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🌀 AutoCheck Tests by Testomatio

GitHub Action with Static Analysis for your JavaScript tests.

This action shows changed tests on each pull request with a complete list of all tests in this project. You can create test document in wiki of the project.

Use this checker as


  • Analyzes JavaScript test files in Pull Request
  • Uses AST parser to analyze tests
  • Detects added, removed, skipped tests
  • Fails when finds .only exclusive tests
  • Adds labels for PR with or witout tests
  • Shows expressive report for each PR
  • TypeScript supported

GitHub Action

Sample Report

🌀 Tests overview by Testomatio

Found 7 codeceptjs tests in 1 files

✔️ Added 1 test

+ @first Create Todos @step:06 @smoke @story:12345: Another test

⚠️ Skipped 1 test

- @first Create Todos @step:06 @smoke @story:12345: Create multiple todo items
📑 List all tests

📎 @first Create Todos @step:06 @smoke @story:12345

📝 todomvc-tests/create-todos_test.js



Once this action is enabled, bot will create a comment for each Pull Request with a list of all changed tests.

This information is useful to:

  • track addition and removal of tests
  • protect from skipping tests
  • protect from using .only exclusive tests
  • automatically mark PR with has tests or no tests labels
  • review tests on GitHub


Check that your project uses one of the following testing frameworks (this list will be extended).

Supported testing frameworks

  • mocha
  • codeceptjs
  • jest
  • protractor
  • jasmine
  • testcafe

Add this action to your workflow file .github/workflow/main.yml and configure.

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Check Tests
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0
      - uses: testomatio/check-tests@stable
          framework: # REQUIRED - testing framework
          tests: # REQUIRED - glob pattern to match test files
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

It is important to enable actions/checkout@v2 step with fetch-depth: 0 to allow testomatio to compare tests in pull requests with tests in base.

Inputs (Configuration)

  • framework - (required) Test framework to be used. Supported: mocha, codeceptjs'
  • tests - (required) Glob pattern to match tests in a project, example: tests/**_test.js'
  • token - (should be: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}) GitHub token to post comment with summary to current pull request
  • typescript - enable TypeScript support
  • has-tests-label - add a label when PR contains new tests. Set true or a label name to enable.
  • no-tests-label - add a label when PR contains no new tests. Set true or a label name to enable.
  • comment-on-empty - post a comment to PR when no tests added. Can be either boolean (for neutral message) or a custom message within a comment (markdown supported)
  • close-on-empty - close PR when no tests added. Use with comment-on-empty to clarify this action
  • comment-on-skipped - add custom message when new tests are skipped (markdown supported).
  • close-on-skipped - close PR when introduced skipped tests. Use with comment-on-skipped to clarify this action
  • enable-documentation - If set to true, test document will be created in wiki.
  • wiki-doc-name - Name of the wiki document. By default it will use Test Document
  • documentation-branch - Branch to create document on push. Uses default branch if this field is empty
  • github-pat - Github Private access token to create document in wiki.


For creating test document

This example uses jest as example. Tests are located in tests/ directory. You can generate GH_PAT here and add the generated token in secrets of your repo.

If documentation branch is not provided, it will consider default branch of the repo.

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      fetch-depth: 0
  - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
      node-version: '12'
  - run: npm install
  - uses: testomatio/check-tests@stable
      framework: jest
      tests: 'tests/*.spec.js'
      token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      github-pat: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}
      enable-documentation: true
      wiki-doc-name: 'Test-Document'
      documentation-branch: 'doc-branch'


Jest tests located in tests/ directory:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      fetch-depth: 0
  - uses: testomatio/check-tests@stable
      framework: jest
      tests: tests/**.spec.js
      token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      comment-on-empty: true
      has-tests-label: true
  • list all tests even no tests were added
  • add label if tests were added tests located in cypress/integration directory:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      fetch-depth: 0
  - uses: testomatio/check-tests@stable
      tests: cypress/integration/**.js
      token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      comment-on-empty: true
      has-tests-label: true
  • list all tests even no tests were added
  • add label if tests were added


CodeceptJS tests located in tests directory:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      fetch-depth: 0
  - uses: testomatio/check-tests@stable
      framework: codeceptjs
      tests: tests/**_test.js
      token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      comment-on-empty: true
      has-tests-label: true
  • list all tests even no tests were added
  • add label if tests were added


