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Liang Liu edited this page Oct 10, 2018 · 2 revisions

Easy Concept

Scene manager is easy, No Entiy, No GameObject, No Component, No Prefab. Only Node and NodeTree.

Highly Efficient Workflow

Multi-Platform Support

iOS Android Html5 Windows Mac Linux Steam

New Industry Standard Support

gLtf2.0, Vulkan, Pbr, Real time ray tracing.

2D And 3D Seamless Transition  

Every node can be 2d or 3d. The core difference is the camera and the unit the node use. So you can just switch a node to 2d or 3d easily.

Easy To Program

Mostly, you'll use Lua as your main programming language. and also you can use c++ directly. the design of node tree makes the Lua logic code more easy to write. and the embedded Lua editor and embedded document help you write code just in the echo editor. If you really like other types of script language, you can tell us, or you can support it by modifying the c++ code directly.

Configurable Module

Most of the engine's Functionality was implemented by configurable modules. that means when you release your app, you can just choose the module you really need. which makes your app have smaller size and more efficiency running speed.

Open Source

Echo is licensed under MIT license. You can just do what you want as your wish.