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GitHub Dashboard

2025-03-13 12:11:25 UTC

Repo Stars Subscribers Issues Forks Status Commit
theislab/single-cell-best-practices 856 18 73 205 dcd3a0
theislab/scvelo 430 12 63 105 22b6e7
theislab/scvelo 430 12 63 105 f89590
theislab/cellrank 372 8 19 48 75c6c9
theislab/cellrank 372 8 19 48 b5e993
theislab/scib 337 12 41 66 023c4e
theislab/single-cell-transformer-papers 303 13 40 37 687ba3
theislab/ehrapy 280 4 46 23 4c4db5
theislab/ehrapy 280 4 46 23 e99212
theislab/zellkonverter 161 4 14 28 61ef0d
theislab/moscot 141 4 41 9 46e8f6
theislab/moscot 141 4 41 9 6512a7
theislab/sfaira 136 7 167 11 55bcbb
theislab/anndata2ri 131 6 13 18 111755
theislab/scib-pipeline 68 5 16 29 e97631
theislab/graphcompass 35 2 1 1 7c4551
theislab/regvelo 35 2 0 1 619e02
theislab/regvelo 35 2 0 1 a98518
theislab/spapros 33 2 13 7 1ec08e
theislab/spapros 33 2 13 7 2f6c1a
theislab/mubind 28 3 29 0 3f62f8
theislab/multimil 23 4 8 3 c721ba
theislab/geome 16 3 3 4 402a0a
theislab/vevo_Tahoe_100m_analysis 14 0 2 2 95810f
theislab/scanpydoc 12 5 2 6 b38a73
theislab/cellrank2_reproducibility 9 1 2 2 8020e7
theislab/moscot_notebooks 8 1 7 4 24cebb
theislab/ehrapy-datasets 7 1 0 2 e441a5
theislab/spapros-pipeline 7 1 0 0 fe84cf
theislab/ehrdata 5 2 21 1 140a8d
theislab/regvelo_reproducibility 4 0 0 0 56512e
theislab/gh-dashboard 3 2 0 0 91682b
theislab/devVI 0 0 0 0 2b38be
theislab/idtrack 0 1 6 0 ec9e9f