Protractor tests located in spec directory:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      fetch-depth: 0
  - uses: testomatio/check-tests@stable
      framework: protractor
      tests: spec/**.spec.js
      token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      comment-on-empty: true
      has-tests-label: true
  • list all tests even no tests were added
  • add label if tests were added

Protractor with TypeScript

Protractor tests located in spec directory:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      fetch-depth: 0
  - uses: testomatio/check-tests@stable
      framework: protractor
      tests: spec/**.spec.ts
      token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      typescript: true


Mocha tests located in tests/ directory:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      fetch-depth: 0
  - uses: testomatio/check-tests@stable
      framework: mocha
      tests: tests/**_test.js
      token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      no-tests-label: Tests Needed


Testcafe tests located in tests/ directory:

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      fetch-depth: 0
  - uses: testomatio/check-tests@stable
      framework: testcafe
      tests: tests/**/*.js
      token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      no-tests-label: Tests Needed


TESTOMATIO={apiKey} npx check-tests newman "your_collection_name.json"


TESTOMATIO={apiKey} npx check-tests newman "folder_with_collections/*.json"

Close PRs without tests

When PR doesn't contain tests - close it and write a message

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      fetch-depth: 0
  - uses: testomatio/check-tests@stable
      framework: protractor
      tests: spec/**_spec.js
      token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      comment-on-empty: '## PRs without tests not allowed'
      close-on-empty: true

Notify on skipped tests

When PR contains skipped tests - close it and write a message

  - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      fetch-depth: 0
  - uses: testomatio/check-tests@stable
      framework: protractor
      tests: spec/**_spec.js
      token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      comment-on-skipped: "## Don't mark tests as skipped!"
      close-on-skipped: true


Use this checker as CLI tool with any Continuous Integration service.

Run check-tests via npx:

npx check-tests <framework> "<tests>" --no-skipped


To change host of endpoint for receiving data, and set it to other than use TESTOMATIO_URL environment variable:


This checker will fail a build if exclusive tests (with .only or fit or fdescribe found)


  • test framework
  • glob pattern to match tests in a project, example: tests/**_test.js'. It is important to include glob pattern in double quotes " so wildcard could be used correctly.

CLI Options:

  • --no-skipped - fail when skipped tests found
  • --typescript - enable typescript support
  • -g, --generate-file <fileName> - Export test details to document
  • -u, --url <url>, Github URL to get file link (URL/tree/master)


Check tests for CodeceptJS

npx check-tests codeceptjs "tests/**_test.js"

Check tests for Protractor

npx check-tests protractor "spec/**.spec.js"

Check tests for Protractor with TypeScript

npx check-tests protractor "spec/**.spec.ts" --typescript

Check tests for

npx check-tests cypress "cypress/integration/**.js"

Check tests for Testcafe

npx check-tests testcafe "tests/**.js"

Sample Output

List CodeceptJS tests

When found .only test:

✗ npx check-tests mocha "test/**/**_test.js"

[[ Tests checker by ]]
Error: Exclusive tests detected. `.only` call found in test/checkout/important_test.js:290
Remove `.only` to restore test checks

Using in Testomatio

This library is used by Testomatio to import tests.

Importing Into Project

Use TESTOMATIO environment variable with a valid API key to import data into a project. API key can be obtained on project settings page or on "Import From Source" page.

For example:

TESTOMATIO=11111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js"

Test code

By default, check-test sends the code of the test hooks to the "client": before, beforeEach and after. In the "Codes" section you can see all the additional "context" of the test (

To exclude hook code from a client test, use the --no-hooks option

TESTOMATIO=11111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js" --no-hooks

Additional line number to the test code

To include line number code from a client test, use --line-numbers option. (By default Code section exclude "line number")

TESTOMATIO=11111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js" --line-numbers

Import Parametrized Tests

It is possible to import parametrized tests if they use template literals with variables in thier names:

['one', 'two', 'three'].forEach(() => {
  it(`this is test number ${parameter}`);

This test will be imported with its original name including a placeholder:

this is test number ${parameter}

When executed test will be reported with 3 results matched to the same test and param values will be added to the report.

Disable Detached Tests

If a test from a previous import was not found on next import it is marked as "detached". This is done to ensure that deleted tests are not staying in Testomatio while deleted in codebase.

To disable this behavior and don't mark anything on detached on import use --no-detached option

TESTOMATIO=11111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js" --no-detached

This option could also be set via environment variable TESTOMATIO_NO_DETACHED=1. If you don't want to pass it each time, create .env file in the root dir of your project with this variable set.

