Backend service for distributed notifications using MQTT over websockets or TCP streams.
- User sends a message in a group chat,
- Community checks business logic and rules, then calls Dino Server REST API to save and broadcast a new message,
- Dino Server saves the message in Cassandra,
- Dino Server sends a broadcast request (containing a list of all user IDs that are in the group) to a Redis Stream,
- One of the Dino Clients that is subscribing to the stream group will received the broadcast request (all nodes are in the same consumer group and are thus load-balanced),
- The Dino Client sends one copy of the message to each user's MQTT topic (every user has their own topic),
- MQTT pushes the new message to each user in the group.
First connect to MQTT and subscribe to your User ID topic:
let settings = {
clientId: '1234',
username: '1234',
clean: false,
qos: 1
let client = mqtt.connect('mqtt://host:port/mqtt', settings);
client.on('connect', function () {
client.subscribe('1234', {qos: 1}, function (err) {
if (err) {
client.on('message', function (topic, message) {
Event when a group you're part of has been created or updated:
"event_type": "group",
"group_id": "9d78163c-1144-485a-92c6-6015afc6cd40",
"name": "a name",
"created_at": 1597877421.453804,
"updated_at": 1597877421.453804,
"last_message_time": 1597877421.453804,
"group_type": 0,
"owner_id": 1234,
"user_ids": [1234]
Event when a new message is sent to a group you're part of:
"event_type": "message",
"group_id": "6cbb3265-2a7f-494d-92ad-f4503d55d49f",
"sender_id": 1234,
"message_id": "c87efd18-8879-4c24-8b26-ccb7f40a0fe5",
"message_payload": "test message from rest api",
"message_type": "text",
"created_at": 1597877384.794828