Repos without Github Actions

Repo Stars Subscribers Issues Forks
theislab/single-cell-tutorial 1453 30 21 471
theislab/scarches 356 11 57 53
theislab/scgen 284 8 28 57
theislab/dca 254 10 32 70
theislab/paga 213 9 24 33
theislab/diffxpy 196 6 108 23
theislab/kBET 161 7 10 23
theislab/scCODA 158 8 6 24
theislab/sc-pert 150 4 6 14
theislab/chemCPA 111 3 7 25
theislab/ncem 107 5 30 13
theislab/cpa 96 4 21 16
theislab/nicheformer 83 5 17 6
theislab/destiny 82 4 31 11
theislab/AutoGeneS 59 5 6 8
theislab/scib-reproducibility 59 5 4 16
theislab/scTab 57 4 3 9
theislab/trVAE 56 5 3 12
theislab/spatial_scog_workshop_2022 53 8 0 26
theislab/pseudodynamics 40 6 0 6
theislab/DRVI 38 1 4 3
theislab/tcellmatch 38 8 3 7
theislab/scvelo_notebooks 34 1 5 13
theislab/scArches-reproducibility 33 3 5 0
theislab/deepflow 31 4 1 14
theislab/DeepRT 30 1 11 10
theislab/neural_organoid_atlas 29 6 3 4
theislab/prophet 29 3 1 2
theislab/batchglm 27 2 47 10
theislab/graph_abstraction 26 7 0 10
theislab/Covid_meta_analysis 24 7 2 11
theislab/hadge 24 3 15 7
theislab/scgen-reproducibility 24 3 7 9
theislab/interactive_plotting 21 3 11 7
theislab/multigrate 20 1 6 6
theislab/campa 15 3 6 5
theislab/cellrank_reproducibility 14 2 1 8
theislab/DeepCollisionalCrossSection 14 4 1 6
theislab/greatpy 14 3 4 0
theislab/inVAE 14 3 0 2
theislab/multicpa 14 2 1 2
theislab/scanpy-in-R 14 2 1 0
theislab/scPoli_reproduce 14 3 2 4
theislab/ncem_tutorials 13 3 6 0
theislab/GWAS-scRNAseq-Integration 12 4 0 12
theislab/IMPA 12 2 0 1
theislab/moscot-framework_reproducibility 12 2 1 4
theislab/moslin 12 1 0 1
theislab/ssl_in_scg 12 1 1 2
theislab/cross_system_integration 11 2 11 2
theislab/MetaMap 11 6 0 8
theislab/cpa-reproducibility 10 2 1 2
theislab/diffxpy_tutorials 10 7 4 2
theislab/expiMap_reproducibility 10 4 3 4
theislab/gastrulation_analysis 10 3 0 1
theislab/scAnalysisTutorial 10 2 0 3
theislab/superexacttestpy 10 2 3 0
theislab/ehrapy-tutorials 9 2 1 2
theislab/enrichment_analysis_celltype 9 4 0 4
theislab/PathReg 9 3 0 0
theislab/scatac_poisson_reproducibility 9 2 0 0
theislab/trvaep 9 2 0 6
theislab/2018_Angelidis 8 3 0 6
theislab/2020_Mayr 8 5 0 8
theislab/jump-cpg0016-segmentation 8 1 0 0
theislab/mouse_cross-condition_pancreatic_islet_atlas 8 2 0 4
theislab/ncem_benchmarks 8 3 4 2
theislab/sc-best-practices-ce 8 7 2 3
theislab/scachepy 8 4 3 1
theislab/scCODA_reproducibility 8 4 0 1
theislab/squidpy_reproducibility 8 1 0 7
theislab/tissue_tensorflow 8 3 0 0
theislab/2019_Strunz 7 4 1 11
theislab/CFGen 7 1 1 4
theislab/pancreatic-endocrinogenesis 7 2 0 7
theislab/CellFlow 6 0 49 2
theislab/cellrank_notebooks 6 3 1 5
theislab/disent 6 2 0 0
theislab/intercode 6 2 1 1
theislab/multimil_reproducibility 6 3 4 1
theislab/sfaira_tutorials 6 3 4 2
theislab/ 6 1 9 0
theislab/trVAE_reproducibility 6 2 2 7
theislab/atlas-feature-selection-benchmark 5 2 0 0
theislab/flowVI 5 3 0 0
theislab/InterpretableAutoencoders 5 3 0 0
theislab/kbranches 5 6 0 0
theislab/scanpy-demo-czbiohub 5 4 0 5
theislab/singlecell_proteomics 5 4 6 3
theislab/spatial_atlas_ssl 5 2 0 0
theislab/2022_Tritschler_pancreas_cross_species 4 3 0 1
theislab/archmap 4 2 3 0
theislab/covid-perturbation 4 2 0 0
theislab/feature-attribution-sc 4 2 8 1
theislab/LODE 4 1 9 0
theislab/moscot_benchmarks 4 2 1 1
theislab/perturbation-metrics 4 2 1 0
