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thomasWeise committed Mar 22, 2024
1 parent 7aaeb92 commit eafa7e1
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Showing 19 changed files with 62 additions and 273 deletions.
165 changes: 10 additions & 155 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,170 +51,25 @@ init: clean
pip freeze &&\
echo "$(NOW): Finished printing all installed packages."

# Run the unit tests.
test: init
echo "$(NOW): Erasing old coverage data." &&\
coverage erase &&\
echo "$(NOW): The original value of PATH is '${PATH}'." &&\
echo "$(NOW): PATH is now '${PATH}'." &&\
echo "$(NOW): Running pytest with doctests." && \
timeout --kill-after=15s 90m coverage run -a --include="moptipyapps/*" -m pytest --strict-config --doctest-modules --ignore=tests --ignore=examples && \
echo "$(NOW): Running pytest tests." && \
timeout --kill-after=15s 90m coverage run -a --include="moptipyapps/*" -m pytest --strict-config tests --ignore=examples && \
echo "$(NOW): Finished running pytest tests."
echo "$(NOW): Now performing unit tests." &&\
python3 -m --package moptipyapps &&\
echo "$(NOW): Finished running unit tests."

# Perform static code analysis.
static_analysis: init
echo "$(NOW): The original value of PATH is '${PATH}'." &&\
echo "$(NOW): PATH is now '${PATH}'." &&\
echo "$(NOW): Running static code analysis, starting with flake8." && \
flake8 . --ignore=,B008,B009,B010,DUO102,TRY003,TRY101,W503 && \
echo "$(NOW): Finished running flake8, now applying pylint to package." &&\
pylint moptipyapps --disable=C0103,C0302,C0325,R0801,R0901,R0902,R0903,R0911,R0912,R0913,R0914,R0915,R1702,R1728,W0212,W0238,W0703 &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with pylint, now trying mypy." &&\
mypy moptipyapps --no-strict-optional --check-untyped-defs &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with mypy, now doing pyflakes." &&\
python3 -m pyflakes . &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with pyflakes, now applying bandit to find security issues." &&\
bandit -r moptipyapps -s B311 &&\
bandit -r examples -s B311 &&\
bandit -r tests -s B311,B101 &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with bandit, now using pyroma to check" &&\
pyroma . &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with pyroma, now applying semgrep." &&\
(semgrep --error --strict --use-git-ignore --skip-unknown-extensions --optimizations all --config=auto || semgrep --error --strict --use-git-ignore --skip-unknown-extensions --optimizations all --config=auto --verbose) &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with semgrep, now applying pydocstyle." &&\
pydocstyle --convention=pep257 &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with pydocstype, now applying tryceratops." &&\
tryceratops -i TRY003 -i TRY101 moptipyapps &&\
tryceratops -i TRY003 -i TRY101 examples &&\
tryceratops -i TRY003 -i TRY101 tests &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with tryceratops, now applying unimport." &&\
unimport moptipyapps &&\
unimport examples &&\
unimport tests &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with unimport, now applying vulture." &&\
vulture . --min-confidence 61 &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with vulture, now applying dodgy." &&\
dodgy &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with dodgy, now running pycodestyle." &&\
pycodestyle moptipyapps &&\
pycodestyle --ignore=E731,W503 examples &&\
pycodestyle tests &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with pycodestyle, now running ruff." &&\
ruff --target-version py310 --select A,ANN,B,C,C4,COM,D,DJ,DTZ,E,ERA,EXE,F,G,I,ICN,INP,ISC,N,NPY,PIE,PLC,PLE,PLR,PLW,PT,PYI,Q,RET,RSE,RUF,S,SIM,T,T10,T20,TID,TRY,UP,W,YTT --ignore=ANN001,ANN002,ANN003,ANN101,ANN204,ANN401,B008,B009,B010,C901,D203,D208,D212,D401,D407,D413,N801,PLR0911,PLR0912,PLR0913,PLR0915,PLR2004,PYI041,RUF100,TRY003,UP035 --line-length 79 moptipyapps &&\
ruff --target-version py310 --select A,ANN,B,C,C4,COM,D,DJ,DTZ,E,ERA,EXE,F,G,I,ICN,ISC,N,NPY,PIE,PLC,PLE,PLR,PLW,PT,PYI,Q,RET,RSE,RUF,S,SIM,T10,TID,TRY,UP,W,YTT --ignore=ANN001,ANN002,ANN003,ANN101,ANN204,ANN401,B008,B009,B010,C901,D203,D208,D212,D401,D407,D413,N801,PLR0911,PLR0912,PLR0913,PLR0915,PLR2004,PYI041,RUF100,TRY003,UP035 --line-length 79 examples &&\
ruff --target-version py310 --select A,ANN,B,C,C4,COM,D,DJ,DTZ,E,ERA,EXE,F,G,I,ICN,ISC,N,NPY,PIE,PLC,PLE,PLR,PLW,PYI,Q,RET,RSE,RUF,T,SIM,T10,T20,TID,TRY,UP,W,YTT --ignore=ANN001,ANN002,ANN003,ANN101,ANN204,ANN401,B008,B009,B010,C901,D203,D208,D212,D401,D407,D413,N801,PLR0911,PLR0912,PLR0913,PLR0915,PLR2004,PYI041,RUF100,TRY003,UP035 --line-length 79 tests &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with ruff, now running autoflake." &&\
autoflake -c -r moptipyapps &&\
autoflake -c -r tests &&\
autoflake -c -r examples &&\
echo "$(NOW): Now performing static analysis." &&\
python3 -m --package moptipyapps &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done: All static checks passed."

