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How connect Ansible using GCP IAP

Example of how to use GCP IAP to connect to a VM using Ansible.


Ansible is a great tool to automate tasks on VMs. By default, Ansible uses SSH to connect to the VMs and execute the tasks. When VMs are isolated in a private network, like in a GCP Virtual Private Cloud network, it is not possible to connect to the VMs using SSH directly, and the connection must be routed through a VPN or a bastion host.

Alternatively, it is possible to use GCP Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) to connect to the VMs. There's no official support for Ansible to use IAP, but this project aims to provide an example with a specific Ansible Connection Plugin to connect to the VMs using IAP.

How it works

The Ansible Connection Plugin is a Python script that Ansible executes to connect to the VMs. The script invokes the gcloud compute [ssh|scp] commands to connect to the VMs using IAP. In practice, the script will transparently replace the SSH connection.

Connection to the VM via GCP IAP

Task example:

- name: "[block] using 'gcp_ssh' connection plugin"
  connection: gcp_ssh
    - name: "Retrieve hostname"
      changed_when: false
        cmd: hostname
      register: hostname_output

    - name: "Debug hostname"
        var: hostname_output.stdout

How to use


  • Ansible CLI
  • Google Cloud CLI
  • Ansible Collections
    ansible-galaxy collection install
  • Google Cloud API access (described below)
    • Service Account with the correct permissions
  • Enable the Ansible gcp_ssh connection plugin (described below)

1. On Google Cloud Platform, create the Service Account

Create an IAM role with the following permissions:

  1. Go to IAM & Admin > Roles > Create Role
    • Title: ansible_iap_access
    • Description: Ansible IAP Access
    • Role launch stage: Alpha
    • Assigned permissions:
      • iap.tunnelInstances.accessViaIAP
  2. Click on Create

Create a Service Account with the following roles:

  1. Go to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts > Create Service Account
    • Service account name: ansible-iap-access
    • Service account description: Ansible IAP Access
    • Click on Done
  2. Bind the Roles to the Service Account (here called Principal)
  3. Go to IAM & Admin > IAM
  4. Click on Grant Access and fill the form:
    • Principal: the Service Account created on the previous step. Example: ansible-iap-access@<MY_PROJECT>
    • Add the following roles:
      • Compute Instance Admin (v1)
      • Compute Viewer
      • ansible_iap_access (created on the previous step)
      • IAP-secured Tunnel User
  5. Click on Save
  6. Download the Service Account JSON file:
  7. Open the new Service Account and go to the Keys tab
  8. Click on Add Key > Create new key
    • Key type: JSON
    • Click on Create
  9. Download the JSON file and save it on your computer. You will need it on the next steps.

2. Setup an Ansible project

  1. Create the ansible.cfg file with the following content:
    connection_plugins = ./plugins/connection
    pipelining = True
  2. Copy the gcp_ssh connection plugin to the plugins/connection folder
  3. Create the inventory.gcp.yml (it must end with .gcp.yml) with the following content:
      - <MY_PROJECT> # <-- change this
      # Learn more about the filters, check the inventory plugin documentation:
      # and Google's documentation:
      - status = RUNNING
    auth_kind: serviceaccount
    - ''
    - ''
      - prefix: aap
        key: application
      - name
      gcp_zone: zone
      gcp_region: networkInterfaces[0].subnetwork.region
      gcp_compute_ssh_flags: "--tunnel-through-iap --no-user-output-enabled --quiet"
      gcp_compute_scp_flags: "--tunnel-through-iap --quiet"
  4. Create the playbook.yml with the following content:
    - hosts: <MY_INSTANCES_GROUP>
      gather_facts: false
      connection: gcp_ssh
        - name: "Retrieve hostname"
          changed_when: false
            cmd: hostname
          register: hostname_output
        - name: "Debug hostname"
            var: hostname_output.stdout

3. Test it

  1. gcloud authentication:
    # Interactive authentication
    gcloud auth login
    # OR using previously downloaded JSON file
    gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=<PATH_TO_JSON_FILE>
  2. List the instances:
    ansible-inventory -i inventory.gcp.yml --graph
  3. Run the playbook:
    ansible-playbook -i inventory.gcp.yml playbook.yml