This project is a simple task manager implemented in Golang, designed to run on the command line interface (CLI). It allows users to manage their tasks efficiently through simple and intuitive commands.
- Add tasks with a description and due date.
- List all tasks.
- Mark tasks as completed.
- Remove tasks.
- View tasks based on their status (completed or pending).
- Command-line interface for easy interaction.
Clone the repository:
git clone
``` $ task
task is a CLI for managing your TODOs.
task [command]
Available Commands:
add Add a new task to your TODO list
do Mark a task on your TODO list as complete
list List all of your incomplete tasks
Use "task [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ task add review talk proposal
Added "review talk proposal" to your task list.
$ task add clean dishes
Added "clean dishes" to your task list.
$ task list
You have the following tasks:
1. review talk proposal
2. some task description
$ task do 1
You have completed the "review talk proposal" task.
$ task list
You have the following tasks:
1. some task description ```