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This will build a Docker Image for Unit, A high performance application server. This is a base image that can serve static files. You will likely need to use a different downstream image if you wish to serve PHP files such as tiredofit/unit-php

  • Supports various Node, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby runtime engines
  • Auto configuration generation and import
  • Metrics collection
  • Log Shipping support


Table of Contents


Build from Source

Clone this repository and build the image with docker build -t (imagename) .

Prebuilt Images

Builds of the image are available on Docker Hub.

docker pull tiredofit/unit:(imagetag)

Builds of the image are also available on the Github Container Registry

docker pull

The following image tags are available along with their tagged release based on what's written in the Changelog:

Alpine Builds
Alpine Base Node Base Perl Base PHP base Python Base Ruby Base Tag
latest 22 5.40 8.3, 8.2 3.12 3.3 :latest
latest 22 5.40 8.3, 8.2 3.12 3.3 :alpine
edge 22 5.40 8.3, 8.2 3.12 3.3 :alpine-edge
3.21 22 5.40 8.3, 8.2 3.12 3.3 :alpine-3.21
3.19 18 5.36 8.1 3.11 3.2 :alpine-3.19
3.16 16 5.34 8.0 3.10 3.1 :alpine-3.16
3.15 16 5.34 7.4 3.9 3.0 :alpine-3.15
3.12 12 5.30 7.3 3.8 2.7 :alpine-3.12

The libraries to support the various bases above have been built, but will need actual runtimes in the image to operate. Use a downstream image to support it.

Downstream Images

Multi Architecture

Images are built primarily for amd64 architecture, and may also include builds for arm/v7, arm64 and others. These variants are all unsupported. Consider sponsoring my work so that I can work with various hardware. To see if this image supports multiple architecures, type docker manifest (image):(tag)


Quick Start

  • The quickest way to get started is using docker-compose. See the examples folder for a working compose.yml that can be modified for development or production use.

  • Set various environment variables to understand the capabilities of this image.

  • Map persistent storage for access to configuration and data files for backup.

Creating configuration

This image expects that you place files into the /etc/unit/sites.available directory along with setting the variable UNIT_SITE_ENABLED.

  • The image will look all or some of the following files:
    • $UNIT_SITE_ENABLED-listener.json - Configuration of the listening port, IP, and what to do upon recieving a connection
    • $UNIT_SITE_ENABLED-uptream.json - Configuration of the upstream to pass traffic to. This is an optional file and not used regularly
    • $UNIT_SITE_ENABLED-route.json - Configuration of route configuration for above listener. This dictates the files to respond to and how to route to an application
    • $UNIT_SITE_ENABLED-application.json - Configuration of the application, which can perform certain actions or call application engines based on the name

See the Unit Configuration to understand how this works.

Sample site-listener.json file:

    "pass": "routes"

Sample site-route.json file:

            "share": "{{UNIT_WEBROOT}}/$uri"

If you do not create any configuration, a default configuration will be created, and a sample HTML page will be generated if requested to show that the server is working.

Persistent Storage

The following directories are used for configuration and can be mapped for persistent storage.

Directory Description
/var/log/unit Logfiles
/www/html Web root

Environment Variables

Base Images used

This image relies on an Alpine Linux base image that relies on an init system for added capabilities. Outgoing SMTP capabilities are handlded via msmtp. Individual container performance monitoring is performed by zabbix-agent. Additional tools include: bash,curl,less,logrotate,nano.

Be sure to view the following repositories to understand all the customizable options:

Image Description
OS Base Customized Image based on Alpine Linux


Variable Value Default
UNIT_ENABLE_CREATE_SAMPLE_HTML Create sample index.html file if not existing TRUE
UNIT_CONTROL_TYPE Socket type ip or socket SOCKET
UNIT_CONTROL_SOCKET_NAME Socket Name control.unit.sock
UNIT_CONTROL_SOCKET_PATH Socket Path /run/unit/
UNIT_CONTROL_IP Control IP - Warning, do not expose to the internet!
UNIT_CONTROL_PORT Control Port 8080
UNIT_LISTEN_IP Website Listen IP
UNIT_LISTEN_PORT Website listen port 80
UNIT_MODULE_PATH Customizable Module Path /usr/lib/unit/modules/
UNIT_STATE_PATH Configuration State /var/lib/unit/
UNIT_TMP_PATH Temporary Files Path /tmp
UNIT_WEBROOT Where website is served from /www/html/


Variable Value Default
UNIT_LOG_TYPE Unit log type file console FILE
UNIT_LOG_PATH Where log files are stored /var/log/unit/
UNIT_LOG_FILE Main application log file unit.log
UNIT_LOG_ROUTES Log route information FALSE
UNIT_LOG_ACCESS_TYPE Access log type file console none FILE
UNIT_LOG_ACCESS_FORMAT Access log format standard or json STANDARD
UNIT_LOG_ACCESS_FILE Access log filename access.log


Variable Value Default
UNIT_APPLICATION_LIMIT_RECYCLE Restart application process after (x) many requests ``
UNIT_APPLICATION_LIMIT_TIMEOUT Timeout in seconds if process hangs before delivering 503 error to client ``
UNIT_APPLICATION_PROCESS_MAX (dynamic) Max application processes to spawn 1
UNIT_APPLICATION_PROCESS_SPARE (dynamic) Max spare processes to spawn 1
UNIT_APPLICATION_PROCESS_TIMEOUT (dynamic) Timeout in seconds to phase out process 20


Variable Value Default
UNIT_DISCARD_UNSAFE_FIELDS Disable serving unsafe fields TRUE
UNIT_ENABLE_SERVER_VERSION Reveal Unit version in headers TRUE
UNIT_ENABLE_XFORWARDED_PROTOCOL Allow to pass X-Forwarded Protocol header downstream - Useful when using SSL reverse proxy TRUE
UNIT_ENABLE_XFORWARDED_PROTOCOL_IP Comma seperated list of ip, networks to forward header,,
UNIT_MAX_BODY_SIZE Max body size in bytes 2147483648
UNIT_TIMEOUT_BODY_READ Body read timeout in seconds 180
UNIT_TIMEOUT_BODY_SEND Body send timeout in seconds 180
UNIT_TIMEOUT_HEADER_READ Header read timeout in seconds 180
UNIT_TIMEOUT_IDLE Idle time in seconds 30


Port Protocol Description
80 http Unit Webserver


Shell Access

For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell.

docker exec -it (whatever your container name is) bash

Controlling Configuration

Once inside the container - there is a utility unit-control that will allow you to perform various configuration functions such as:

  • show Configuration
  • import a file to configureation - This will clear all configuration unless you use additional arguments (undocumented)
  • edit in place running configuration with editor such as nano (set via $EDITOR)
  • test if the control socket is able to be accessed
  • clear all the running configuration
  • stats show statistics of the running instance and applications


These images were built to serve a specific need in a production environment and gradually have had more functionality added based on requests from the community.


  • The Discussions board is a great place for working with the community on tips and tricks of using this image.
  • Sponsor me for personalized support.


  • Please, submit a Bug Report if something isn't working as expected. I'll do my best to issue a fix in short order.

Feature Requests

  • Feel free to submit a feature request, however there is no guarantee that it will be added, or at what timeline.
  • Sponsor me regarding development of features.


  • Best effort to track upstream changes, More priority if I am actively using the image in a production environment.
  • Sponsor me for up to date releases.


MIT. See LICENSE for more details.