# We use sphinx to generate the documentation.
# This automatically checks the docstrings and such and such.
create_documentation: static_analysis test
echo "$(NOW): The original value of PATH is '${PATH}'." &&\
echo "$(NOW): PATH is now '${PATH}'." &&\
echo "$(NOW): First creating the .rst files from the source code." && \
sphinx-apidoc -M --ext-autodoc -o docs/source ./moptipyapps && \
echo "$(NOW): Now creating the documentation build folder and building the documentation." && \
sphinx-build -W -a -E -b html docs/source docs/build && \
echo "$(NOW): Done creating HTML documentation, cleaning up documentation temp files." && \
rm -rf docs/source/*.rst && \
rm -rf docs/source/*.md && \
echo "$(NOW): Now we pygmentize all the examples in 'examples' to 'build/examples'." &&\
mkdir -p docs/build/examples &&\
for f in examples/*.py; do \
if [ -z "$$f" ]; then \
echo "$(NOW): Empty module '$$f'?"; \
else \
echo "$(NOW): Now pygmentizing example '$$f'." &&\
{ pygmentize -f html -l python3 -O full -O style=default -o docs/build/"$${}.html" "$$f" || exit 1; };\
fi \
done &&\
echo "$(NOW): Finished pygmentizing all examples, now copying LICENSE and other files." &&\
pygmentize -f html -l text -O full -O style=default -o docs/build/LICENSE.html LICENSE &&\
pygmentize -f html -l text -O full -O style=default -o docs/build/requirements.html requirements.txt &&\
pygmentize -f html -l text -O full -O style=default -o docs/build/requirements-dev.html requirements-dev.txt &&\
pygmentize -f html -l make -O full -O style=default -o docs/build/Makefile.html Makefile &&\
echo "$(NOW): Finished copying LICENSE, now creating coverage report." &&\
mkdir -p docs/build/tc &&\
coverage html -d docs/build/tc --include="moptipyapps/*" &&\
echo "$(NOW): Now creating coverage badge." &&\
coverage-badge -o docs/build/tc/badge.svg &&\
if [[ -f docs/build/tc/badge.svg ]];then \
echo "$(NOW): docs/build/tc/badge.svg exists."; \
else \
echo "$(NOW): docs/build/tc/badge.svg does not exist!"; exit 1; \
fi &&\
echo "$(NOW): Deleting .gitignore file." &&\
rm -f docs/build/tc/.gitignore &&\
echo "$(NOW): Deleting useless _sources." &&\
rm -rf docs/build/_sources &&\
echo "$(NOW): Now rendering additional files." &&\
export PART_A='<!DOCTYPE html><html><title>' &&\
export PART_B='</title><link href=_static/bizstyle.css rel=stylesheet><body style="background-image:none"><div class=document><div class=documentwrapper><div class=bodywrapper><div class=body role=main><section>' &&\
export PART_C='</section></div></div></div></div></body></html>' &&\
export BASE_URL='https\:\/\/thomasweise\.github\.io\/moptipyapps\/' &&\
echo "$${PART_A}Contributing to moptipyapps$${PART_B}$(shell (python3 -m markdown -o html ./$$PART_C" > ./docs/build/CONTRIBUTING.html &&\
sed -i "s/\"$$BASE_URL/\".\//g" ./docs/build/CONTRIBUTING.html &&\
sed -i "s/=$$BASE_URL/=.\//g" ./docs/build/CONTRIBUTING.html &&\
echo "$${PART_A}Security Policy of moptipyapps$${PART_B}$(shell (python3 -m markdown -o html ./$$PART_C" > ./docs/build/SECURITY.html &&\
sed -i "s/\"$$BASE_URL/\".\//g" ./docs/build/SECURITY.html &&\
sed -i "s/=$$BASE_URL/=.\//g" ./docs/build/SECURITY.html &&\
echo "$(NOW): Now minifying all html files." &&\
cd "docs/build/" &&\
find -type f -name "*.html" -not -path "./tc/*" -exec python3 -c "print('{}');import minify_html;f=open('{}','r');;f.close();s=minify_html.minify(s,do_not_minify_doctype=True,ensure_spec_compliant_unquoted_attribute_values=True,keep_html_and_head_opening_tags=False,minify_css=True,minify_js=True,remove_bangs=True,remove_processing_instructions=True);f=open('{}','w');f.write(s);f.close()" \; &&\
cd "../../" &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done creating coverage data. Now creating .nojekyll files." &&\
cd "docs/build/" &&\
find -type d -exec touch "{}/.nojekyll" \;
cd "../../" &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done creating the documentation."
echo "$(NOW): Now building documentation." &&\
python3 -m --root . --package moptipyapps &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done building documentation."

