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Brazilians Who Code

Brazilians Who Code is a Next.js-powered Twitter directory of accomplished Brazilians developers. It aims to help people find notable and relevant voices to follow on Twitter by parsing Twitter bios for popular keywords. This entire website is built based on the source code of Women Who Design, and we highly appreciate they opening their code :).

Forking this project

Brazilians Who Code is happy to support new directories highlighting underrepresented or marginalized groups by providing its source code. These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine to get started.


This project requires API keys from Twitter to populate the profile data.


Twitter is required.

Start by creating an app on the Twitter developer dashboard. Select the "Read only" access option.

If you haven't already, clone the repo and open it in your code editor.

Create a .env file in the project's outermost folder and place the following in it:


Replace the WWD_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY and WWD_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET values with the consumer key and secret from the "Keys and tokens" page of your app's developer dashboard. You don't need to put quotes around the value.

Generate a bearer token (WWD_TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN) by running this command in your terminal, replacing the variables with your consumer key and secret information.

    --data 'grant_type=client_credentials' \

Copy the bearer token and place the value in the .env file.

Generating directory profiles

The directory's profiles are generated from the list of users that the Brazilians Who Code Twitter account follows.

To provide your own user list, replace the value of the variable TWITTER_ACCOUNT_ID in the pages/index.jsx file with the Twitter ID of your chosen Twitter account. To get the Twitter ID of your account, provide your handle to a service like Tweeter ID.

Make sure that the account provided is following at least one account and that Twitter ID in pages/index.jsx is in quotes.

Managing non-personal Twitter accounts

If you want to be able to follow non-personal profiles on your Twitter account (like NGOs, tech communities, etc), and yet not to display them on the website, you can include the Twitter ids of those profiles in the file utilities/non-personal-profiles.js. They will then be skipped from the API calls to Twitter and won't be shown on any page.

Install dependencies

If you're new to development, start by installing Homebrew, a macOS package manager. Paste the following command in your terminal.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

When Homebrew installed, use it to install Yarn, a JS dependency manager.

brew install yarn

After Yarn is installed, use it to install the dependencies.


Run the project locally

Making sure you're in the correct project folder, start the local development server.

yarn run dev

In your browser, open localhost:3000.