theislab/sc_mae 4 1 0 0
theislab/task-dge-perturbation-prediction-analysis 4 2 1 1
theislab/cellrank_reproducibility_preprint 3 1 0 0
theislab/DRVI_reproducibility 3 3 0 1
theislab/ehrapy-reproducibility 3 1 1 0
theislab/extended-single-cell-best-practices-container 3 3 2 1
theislab/masterpraktikum_ssl_segmentation 3 3 0 2
theislab/moscot_not 3 2 8 1
theislab/multigrate_reproducibility 3 1 0 0
theislab/multires-consensus-clustering 3 3 9 0
theislab/nbconvertR 3 2 1 2
theislab/pertpy-reproducibility 3 2 0 1
theislab/scPoli_legacy 3 5 0 0
theislab/sc_analysis_template 3 2 0 0
theislab/svaeligr 3 3 0 0
theislab/txsim 3 2 40 1
theislab/2020_iPS_Lung_Differentiation 2 4 0 2
theislab/2021_Aliluev_Tritschler_gut_HFD 2 3 0 1
theislab/bartseq-pipeline 2 3 0 3
theislab/campa_ana 2 3 0 0
theislab/covid_macrophages_integration 2 4 0 5
theislab/epicardiods_analysis 2 2 1 0
theislab/flexible_priors 2 1 0 0
theislab/gut_lineage 2 2 0 3
theislab/HPA_reproducibility 2 2 0 1
theislab/HRCA-reproducibility 2 4 0 1
theislab/interaction-tools 2 3 0 0
theislab/LineagePulse 2 4 0 0
theislab/LungInjuryRegeneration 2 7 0 0
theislab/scanpy_squidpy_demo_2021 2 3 0 1
theislab/tissue 2 3 0 0
theislab/2021_PRMT7_regulates_Monocyte_Extravasation 1 3 0 2
theislab/archmap_data 1 0 2 0
theislab/astrocytes_reprogramming_analysis 1 4 0 0
theislab/augurpy 1 1 10 0
theislab/autoencoderPS 1 2 0 2
theislab/bartSeq 1 4 1 5
theislab/bindome 1 3 5 1
theislab/countae 1 3 0 0
theislab/ehrapy-cli 1 2 0 0
theislab/ehrapy-site 1 2 0 0
theislab/ifcseq 1 2 0 1
theislab/MS_mv_modelling 1 2 0 1
theislab/spapros_reproducibility 1 1 0 1
theislab/spatialdata-db 1 1 27 0
theislab/tardis 1 1 1 2
theislab/tissue_reproducibility 1 3 0 0
theislab/transcription_factor_activity 1 1 5 1
theislab/unbalanced_monge_maps_single_cell 1 1 0 0
theislab/zebrafish_bipolarity 1 3 0 1
theislab/2015-grn-inference 0 2 0 0
theislab/2020_Inhibition_LTbetaR-signalling 0 3 0 3
theislab/2022_Bakhti_pancreas_Syt13 0 2 0 0
theislab/archmap_admin 0 2 0 0
theislab/archmap_doc 0 3 0 0
theislab/collideseq_reproducibility 0 2 0 0
theislab/consensus-clustering-evaluation 0 3 0 0
theislab/dali 0 6 0 1
theislab/deconvATAC 0 1 1 0
theislab/edgepy 0 3 0 0
theislab/ELS_analysis 0 2 0 0
theislab/GoBI_single_cell 0 2 0 0
theislab/hadge-reproducibility 0 2 0 0
theislab/icml_cbw_2022_clcvae 0 3 0 0
theislab/integraph 0 2 4 0
theislab/inVAE_reproducibility 0 2 0 0
theislab/ipsc_ipd_analysis 0 2 0 0
theislab/LungAgingAtlas 0 4 0 0
theislab/mapqc 0 0 1 0
theislab/MetaMap-web 0 3 2 0
theislab/mubind-benchmark 0 2 19 0
theislab/multicpa-reproducibility 0 2 0 0
theislab/organoid_dexamethasone_stimulation 0 2 0 1
theislab/pancreas-targeted_pharmacology 0 5 1 2
theislab/pdac_analysis 0 2 0 0
theislab/prophet-reproducibility 0 3 0 0
theislab/reproducability_AutoGeneS 0 2 0 0
theislab/reproducibility_AutoGeneS 0 2 0 0
theislab/ 0 6 1 0
theislab/scanpy_neighbors 0 2 0 1
theislab/scarches_notebooks 0 2 0 0
theislab/scProtVelo 0 1 0 0
theislab/sc_ketamine_analysis 0 3 0 0
theislab/sfaira-portal 0 3 2 0
theislab/sfaira-site 0 3 0 0
theislab/sfaira_benchmarks 0 2 0 0
theislab/sfaira_extension 0 2 1 0
theislab/spapros-smk 0 2 0 1
theislab/spatialdata-db-submission 0 2 0 0


A dashboard of everything in the theislab GitHub repository






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