"you can't just copy Apple UI". CSS machine go brrr - Aristotle
TLDR: Replica of syncing bluetooth devices on iOS.
I'm a huge fan of Apple's bluetooth pairing service. Syncing Airpods or other Apple devices is not only elegant but highly functional. Unfortunately the browser* is not given access to things like bluetooth. The way this works is by query parameters. If you load http://localhost:3000/?add=Airpods+Pro
it will trigger the popup and walk you through the 2 step process.
Since Apple has no intention of supporting bluetooth in the browser anytime soon, my idea would be that a user's device could have an NFC tag on it, which links them to a dashboard that presents them with this. Of course that has it's own set of problems.
*Chromium browsers do support bluetooth
Built with react. You'll need node.js & yarn.
Utilizes these great libraries react-router-dom and react-transition-group.
# clone repo
git clone https://github.com/SunstroUS/react-add-device.git
# install dependencies
yarn install
# start app on port 3000
yarn start