Builds svs-tiff-tiler Docker image: This image uses libvips to convert OME-TIFF files to DeepZoom tiles for each image plane.
docker build --tag=svs-tiler context .
docker run \
-rm \
-e "PREFIX=your_prefix" \
--mount "type=bind,src=YOUR_FILE.tif,dst=/input.ome.tif" \
--mount "type=bind,src=YOUR_OUTPUT,dst=/output_dir" \
(Or gehlenborglab/ome-tiff-tiler:latest
to pull from DockerHub.)
Two environment variables should be set:
: Prefix to prepend to tile filenames.
And two mounts should be provided:
- Replace
with absolute path of the SVS to tile. - Replace
with absolute path of directory where the tiles should go.
If tests pass, we're just pushing to DockerHub by hand:
# We should only push from master:
git checkout master
git pull
# First, set the new VERSION:
docker tag svs-tiler thomaslchan/svs-tiler:$VERSION
docker push thomaslchan/svs-tiler:$VERSION
# And also make a git tag:
git tag $VERSION
git push origin $VERSION