# Create different distribution formats, also to check if there is any error.
create_distribution: static_analysis test create_documentation
echo "$(NOW): Now building source distribution file." &&\
python3 check &&\
python3 -m build &&\
echo "$(NOW): Done with the build process, now checking result." &&\
python3 -m twine check dist/* &&\
echo "$(NOW): Now testing the tar.gz." &&\
export tempDir=`mktemp -d` &&\
echo "$(NOW): Created temp directory '$$tempDir'. Creating virtual environment." &&\
python3 -m venv "$$tempDir" &&\
echo "$(NOW): Created virtual environment, now activating it." &&\
source "$$tempDir/bin/activate" &&\
echo "$(NOW): Now installing tar.gz." &&\
python3 -m pip --no-input --timeout 360 --retries 100 --require-virtualenv install "$(CWD)/dist/moptipyapps-$(VERSION).tar.gz" && ## nosem \
echo "$(NOW): Installing tar.gz has worked. We now create the list of packages in this environment via pip freeze." &&\
pip freeze > "$(CWD)/dist/moptipyapps-$(VERSION)-requirements_frozen.txt" &&\
echo "$(NOW): Now fixing moptipyapps line in requirements file." &&\
sed -i "s/^moptipyapps.*/moptipyapps==$(VERSION)/" "$(CWD)/dist/moptipyapps-$(VERSION)-requirements_frozen.txt" &&\
echo "$(NOW): Now we deactivate the environment." &&\
deactivate &&\
rm -rf "$$tempDir" &&\
echo "$(NOW): Now testing the wheel." &&\
export tempDir=`mktemp -d` &&\
echo "$(NOW): Created temp directory '$$tempDir'. Creating virtual environment." &&\
python3 -m venv "$$tempDir" &&\
echo "$(NOW): Created virtual environment, now activating it." &&\
source "$$tempDir/bin/activate" &&\
echo "$(NOW): Now installing wheel." &&\
python3 -m pip --no-input --timeout 360 --retries 100 --require-virtualenv install "$(CWD)/dist/moptipyapps-$(VERSION)-py3-none-any.whl" && ## nosem \
echo "$(NOW): Now we deactivate the environment." &&\
deactivate &&\
echo "$(NOW): Finished, cleaning up." &&\
rm -rf "$$tempDir" &&\
echo "$(NOW): Now also packaging the documentation." &&\
cd docs/build &&\
tar --dereference --exclude=".nojekyll" -c * | xz -v -9e -c > "$(CWD)/dist/moptipyapps-$(VERSION)-documentation.tar.xz" &&\
cd $(CWD) &&\
python3 -m --root . --package moptipyapps &&\
echo "$(NOW): Successfully finished building source distribution."

