Implementing GraphQueries in Haskell using Reachability Queries. The Graph Queries are implemeted on top of Daison (DAta lISt comprehensiON). In this project we evaluate the following three algorithms,
- Implementing Reachability Queries for Acyclic Statig graphs using AILabel (Augmented Interval Labelling) Approach (
- Implementing Reachability Queries for Acyclic Dynamic graphs using D-AILabel (Dynamic Augmented Interval Labelling) approach.
- Implementing Reachability Queries for Acyclic Dynamic graphs using D-AILabel with smart relabelling technique (
- Haskell source code.MainProject.hs/
- Starts the programAILabel.hs/
- Implementation of AILabel AlgorithmDAILabel.hs/
- Implementation of D-AILabel algorithmDAILabelModified.hs/
- Implementation of D-AILabel with smart relabelling technique.
- reports
stack build --exec main-exe