Synchronous Import

By default check-tests doesn't wait for all tests to be processed. It sends request to Testomatio and exits. To wait for processing to finish use --sync option.

TESTOMATIO=11111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js" --sync

Please note, that this will take a long time on a large codebase.

Auto-assign Test IDs in Source Code

To disable guess matching for tests it is recommend to use Testomatio IDs to map a test in source code to a test in Testomatio. Testomatio IDs can be put automatically into the test names into source code when --update-ids option is used:

TESTOMATIO=11111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js" --update-ids

Tests imported with --update-ids will be processed in synchronouse mode, so the script will finish after all tests are processed.

Keep Test IDs Between Projects

To import tests with Test IDs set in source code into another project use --create option. In this case, a new project will be populated with the same Test IDs.

TESTOMATIO=11111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js" --create

Without --create import will fail with a message that ID was not found.

Clean Test IDs

If you want to import the synced project as new project, you have to clean the test ids. To clean up test ids without connecting to Testomatio project use --purge option:

npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js" --purge

This method may be unsafe, as it cleans all @S* and @T* tags from tests and suites. So if you have a tag like @Test1234 this may also be removed. If you use this option make sure if all the test titles a proper before committing the tests in GIT.

Note: --purge is an alias of --unsafe-clean-ids option.

To clean only test ids set from a specific project use --clean-ids option instead:

TESTOMATIO=11111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js" --clean-ids

TESTOMATIO is API key of a project with existing test ids.

Import Into a Branch

Tests can be imported into a specific branch if TESTOMATIO_BRANCH parameter is used. Branch is matched by its id. If branch was not found, it will be created.

TESTOMATIO_BRANCH=dev TESTOMATIO=1111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js"

Keep Structure of Source Code

When tests in source code have IDs assigned and those tests are imported, uses current structure in a project to put the tests in. If folders in source code doesn't match folders in project, existing structure in source code will be ignored. To force using the structure from the source code, use --keep-structure flag on import:

TESTOMATIO=1111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js" --keep-structure

Delete Empty Suites

If tests were marked with IDs and imported to already created suites in newly imported suites may become empty. Use --no-empty option to clean them up after import.

TESTOMATIO=1111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js" --no-empty

This prevents usage --keep-structure option.

Import Into a Specific Suite

To put all imported tests into a specific suite (folder) pass in TESTOMATIO_PREPEND_DIR environment variable:

TESTOMATIO_PREPEND_DIR="MyTESTS" TESTOMATIO=1111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js"

This will use "MyTests" folder in a root of a project or create it if it doesn't exist.

It is also possible to specify a suite by its SID:

TESTOMATIO_SUITE="1111111" TESTOMATIO=1111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js"

or use SID with prefix:

TESTOMATIO_SUITE="S1111111" TESTOMATIO=1111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js"
TESTOMATIO_SUITE="@S1111111" TESTOMATIO=1111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js"


For TypeScript projects @babel/core and @babel/plugin-transform-typescript packages are used. GitHub Action already contains those modules, while CLI version of this tool tries to automatically install them on first run.

If you face issues parsing TypeScript file menitioning @babel/core or @babel/plugin-transform-typescript try to install them manually:

npm i @babel/core @babel/plugin-transform-typescript --save-dev

Now tests TypeScript can be imported with --typescript option:

TESTOMATIO=11111111 npx check-tests CodeceptJS "**/*{.,_}{test,spec}.js" --typescript

Programmatic API

Import Analyzer from module:

const { Analyzer } = require('check-tests');

const framework = 'jest';
const pathToTests = './tests';
const pattern = '**/*[._-]{test,spec}.{ts,js}';

const analyzer = new Analyzer(framework, pathToTests);

// to enable typescript...

// to enable babel plugins

// to enable babel presets


// stats on processed files
const stats = analyzer.stats;

// full info on parsed tests
const data = analyzer.rawTests;


Run import with DEBUG="testomatio:*" environment variable to get additional logs which may help understanding the cause of an issue. Usually it may happen because of a specific file that couldn't be parsed:

DEBUG="testomatio:*" npx check-tests@latest ....

API Definition

API Endpoint to import test data into

Import API Reference


  • Can't analyze included tests from external files
  • Can't analyze dynamically created tests

License MIT

Part of