# We install the package and see if that works out.
Expand Down
15 changes: 6 additions & 9 deletions moptipyapps/binpacking2d/encodings/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -162,9 +162,8 @@ def __move_down(packing: np.ndarray, bin_start: int, i1: int) -> bool:
(packing[i0, IDX_LEFT_X] < packing_i1_right_x) and \
(packing[i0, IDX_BOTTOM_Y] < packing_i1_top_y):
# The object would horizontally intersect with the current object
diff: int = int(packing_i1_bottom_y - packing[i0, IDX_TOP_Y])
if diff < min_down: # we can move down only a shorter distance
min_down = diff # ok, a shorter distance was found
min_down = min(min_down, int(
packing_i1_bottom_y - packing[i0, IDX_TOP_Y]))
if min_down > 0: # Can we move down? If yes, update box.
packing[i1, IDX_BOTTOM_Y] = packing_i1_bottom_y - min_down
packing[i1, IDX_TOP_Y] = packing_i1_top_y - min_down
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,14 +238,12 @@ def __move_left(packing: np.ndarray, bin_start: int, i1: int) -> bool:
if packing[i0, IDX_TOP_Y] == packing_i1_bottom_y:
# only consider those the box *directly* below and move the
# right end of the new box to the left end of that box below
diff = int(packing_i1_right_x - packing[i0, IDX_LEFT_X])
if diff < min_left:
min_left = diff
min_left = min(min_left, int(
packing_i1_right_x - packing[i0, IDX_LEFT_X]))
elif (packing_i1_top_y > packing[i0, IDX_BOTTOM_Y]) \
and (packing_i1_bottom_y < packing[i0, IDX_TOP_Y]):
diff = int(packing_i1_left_x - packing[i0, IDX_RIGHT_X])
if diff < min_left:
min_left = diff
min_left = min(min_left, int(
packing_i1_left_x - packing[i0, IDX_RIGHT_X]))
if min_left > 0:
# move the box to the left
packing[i1, IDX_LEFT_X] = packing_i1_left_x - min_left
Expand Down
15 changes: 6 additions & 9 deletions moptipyapps/binpacking2d/encodings/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -193,9 +193,8 @@ def __move_down(packing: np.ndarray, bin_id: int,
(packing[i0, IDX_LEFT_X] < packing_i1_right_x) and \
(packing[i0, IDX_BOTTOM_Y] < packing_i1_top_y):
# The object would horizontally intersect with the current object
diff: int = int(packing_i1_bottom_y - packing[i0, IDX_TOP_Y])
if diff < min_down: # we can move down only a shorter distance
min_down = diff # ok, a shorter distance was found
min_down = min(min_down, int(
packing_i1_bottom_y - packing[i0, IDX_TOP_Y]))
if min_down > 0: # Can we move down? If yes, update box.
packing[i1, IDX_BOTTOM_Y] = packing_i1_bottom_y - min_down
packing[i1, IDX_TOP_Y] = packing_i1_top_y - min_down
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,14 +277,12 @@ def __move_left(packing: np.ndarray, bin_id: int,
if packing[i0, IDX_TOP_Y] == packing_i1_bottom_y:
# only consider those the box *directly* below and move the
# right end of the new box to the left end of that box below
diff = int(packing_i1_right_x - packing[i0, IDX_LEFT_X])
if diff < min_left:
min_left = diff
min_left = min(min_left, int(
packing_i1_right_x - packing[i0, IDX_LEFT_X]))
elif (packing_i1_top_y > packing[i0, IDX_BOTTOM_Y]) \
and (packing_i1_bottom_y < packing[i0, IDX_TOP_Y]):
diff = int(packing_i1_left_x - packing[i0, IDX_RIGHT_X])
if diff < min_left:
min_left = diff
min_left = min(min_left, int(
packing_i1_left_x - packing[i0, IDX_RIGHT_X]))
if min_left > 0:
# move the box to the left
packing[i1, IDX_LEFT_X] = packing_i1_left_x - min_left
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions moptipyapps/binpacking2d/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
from moptipy.utils.logger import CSV_SEPARATOR, KeyValueLogSection
from moptipy.utils.nputils import int_range_to_dtype
from moptipy.utils.strings import sanitize_name
from import Path, file_path
from import UTF8, Path, file_path
from pycommons.types import check_int_range, check_to_int_range, type_error

