proxies all requests but sends a WOL in the middle
ya most reverse proxies probably have wol tools. i use traefik in my k8s cluster and the wol plugin for traefik gave me cancer.
this tool replaces that and easily integrates using a traefik ingress handler.
image: thearyadev0/wol-proxy:latest # or version tag
network_mode: host # required for WOL. NOTE: service runs on port 8000
PROXY_URL: "" # proxy target
WOL_INT: ens18 # host interface to send wol
WOL_MAC: B4:2E:99:4D:5C:B4 # target machine mac
GET_CACHE: "False" # Optional: GET requests will be cached
GET_CACHE_INVALIDATE_SECONDS: "1800" # Optional: Time to invalidate get cache in seconds
TIMEOUT: "30" # Optional: default is 30. Time in seconds to wait for a request to resolve (computer may be turning on)
all requests sent to :8000 will be forwarded to