id The ID of the target VPC
cluster_name The name of the EKS
cluster_endpoint Endpoint for your Kubernetes API server
cluster_certificate_authority_data Base64 encoded certificate data required to communicate with the cluster

Also ~/.kube/eks-${account_id}-${region}-${cluster_name} will be created by aws eks utility.

You can describe apisix ingress external address with kubectl: kubectl get service/apisix-ingress-controller-apisix-gateway -n ingress-apisix.

About the Author

Hello, everyone! My name is Filipp, and I have been working with high load distribution systems and services, security, monitoring, continuous deployment and release management (DevOps domain) since 2012.

One of my passions is developing DevOps solutions and contributing to the open-source community. By sharing my knowledge and experiences, I strive to save time for both myself and others while fostering a culture of collaboration and learning.

I had to leave my home country, Belarus, due to my participation in protests against the oppressive regime of dictator Lukashenko, who maintains a close affiliation with Putin. Since then, I'm trying to build my life from zero in other countries.

If you are seeking a skilled DevOps lead or architect to enhance your project, I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn or explore my valuable contributions on GitHub. Let's collaborate and create some cool solutions together :)


You can support this or any other of my projects


Sugar for terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws







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