#: the instances resource name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -907,8 +907,8 @@ def from_resource(name: str) -> "Instance":
if hasattr(container, text_attr): # ok, we got the text already
text = cast(list[str], getattr(container, text_attr))
else: # the first time we load the text
with resources.open_text(package=str(__package__),
resource=INSTANCES_RESOURCE) as stream:
with resources.files(__package__).joinpath(
INSTANCES_RESOURCE).open("r", encoding=UTF8) as stream:
text = [line for line in (line_raw.strip() for line_raw
in stream.readlines())
if len(line) > 0]
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions moptipyapps/binpacking2d/objectives/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ def bin_count_and_empty(y: np.ndarray, temp: np.ndarray) -> int:
for i in range(n_items): # iterate over all packed items
bin_idx: int = int(y[i, IDX_BIN]) - 1 # get the bin index of the item
temp[bin_idx] += 1 # increase number of items
if bin_idx > total_bins: # it's a new biggest bin = new last bin?
total_bins = bin_idx # and we remember it
total_bins = max(total_bins, bin_idx)
return (n_items * total_bins) + temp[0:total_bins + 1].min()

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -138,8 +138,7 @@ def bin_count_and_last_skyline(y: np.ndarray, bin_width: int,
if cur_left < left < next_left:
next_left = left

if next_left < use_right:
use_right = next_left
use_right = min(use_right, next_left)
area_under_skyline += (use_right - cur_left) * use_top
cur_left = use_right
return ((bins - 1) * bin_size) + area_under_skyline
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,12 +122,11 @@ def bin_count_and_lowest_skyline(y: np.ndarray, bin_width: int,
if cur_left < left < next_left:
next_left = left

if next_left < use_right:
use_right = next_left
use_right = min(use_right, next_left)
area_under_skyline += (use_right - cur_left) * use_top
cur_left = use_right
if area_under_skyline <= min_area_under_skyline:
min_area_under_skyline = area_under_skyline
min_area_under_skyline = min(min_area_under_skyline,
return ((bins - 1) * bin_size) + min_area_under_skyline

Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions moptipyapps/binpacking2d/objectives/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,8 +88,7 @@ def bin_count_and_small(y: np.ndarray, bin_area: int,
bin_idx: int = int(y[i, IDX_BIN]) - 1 # get the bin index of the item
temp[bin_idx] += ((y[i, IDX_RIGHT_X] - y[i, IDX_LEFT_X])
* (y[i, IDX_TOP_Y] - y[i, IDX_BOTTOM_Y]))
if bin_idx > total_bins: # is it a new last bin?
total_bins = bin_idx # and we remember it
total_bins = max(total_bins, bin_idx)
return (bin_area * total_bins) + temp[0:total_bins + 1].min()

Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions moptipyapps/dynamic_control/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,8 +141,7 @@ def f(self, t: float, state: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
self.max_ok_t = t
else: # no: there was some error, either in state or controller
self.is_ok = False # then we are no longer OK
if t < self.min_error_t: # update the minimum error time
self.min_error_t = t
self.min_error_t = min(self.min_error_t, t)
if self.max_ok_t > t: # what? an earlier error?
self.max_ok_t = np.nextafter(t, -inf) # ok, reset ok time

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion moptipyapps/qap/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ def from_resource(name: str) -> "Instance":
if hasattr(container, inst_attr): # instance loaded?
return cast(Instance, getattr(container, inst_attr))

lb: int | None = _BOUNDS[name] if name in _BOUNDS else None
lb: int | None = _BOUNDS.get(name, None)
with open_resource_stream(f"{name}.dat") as stream:
inst: Final[Instance] = Instance.from_qaplib_stream(
stream, name=name, lower_bound=lb)
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions moptipyapps/qap/qaplib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,9 @@

from importlib import resources # nosem
from typing import TextIO
from typing import TextIO, cast

from import UTF8

def open_resource_stream(file_name: str) -> TextIO:
Expand All @@ -21,4 +23,5 @@ def open_resource_stream(file_name: str) -> TextIO:
:param file_name: the file name of the resource
:return: the stream
return resources.open_text(package=f"{__package__}", resource=file_name)
return cast(TextIO, resources.files(__package__).joinpath(
file_name).open("r", encoding=UTF8))

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