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Django REST interface

License: New BSD License
Contact: Andreas StuhlmŸller <>

The django-rest-interface project includes two parts:

A) The REST interface: django_restapi

resource.Resource is the generic class for REST resources. Use 
this class for resources that don't necessarily map 1:1 to Django
models. model_resource.Collection and model_resource.Entry are
specific implementations that map resources 1:1 to Django models.

receiver contains classes that allow you to modify the
content type that is expected by model resources for PUT/POST
submissions (e.g. form submission MIME types, XML, JSON, ...).

responder contains classes you can use to choose which type of 
output format model resources return. For instance, add
"responder = XMLResponder()" to the constructor call of a
resource in in order to use XML as a data format.

authentication contains classes you can use to choose which
type of authentication is required to access your API.
For instance, add "authentication = HttpBasicAuthentication()"
to the constructor call of a resource in in order to use
HTTP Basic authentication. The default authfunc authenticates 
username and password against django.contrib.auth.models.User.

B) Tests: django_restapi_tests

Contains API tests. Run "python ./ test" in order
to execute the REST interface unit tests.